diff --git a/.github/workflows/docs.yml b/.github/workflows/docs.yml
index 27f72826..fdc3bb70 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/docs.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/docs.yml
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- python-version: '3.10.6'
+ python-version: '3.12'
cache: 'pip'
- name: Install Python dependencies
- run: pip install mkdocs-material github3.py
+ run: pip install mkdocs-material github3.py markdown-include
- name: Checkout gh-pages
# Run only if push is to `main`, or if it's a PR not from a fork.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 78fdda97..39def363 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ reframe.log
@@ -24,7 +25,9 @@ outdated/
#ignore virtual environment
# docs
+#emacs backups
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 39212b65..f3440e4a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ _**Note**: at the moment the ExCALIBUR benchmarks are a work-in-progress._
- [Contributing](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/contributing/)
- [Supported benchmarks](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/apps/)
- [Supported systems](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/systems/)
-- [ARCHER2 tutorial](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/tutorial/tutorial/)
+- [ReFrame tutorial](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/tutorial/durham_reframe_tutorial/)
+- [ARCHER2 tutorial](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/tutorial/archer2_tutorial/)
## Acknowledgements
diff --git a/benchmarks/examples/stream/stream.py b/benchmarks/examples/stream/stream.py
index 3ccbd179..2dc24633 100644
--- a/benchmarks/examples/stream/stream.py
+++ b/benchmarks/examples/stream/stream.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Demo class for running the stream benchmark
-# Used for tutorial
+# Used for archer2 tutorial
# Import modules from reframe and excalibur-tests
import reframe as rfm
diff --git a/docs/install.md b/docs/install.md
index 42bf10cd..c7695093 100644
--- a/docs/install.md
+++ b/docs/install.md
@@ -92,3 +92,8 @@ _**Note**: if you have already installed spack locally and you want to upgrade t
a newer version, you might first have to clear the cache to avoid conflicts:
`spack clean -m`_
+It is recommended to always have the python virtual environment active when working with `excalibur-tests`.
+However, it should be noted that since `Spack` is not installed via `pip`, it will be installed outside of the
+python virtual environment. Also, keep in mind that the Spack environments that are discussed in the next section
+are different and independent of the python virtual environment.
diff --git a/docs/setup.md b/docs/setup.md
index a90b5b9a..bd8f0367 100644
--- a/docs/setup.md
+++ b/docs/setup.md
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ configuration. The numbers you need to watch out for are:
When using Spack as build system, ReFrame needs a [Spack
environment](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/environments.html) to run
-its tests. Follow these steps to create a Spack environment for a new system:
+its tests. The Spack environment is separate and independent of the python
+virtual environment. Follow these steps to create a Spack environment for a new system:
#### Create the environment
@@ -148,3 +149,15 @@ it to the spack environment with
spack -e /path/to/environment repo add /path/to/repo
+#### (optional) Override default spack cache path
+Spack also, by default, keeps various caches and user data in `~/.spack`, but users may want to override these locations. Spack provides environment variables that allow you to override or opt out of configuration locations:
+`SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH`: Override the path to use for the user scope (`~/.spack` by default).
+`SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH`: Override the path to use for the system scope (`/etc/spack` by default).
+`SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH`: Override the default path to use for user data (misc_cache, tests, reports, etc.)
+For more details, see [spack docs](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html#overriding-local-configuration).
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/excalibur-tests_tutorial.md b/docs/tutorial/excalibur-tests_tutorial.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a41e3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial/excalibur-tests_tutorial.md
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+# Using ReFrame for reproducible and portable performance benchmarking
+In this tutorial you will set up the excalibur-tests benchmarking framework on a HPC system, build and run example benchmarks, create a new benchmark and explore benchmark data.
+## Installing the Framework
+### Set up python environment
+### Change to work directory
+=== "Cosma"
+ Move on to the next step.
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ On ARCHER2, the compute nodes do not have access to your home directory, therefore it is important to install everything in a [work file system](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/data/#work-file-systems).
+ Change to the work directory with
+ ```bash
+ cd /work/ta131/ta131/${USER}
+ ```
+ If you are tempted to use a symlink here, ensure you use `cd -P` when changing directory.
+ ARCHER2 compute nodes cannot read from `/home`, only `/work`, so not completely following symlinks can result in a broken installation.
+### Clone the git repository
+In the work directory, clone the [excalibur-tests](https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests) repository with
+git clone https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests.git
+### Create a virtual environment
+Before proceeding to install the software, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages. You can do this with
+python3 -m venv excalibur-env
+source excalibur-env/bin/activate
+You should now see the name of the environment in parenthesis your terminal prompt, for example:
+(excalibur-env) tk-d193@ln03:/work/d193/d193/tk-d193>
+You will have to activate the environment each time you login. To deactivate the environment run `deactivate`.
+### Install the excalibur-tests framework
+Now we can use `pip` to install the package in the virtual environment. Update pip to the latest version with
+pip install --upgrade pip
+then install the framework with
+pip install -e ./excalibur-tests[post-processing]
+We used the `editable` flag `-e` because later in the tutorial you will edit the repository to develop a new benchmark.
+We included optional dependencies with `[post-processing]`. We will need those in the postprocessing section.
+### Set configuration variables
+Configure the framework by setting these environment variables
+export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py"
+export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
+### Install and configure spack
+Finally, we need to install the `spack` package manager. The framework will use it to build the benchmarks. Clone spack with
+git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true https://github.com/spack/spack.git
+Then configure `spack` with
+source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
+Spack should now be in the default search path.
+### Check installation was successful
+You can check everything has been installed successfully by checking that `spack` and `reframe` are in path and the path to the ReFrame config file is set correctly
+$ spack --version
+0.22.0.dev0 (88e738c34346031ce875fdd510dd2251aa63dad7)
+$ reframe --version
+### Environment summary
+If you log out and back in, you will have to run some of the above commands again to recreate your environment. These are (from your `work` directory):
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```bash
+ module load cray-python
+ source excalibur-env/bin/activate
+ export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py"
+ export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
+ source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
+ ```
+## Run Sombrero Example
+You can now use ReFrame to run benchmarks from the `benchmarks/examples` and `benchmarks/apps` directories. The basic syntax is
+reframe -c -r
+### system specific flags
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ In addition, on ARCHER2, you have to provide the quality of service (QoS) type for your job to ReFrame on the command line with `-J`. Use the "short" QoS to run the sombrero example with
+ ```bash
+ reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero -r -J'--qos=short'
+ ```
+ You may notice you actually ran four benchmarks with that single command! That is because the benchmark is parametrized. We will talk about this in the next section.
+### Output sample
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```bash
+ $ reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J'--qos=short' --performance-report
+ [ReFrame Setup]
+ version: 4.3.0
+ command: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-env/bin/reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J--qos=short'
+ launched by: tk-d193@ln03
+ working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests'
+ settings files: '', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py'
+ check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero'
+ stage directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/stage'
+ output directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/output'
+ log files: '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'
+ [==========] Running 4 check(s)
+ [==========] Started on Fri Jul 7 15:47:45 2023
+ [----------] start processing checks
+ [ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ OK ] (1/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (2/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (3/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: flops: 1.27 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (4/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: flops: 1.24 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
+ [----------] all spawned checks have finished
+ [ PASSED ] Ran 4/4 test case(s) from 4 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
+ [==========] Finished on Fri Jul 7 15:48:23 2023
+ Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'
+ ```
+### Benchmark output
+You can find build and run logs in the `output/` directory of a successful benchmark. They record how the benchmark was built by spack and ran by ReFrame.
+While the benchmark is running, the log files are kept in the `stage/` directory. They remain there if the benchmark fails to build or run.
+You can find the performance log file from the benchmark in `perflogs/`. The perflog records the captured figures of merit, environment variables and metadata about the job.
+## Create a Benchmark
+In this section you will create a ReFrame benchmark by writing a python class that tells ReFrame how to build and run an application and collect data from its output.
+For simplicity, we use the [`STREAM`](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ref.html) benchmark. It is a simple memory bandwidth benchmark with minimal build dependencies.
+If you've already gone through the [ReFrame tutorial](reframe_tutorial.md) some of the steps in creating the STREAM benchmark are repeated. However, pay attention to the [`Create a Test Class`](excalibur-tests_tutorial.md#create-a-test-class) and [`Add Build Recipe`](excalibur-tests_tutorial.md#add-build-recipe) steps.
+### How ReFrame works
+When ReFrame executes a test it runs a pipeline of the following stages
+
+You can customise the behaviour of each stage or add a hook before or after each of them. For more details, read the [ReFrame pipeline documentation](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pipeline.html).
+### Getting started
+To get started, open an empty `.py` file where you will write the ReFrame class, e.g. `stream.py`. Save the file in a new directory e.g. `excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream`.
+### Include ReFrame modules
+The first thing you need is include a few modules from ReFrame. These should be available if the installation step was successful.
+import reframe as rfm
+import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+### Create a Test Class
+ReFrame has built-in support for the Spack package manager.
+In the following we will use the custom class `SpackTest` we created for our `benchmarks` module, which provides a tighter integration with Spack and reduces the boilerplate code you'd otherwise have to include.
+from benchmarks.modules.utils import SpackTest
+class StreamBenchmark(SpackTest):
+The data members and methods detailed in the following sections should be placed inside this class.
+### Add Build Recipe
+We prefer installing packages via spack whenever possible. In this exercise, the spack package for `stream` already exists in the global spack repository.
+The `SpackTest` base class takes care of setting up spack as the build system ReFrame uses. We only need to instruct ReFrame to install version `5.10` of the `stream` [spack package](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/package_list.html#stream) using the `openmp` variant.
+spack_spec = 'stream@5.10 +openmp'
+Note that we did not specify a compiler. Spack will use a compiler from the spack environment. The complete spec is recorded in the build log.
+### Add Run Configuration
+The ReFrame class tells ReFrame where and how to run the benchmark. We want to run on one task on a full archer2 node using 128 OpenMP threads to use the full node.
+valid_systems = ['*']
+valid_prog_environs = ['default']
+executable = 'stream_c.exe'
+num_tasks = 1
+time_limit = '5m'
+use_multithreading = False
+### Add environment variables
+Environment variables can be added to the `env_vars` attribute.
+env_vars['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = f'{num_cpus_per_task}'
+env_vars['OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'
+### Run Stream Benchmark
+You can now run the benchmark in the same way as the previous sombrero example
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```bash
+ reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream/ -r --system archer2 -J'--qos=short'
+ ```
+### Sample Output
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```bash
+ $ reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J'--qos=short'
+ [ReFrame Setup]
+ version: 4.4.1
+ command: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/demo-env/bin/reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J--qos=short'
+ launched by: tk-d193@ln03
+ working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo'
+ settings files: '', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py'
+ check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream'
+ stage directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/stage'
+ output directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/output'
+ log files: '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'
+ [==========] Running 1 check(s)
+ [==========] Started on Thu Nov 30 14:50:21 2023
+ [----------] start processing checks
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ OK ] (1/1) StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 1380840.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 1369568.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [----------] all spawned checks have finished
+ [ PASSED ] Ran 1/1 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
+ [==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:51:13 2023
+ Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'
+ ```
+### Interpreting STREAM results
+With default compile options, STREAM uses arrays of 10 million elements. On a full node, the default array size fits into cache, and the benchmark does not report the correct memory bandwidth.
+Therefore the numbers from this tutorial are not comparable with other, published, results.
+To avoid caching, increase the array size during build by adding e.g. `stream_array_size=64000000` to the spack spec.
+### Parametrized tests
+You can pass a list to the `parameter()` built-in function in the class body to create a parametrized test. You cannot access the individual parameter value within the class body, so any reference to them should be placed in the appropriate function, for example `__init__()`
+Example: Parametrize the array size
+array_size = parameter(int(i) for i in [4e6,8e6,16e6,32e6,64e6])
+def __init__(self):
+ self.spack_spec = f"stream@5.10 +openmp stream_array_size={self.array_size}"
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```bash
+ [----------] start processing checks
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
+ [ OK ] (1/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 343432.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 291065.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 275577.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 247425.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (2/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 2538396.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 2349544.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 2912500.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 2886402.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (3/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 1641807.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 1362616.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 1959382.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 1940497.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (4/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 255622.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 235186.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 204853.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 213072.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [ OK ] (5/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
+ P: Copy: 1231355.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Scale: 1086783.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Add: 1519446.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
+ [----------] all spawned checks have finished
+ [ PASSED ] Ran 5/5 test case(s) from 5 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
+ [==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:34:48 2023
+ ```
+### Reference values
+ReFrame can automate checking that the results fall within an expected range. We can use it in our previous example of increasing the array size to avoid caching. You can set a different reference value for each `perf_key` in the performance function. For example, set the test to fail if it falls outside of +-25% of the values obtained with the largest array size.
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```python
+ reference = {
+ 'archer2': {
+ 'Copy': (260000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Scale': (230000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Add': (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Triad': (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s')
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+> The performance reference tuple consists of the reference value, the lower and upper thresholds expressed as fractional numbers relative to the reference value, and the unit of measurement. If any of the thresholds is not relevant, None may be used instead. Also, the units in this reference variable are entirely optional, since they were already provided through the @performance_function decorator.
+## Useful Reading
+### ReFrame
+- [ReFrame Documentation](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/)
+- ReFrame tutorials
+ - [Tutorial 1: Getting started with ReFrame](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_basics.html)
+ - [Tutorial 2: Customizing Further a Regression Test](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_advanced.html)
+ - [Tutorial 3: Using Dependencies in ReFrame Tests](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_deps.html)
+ - [Tutorial 4: Using Test Fixtures](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_fixtures.html)
+ - [Tutorial 5: Using Build Automation Tools As a Build System](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_build_automation.html)
+ - [Tutorial 6: Tips and Tricks](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_tips_tricks.html)
+- Libraries of ReFrame tests
+ - [Official ReFrame test library](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/hpctestlib.html)
+ - [ReFrame GitHub organisation with various contributed test libraries](https://github.com/reframe-hpc)
+### Spack
+- [Spack documentation](https://spack.readthedocs.io/)
+- [Spack tutorial (including YouTube recordings)](https://spack-tutorial.readthedocs.io/)
+- [Spack package searchable list](https://packages.spack.io/)
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/getting-started.md b/docs/tutorial/getting-started.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69a84103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial/getting-started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Getting Started on HPC systems
+These tutorials have been run in in-person workshops on various HPC systems in the UK.
+It should be possible to run on any of the [supported systems](../systems.md), or to [set up the tools](../setup.md) on a local machine.
+If you have access to one of the systems we've previously used, this tutorial helps you get set up. Otherwise, please consult the [documentation](../install.md)
+## Connecting
+=== "Cosma"
+ To run these tutorials on Cosma, you will need to [connect to Cosma via ssh](https://cosma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ssh.html). You will need
+ 1. A Cosma account. You can [request a new account](https://cosma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/account.html) if you haven't got one you can use. You can use an existing Cosma account to complete the tutorials.
+ 2. A command line terminal with an ssh client. Most Linux and Mac systems come with these preinstalled. Please see [Connecting to ARCHER2](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#command-line-terminal) for more information and Windows instructions.
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ To run these tutorials on ARCHER2, you will need to [connect to ARCHER2 via ssh](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/). You will need
+ 1. An ARCHER2 account. You can [request a new account](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/quick-start/quickstart-users/#request-an-account-on-archer2) if you haven't got one you can use. You can use an existing ARCHER2 account to complete the tutorials.
+ 2. A command line terminal with an ssh client. Most Linux and Mac systems come with these preinstalled. Please see [Connecting to ARCHER2](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#command-line-terminal) for more information and Windows instructions.
+### ssh
+=== "Cosma"
+ Please see [SSH access to Cosma](https://cosma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ssh.html) for more information
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ Once you have the above prerequisites, you have to [generate an ssh key pair](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#ssh-key-pairs) and [upload the public key to SAFE](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#upload-public-part-of-key-pair-to-safe).
+ When you are done, check that you are able to connect to ARCHER2 with
+ ```bash
+ ssh username@login.archer2.ac.uk
+ ```
+### MFA
+=== "Cosma"
+ Cosma does not require MFA at present
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ARCHER2 has deployed mandatory multi-factor authentication (MFA)
+ SSH keys will work as before, but instead of your ARCHER2 password, a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) code will be requested.
+ TOTP is a six digit number, refreshed every 30 seconds, which is generated typically by an app running on your mobile phone or laptop.
+ Thus authentication will require two factors:
+ 1) SSH key and passphrase
+ 2) TOTP
+ The SAFE documentation which details how to set up MFA on machine accounts (ARCHER2) is available at:
+ [https://epcced.github.io/safe-docs/safe-for-users/#how-to-turn-on-mfa-on-your-machine-account](https://epcced.github.io/safe-docs/safe-for-users/#how-to-turn-on-mfa-on-your-machine-account)
+ The documentation includes how to set this up without the need of a personal smartphone device.
+ We have also updated the ARCHER2 documentation with details of the new connection process:
+ [https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting-totp/](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting-totp/)
+ [https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/quick-start/quickstart-users-totp/](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/quick-start/quickstart-users-totp/)
+ If there are any issues or concerns please contact support@archer2.ac.uk
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+## Postprocess Benchmark Results
+Now let's browse the benchmark performance results, and create plots to visualise them.
+**NOTE:** The post-processing package is still under development. Please refer to the latest [documentation](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/post-processing) to use it.
+### Postprocessing features
+The postprocessing can be performed either on a GUI or a CLI. It takes as input either a single perflog or a path that contains perflogs, and it is driven by a configuration YAML file (more on this later).
+Its outputs can be csv files of the whole or filtered perflog contents, as well as plots.
+
+We will explore its functionality features (series, filters, scaling) via the GUI first.
+### GUI Demo
+We can launch the GUI with
+`streamlit run excalibur-tests/post-processing/streamlit_post_processing.py perflogs///StreamTest.log`
+- Start without config, explore unfiltered DataFrame
+- Create a plot with axes, series, filters, scaling, and extra columns
+ - See how the DataFrame gets filtered/modified as values are set for those fields
+ - See how those fields get modified in the configuration in real time
+- Export config
+- Modify config outside the GUI
+- Load it back in and generate new plot
+### The plotting configuration file
+We explored all those features in the GUI, just repeating them here for reference.
+The framework contains tools to plot the FOMs of benchmarks against any of the other parameters in the perflog. This generic plotting is driven by a configuration YAML file like the one we exported from the GUI - but can also be written from scratch.
+The file needs to include
+- Plot title
+- Axis information
+- Optional: series, filters
+- Optional: scaling
+- Optional: extra columns
+- Data types
+### Title and Axes
+Axes must have a value specified with a DataFrame column name, and units specified with either a DataFrame column name or a custom label (including `null`).
+title: Performance vs number of tasks and CPUs_per_task
+ value: "arraysize"
+ units:
+ custom: null
+ value: "Copy_value"
+ units:
+ column: "Copy_unit"
+### Filters
+Those can be of two types: series and filters.
+#### Data series
+Display several data series in the same plot and group x-axis data by specified column values. Specify an empty list if you only want one series plotted.
+In our STREAM example, we have two parameters. Therefore we need to either filter down to one, or make them separate series. Let's use separate series:
+Format: `[column_name, value]`
+series: [["param_cpus_per_task", "4"], ["param_cpus_per_task", "8"]]
+**NOTE:** Currently, only one distinct `column_name` is supported. In the future, a second one will be allowed to be added. But in any case, unlimited number of series can be plotted for the same `column_name` but different `value`.
+#### Filtering
+You can filter data rows based on specified conditions. Those can be combined in complex ways, using the "and" and "or" filter categories. Specify an empty list for no filters.
+Format: `[column_name, operator, value]`,
+Accepted operators: "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="
+ and:
+ - [job_completion_time, '>=', '2024-04-26 11:21:30']
+ or: []
+**NOTE:** After re-running the benchmarks a few times your perflog will get populated with multiple lines and you'll have to filter down to what you want to plot. Feel free to experiment with a dirtier perflog file or a folder with several perflog files.
+### Scaling
+You can scale the y axis values in various ways.
+By a fixed number:
+ value: "Copy_value"
+ units:
+ column: "Copy_unit"
+ scaling:
+ custom: 2
+By another column:
+ value: "Copy_value"
+ units:
+ column: "Copy_unit"
+ scaling:
+ column:
+ name: "Add_value"
+By one of the series:
+ value: "Copy_value"
+ units:
+ column: "Copy_unit"
+ scaling:
+ column:
+ name: "Copy_value"
+ series: 0
+where the "series" value is the index of the series (i.e. "0" means the first series, "1" the second, and so on)
+By a specific value in the column:
+ value: "Copy_value"
+ units:
+ column: "Copy_unit"
+ scaling:
+ column:
+ name: "Copy_value"
+ series: 0
+ x_value: 5
+### Data types
+All columns used in axes, filters, and series must have a user-specified type for the data they contain. This would be the pandas dtype, e.g. `str/string/object`, `int/int64`, `float/float64`, `datetime/datetime64`.
+ arraysize: "int"
+ Copy_value: "float"
+ Copy_unit: "str"
+ param_cpus_per_task: "int"
+ job_completion_time: "datetime"
+### Extra columns
+If you choose to save to a csv file the filtered DataFrame for further analysis, you can include extra columns, in addition to the ones you used for plotting. Those will not affect your plot.
+extra_columns_to_csv: ["Scale_value", "Add_value", "Triad_value"]
+### Run the CLI postprocessing
+Now that we have a config file, we can change it as required and run it in an automated way with new data, using the CLI:
+python post_processing.py
+- `` is the path to a perflog file or a directory containing perflog files.
+- `` is the path to the configuration YAML file.
+- other useful flags: `-s` to save the filtered DataFrame, `-np` to skip the plotting.
+In our case,
+python excalibur-tests/post-processing/post_processing.py -s perflogs/archer2/compute-node/StreamTest.log ~/Downloads/Plotyplot.yaml
+### View the Output
+And behold! Inside `excalibur-tests/post-processing`, we've generated the same plot and the csv file with the data it contains, in a reproducible way!
+
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+# Profiling tutorial -- !Work in progress!
+## Outline
+1. Running a benchmark with a profiler
+2. Sampling profilers (Nsight & Vtune)
+3. Collecting roofline data (advisor-roofline)
+## Profilers in excalibur-tests
+The `excalibur-tests` framework allows you to run a profiler together with a benchmark application. To do this, you can set the profiler attribute on the command line using the `-S profiler=...` syntax
+We support profilers that can be spack installed without a lincense and don't require modifying the source code or the build system. Currently supported values for the profiler attribute are:
+- `advisor-roofline`: it produces a roofline model of your program using Intel Advisor;
+- `nsight`: it runs the code with the NVIDIA Nsight Systems profiler;
+- `vtune`: it runs the code with the Intel VTune profiler.
+For more details, see the [User documentation](https://ukri-excalibur.github.io/excalibur-tests/use/)
+## Profiling with Nsight
+- NVIDIA Nsight Systems is a low-overhead sampling profiler that supports both CPU and GPU applications.
+- Supports both x86 and ARM architectures
+- We collect `nsys profile --trace=cuda,mpi,nvtx,openmp,osrt,opengl,syscall`
+Run Nsight profiling with
+reframe -c path/to/application -r -S profiler=nsight
+- Spack installs the `nvidia-nsight-systems` package in the background, including the GUI
+- The paths to the collected profile data, and to the GUI launcher are written into `rfm_job.out`
+- To run the GUI remotely, you need to login with `ssh -X`. It may be slow on a remote system.
+- You can (spack) install the GUI locally to view the data.
+## Profiling with VTune
+- Intel VTune is a low-overhead sampling profiler that supports CPU applications
+- Only runs on x86 architectures
+Run VTune profiling with
+reframe -c path/to/application -r -S profiler=vtune
+- Spack installs `intel-oneapi-vtune` package in the background, including the GUI
+## Roofline analysis with Advisor
+- Intel Advisor is a tool for on-node performance optimisation. It does analysis for efficient Vectorization, Threading, Memory Usage, and Accelerator Offloading
+- Since ~2018 it has had support for automated roofline analysis
+- Is only supports x86 CPU architecture
+- Won't run on the MPI launcher (because it does on-node analysis). In our benchmarks we have to override it. It can run inside an MPI job on a single rank but we don't currently support it, hopefully will be available in the future.
+To run on a single MPI rank without `mpirun`, add the following decorated function to the test class
+ @run_before('run')
+ def replace_launcher(self):
+ self.job.launcher = getlauncher('local')()
+- We collect `advisor -collect roofline`
+Run Advisor roofline collection with
+reframe -c path/to/stream -r -S profiler=advisor-roofline
+- Similar to Nsight, the GUI is installed by Spack but is slow to run remotely.
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+# Automating benchmarks with ReFrame
+## Outline
+1. How ReFrame executes tests
+2. Structure of a ReFrame test -- Hello world example
+3. Configuring ReFrame to run tests on HPC systems
+4. Writing performance tests -- Stream example
+5. Working with build systems -- Make, CMake, Autotools, Spack examples
+6. Avoiding build systems -- Run-only tests
+This tutorial is adapted from [ReFrame 4.5 tutorials](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorials.html), that also cover more ReFrame features. Direct quotes from the tutorial are marked with
+> ReFrame Tutorials
+There's a [new tutorial](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.6.0/tutorial.html) with a slightly different approach in ReFrame 4.6.
+## How ReFrame executes tests
+When ReFrame executes a test it runs a pipeline of the following stages
+
+You can customise the behaviour of each stage or add a hook before or after each of them. For more details, read the [ReFrame pipeline documentation](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pipeline.html).
+## Set up python environment
+## Install ReFrame
+Then install ReFrame with `pip`.
+pip install reframe-hpc
+Alternatively, you can
+git clone -q --depth 1 --branch v4.5.2 https://github.com/reframe-hpc/reframe.git
+source reframe/bootstrap.sh
+You can also clone the ReFrame git repository to get the source code of the ReFrame tutorials.
+We will refer to some of the tutorial solutions later.
+ReFrame rewrote their tutorials in v4.6 and some of the examples we are using are not there anymore,
+therefore it's best to clone ReFrame v4.5.
+## Hello world example
+There's a [Hello world example](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_basics.html#the-hello-world-test) in the ReFrame 4.5 tutorial that explains how to create a simple ReFrame test.
+ReFrame tests are python classes that describe how a test is run.
+To get started, open an empty `.py` file where you will write the ReFrame class, e.g. `hello.py`.
+### Include ReFrame module
+The first thing you need is to include ReFrame.
+We separately import sanity to simplify the syntax.
+These should be available if the installation step was successful.
+import reframe as rfm
+import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+### Create a Test Class
+ReFrame uses decorators to mark classes as tests.
+This marks `class HelloTest` as a `rfm.simple_test`.
+ReFrame tests ultimately derive from `RegressionTest`.
+There are other derived classes such as `RunOnlyRegressionTest`, we get to those later.
+class HelloTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
+The data members and methods detailed in the following sections should be placed inside this class.
+### Add mandatory attributes
+- `valid_systems` for where this test can run. For now we haven't defined any systems so we leave it as `'*'` (any system)
+- `valid_prog_environs` for what compilers this test can build with. More on it later.
+- In a test with a single source file, it is enough to define `sourcepath`. More on build systems later.
+- We could add `sourcesdir` to point to the source directory, but it defaults to `src/`
+ valid_systems = ['*']
+ valid_prog_environs = ['*']
+ sourcepath = 'hello.c'
+### Add sanity check
+- ReFrame, by default, makes no assumption about whether a test is successful or not.
+- A test must provide a validation function that asserts whether the test was successful
+- ReFrame provides utility functions that help matching patterns and extract values from the test’s output
+- Here we match a string from stdout
+ @sanity_function
+ def assert_hello(self):
+ return sn.assert_found(r'Hello, World\!', self.stdout)
+### Run the benchmark
+The basic syntax to run ReFrame benchmarks is
+reframe -c path/to/benchmark -r
+## Builtin programming environment
+We didn't tell reframe anything about how to compile the hello world example. How did it compile?
+ReFrame uses a buitin programming environment by default.
+You can see this with `reframe --show-config`
+The builtin programming environment only contains the `cc` compiler,
+compiling a C++ or Fortran code will fail
+## Configuring ReFrame for HPC systems
+> In ReFrame, all the details of the various interactions of a test with the system environment are handled transparently and are set up in its [configuration file](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_basics.html#more-of-hello-world).
+For the minimum configuration to run jobs on the system we need to
+=== "Cosma"
+ - Create a system with a name and a description
+ - Set the module system for accessing centrally installed modules
+ - Create a compute node partition
+ - Set a scheduler and a MPI launcher to run on compute nodes
+ - On Cosma, the scheduler rejects jobs that don't set a time limit. Add `time_limit = 1m` to ReFrame tests to run on Cosma or set from command line with `-S time_limit='1m'`
+ - Set access options
+ ```
+ 'access': ['--partition=bluefield1', '--account=do009'],
+ ```
+ - Create at least one programming environment to set compilers
+ ```python
+ site_configuration = {
+ 'systems' : [
+ {
+ 'name': 'cosma',
+ 'descr': 'Cosma for performance workshop',
+ 'hostnames': ['login[0-9][a-z].pri.cosma[0-9].alces.network'],
+ 'modules_system': 'tmod4',
+ 'partitions': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'compute-node',
+ 'scheduler': 'slurm',
+ 'launcher': 'mpiexec',
+ 'environs': ['gnu'],
+ 'access': ['--partition=bluefield1', '--account=do009'],
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'environments': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'gnu',
+ 'modules': ['gnu_comp', 'openmpi'],
+ 'cc': 'mpicc',
+ 'cxx': 'mpic++',
+ 'ftn': 'mpif90'
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ - Create a system with a name and a description
+ - Set the module system for accessing centrally installed modules
+ - Create a compute node partition
+ - Set a scheduler and a MPI launcher to run on compute nodes
+ - Set access options with
+ ```
+ 'access': ['--partition=standard', '--qos=short'],
+ ```
+ - Create at least one programming environment to set compilers
+ ```python
+ site_configuration = {
+ 'systems' : [
+ {
+ 'name': 'archer2',
+ 'descr': 'ARCHER2 config for CIUK workshop',
+ 'hostnames': ['ln[0-9]+'],
+ 'partitions': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'compute-node',
+ 'scheduler': 'slurm',
+ 'launcher': 'srun',
+ 'access': ['--partition=standard', '--qos=short'],
+ 'environs': ['cray'],
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'environments': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'cray',
+ 'cc': 'mpicc',
+ 'cxx': 'mpic++',
+ 'ftn': 'mpif90'
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+## Performance tests
+Performance tests capture data in performance variables. For simplicity, we use the [STREAM benchmark](https://github.com/jeffhammond/STREAM) as an example. It is the de facto memory bandwidth benchmark. It has four kernels that stream arrays from memory and
+perform different floating point operations on them.
+- Copy: `A = B`
+- Scale: `C = a * B`
+- Add: `C = A + B`
+- Triad: `C = a * A + B`
+### Create the Test Class
+The imports and the class declaration look the same as in the hello world example.
+We can now specify valid systems and programming environments to run on the system we just configured.
+You can adapt these to your system, or keep using `'*'` to run on any platform.
+=== "Cosma"
+ ```python
+ import reframe as rfm
+ import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+ @rfm.simple_test
+ class StreamTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
+ valid_systems = ['cosma']
+ valid_prog_environs = ['gnu']
+ ```
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ ```python
+ import reframe as rfm
+ import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+ @rfm.simple_test
+ class StreamTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
+ valid_systems = ['archer2']
+ valid_prog_environs = ['cray']
+ ```
+### Git Cloning the source
+We can retrieve specifically a Git repository by assigning its URL directly to the sourcesdir attribute:
+ sourcesdir='https://github.com/jeffhammond/STREAM'
+### Environment variables
+We can set environment variables in the `env_vars` dictionary.
+ self.env_vars['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = 4
+ self.env_vars['OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'
+### Building the STREAM benchmark
+Recall the pipeline ReFrame executes when running a test.
+We can insert arbitrary functions between any steps in in the pipeline by decorating them with `@run_before` or `@run_after`
+Here we can set compiler flags before compiling.
+The STREAM benchmark takes the array size as a compile time argument.
+It should be large enough to overflow all levels of cache so that there is no data reuse and we measure the main memory bandwidth.
+ build_system='SingleSource'
+ sourcepath='stream.c'
+ arraysize = 2**20
+ @run_before('compile')
+ def set_compiler_flags(self):
+ self.build_system.cppflags = [f'-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE={self.arraysize}']
+ self.build_system.cflags = ['-fopenmp', '-O3']
+### Perflogs
+The output from performance tests is written in perflogs. They are csv files that are appended each time a test is ran. By default the perflogs are output in `perflogs//`. By default a lot of information about the test is stored. This can be customized in the configuration file.
+By default there is not much information about build step, but ReFrame will provide a link back to build environment. A more verbose report is written in `.reframe/reports/`, you can use the `--report-file` option to direct the report to a different file.
+`excalibur-tests` provides tools to read and process the perflogs. See the [Next Tutorial](excalibur-tests_tutorial.md) for details.
+## Reference values
+ReFrame can automate checking that the results fall within an expected range. You can set a different reference value for each `perf_key` in the performance function. For example, set the test to fail if it falls outside of +-25% of the values obtained with the previous array size.
+=== "Cosma"
+ ```python
+ reference = {
+ 'cosma': {
+ 'Copy': (40000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Scale': (20000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Add': (20000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Triad': (20000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s')
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Archer2"
+ ```python
+ reference = {
+ 'archer2': {
+ 'Copy': (260000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Scale': (200000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Add': (200000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
+ 'Triad': (200000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s')
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+> The performance reference tuple consists of the reference value, the lower and upper thresholds expressed as fractional numbers relative to the reference value, and the unit of measurement. If any of the thresholds is not relevant, None may be used instead. Also, the units in this reference variable are entirely optional, since they were already provided through the @performance_function decorator.
+## Parametrized tests
+You can pass a list to the `parameter()` built-in function in the class body to create a parametrized test. You cannot access the individual parameter value within the class body, so any reference to them should be placed in the appropriate function, for example `__init__()`
+For parametrisation you can add for example
+ arraysize = parameter([5,15,25])
+ self.build_system.cppflags = [f'-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=$((2 ** {self.arraysize}))']
+You can have multiple parameters. ReFrame will run all parameter combinations by default.
+## [Build systems](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_advanced.html#more-on-building-tests)
+ReFrame supports many commonly used build systems, include Cmake, Autotools, Spack and Easybuild. See the
+[Build systems Reference](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/regression_test_api.html#build-systems) for details.
+Here we show a few examples.
+### [Make](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_advanced.html#more-on-building-tests)
+- [Tutorial in `tutorials/advanced/makefiles/maketest.py`.](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_advanced.html#more-on-building-tests)
+> First, if you’re using any build system other than SingleSource, you must set the executable attribute of the test, because ReFrame cannot know what is the actual executable to be run. We then set the build system to Make and set the preprocessor flags as we would do with the SingleSource build system.
+### [Autotools](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_advanced.html#adding-a-configuration-step-before-compiling-the-code)
+> It is often the case that a configuration step is needed before compiling a code with make. To address this kind of projects, ReFrame aims to offer specific abstractions for “configure-make” style of build systems. It supports CMake-based projects through the CMake build system, as well as Autotools-based projects through the Autotools build system.
+- [Automake Hello example](https://github.com/ntegan/amhello)
+import reframe as rfm
+import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+class AutoHelloTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
+ valid_systems = ['*']
+ valid_prog_environs = ['*']
+ sourcesdir = 'https://github.com/ntegan/amhello.git'
+ build_system = 'Autotools'
+ executable = './src/hello'
+ prebuild_cmds = ['autoreconf --install .']
+ time_limit = '5m'
+ @sanity_function
+ def assert_hello(self):
+ return sn.assert_found(r'Hello world\!', self.stdout)
+### [CMake](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/regression_test_api.html#reframe.core.buildsystems.CMake)
+- [CMake Hello example](https://github.com/jameskbride/cmake-hello-world)
+import reframe as rfm
+import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
+class CMakeHelloTest(rfm.RegressionTest):
+ valid_systems = ['*']
+ valid_prog_environs = ['*']
+ sourcesdir = 'https://github.com/jameskbride/cmake-hello-world.git'
+ build_system = 'CMake'
+ executable = './CMakeHelloWorld'
+ time_limit = '5m'
+ @sanity_function
+ def assert_hello(self):
+ return sn.assert_found(r'Hello, world\!', self.stdout)
+### [Spack](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/regression_test_api.html#reframe.core.buildsystems.Spack)
+- ReFrame will use a user-provided Spack environment in order to build and test a set of specs.
+- [Tutorial in `tutorials/build_systems/spack/spack_test.py`](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_build_automation.html#using-spack-to-build-the-test-code)
+- In `rfm_job.out` you can see that it
+ - Creates a blank environment
+ - Builds all dependencies -- takes quite long
+- `excalibur-tests` provides utilities and settings for Spack builds in ReFrame. See the [Next Tutorial](excalibur-tests_tutorial.md) for details.
+## Run-only tests
+If you don't wish to build your application in ReFrame (we recommend that you do!), you can define a run-only test.
+Run-only tests derive from the `rfm.RunOnlyRegressionTest` class instead of `rfm.RegressionTest`.
+Instead of a build system, you define an executable which reframe expects to find in `$PATH`.
+See [tutorial in `tutorials/advanced/runonly/echorand.py`](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/v4.5.2/tutorial_advanced.html#writing-a-run-only-regression-test)
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/setup-python.md b/docs/tutorial/setup-python.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bf6cfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial/setup-python.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+=== "Cosma"
+ This tutorial is run on the [Cosma](https://cosma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) supercomputer.
+ It should be straightforward to run on a different platform, the requirements are `gcc 4.5`, `git 2.39` and `python 3.7` or later.
+ (for the later parts you also need `make`, `autotools`, `cmake` and `spack` but these can be installed locally).
+ Before proceeding to install ReFrame, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages.
+ First load a newer python module.
+ ```bash
+ module swap python/3.10.12
+ ```
+=== "ARCHER2"
+ This tutorial is run on ARCHER2, you should have signed up for a training account before starting.
+ It can be ran on other HPC systems with a batch scheduler but will require making some changes to the config.
+ Before proceeding to install ReFrame, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages.
+ First load the system python module.
+ ```bash
+ module load cray-python
+ ```
+Then create an environment and activate it with
+python3 -m venv reframe_tutorial
+source reframe_tutorial/bin/activate
+You will have to activate the environment each time you login. To deactivate the environment run `deactivate`.
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/stream-sanity-and-performance.md b/docs/tutorial/stream-sanity-and-performance.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bef37ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial/stream-sanity-and-performance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+### Add Sanity Check
+The rest of the benchmark follows the [Writing a Performance Test ReFrame Tutorial](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_basics.html#writing-a-performance-test). First we need a sanity check that ensures the benchmark ran successfully. A function decorated with the `@sanity_function` decorator is used by ReFrame to check that the test ran successfully. The sanity function can perform a number of checks, in this case we want to match a line of the expected standard output.
+def validate_solution(self):
+ return sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates', self.stdout)
+### Add Performance Pattern Check
+To record the performance of the benchmark, ReFrame should extract a figure of merit from the output of the test. A function decorated with the `@performance_function` decorator extracts or computes a performance metric from the test’s output.
+> In this example, we extract four performance variables, namely the memory bandwidth values for each of the “Copy”, “Scale”, “Add” and “Triad” sub-benchmarks of STREAM, where each of the performance functions use the [`extractsingle()`](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deferrable_functions_reference.html#reframe.utility.sanity.extractsingle) utility function. For each of the sub-benchmarks we extract the “Best Rate MB/s” column of the output (see below) and we convert that to a float.
+@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Copy')
+def extract_copy_perf(self):
+ return sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
+@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Scale')
+def extract_scale_perf(self):
+ return sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
+@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Add')
+def extract_add_perf(self):
+ return sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
+@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Triad')
+def extract_triad_perf(self):
+ return sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/tutorial.md b/docs/tutorial/tutorial.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8752bf..00000000
--- a/docs/tutorial/tutorial.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-# Using ReFrame for reproducible and portable performance benchmarking
-In this tutorial you will set up the benchmarking framework on the [ARCHER2](https://www.archer2.ac.uk) supercomputer, build and run example benchmarks, create a new benchmark and explore benchmark data.
-## Getting Started
-To complete this tutorial, you need to [connect to ARCHER2 via ssh](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/). You will need
-1. An ARCHER2 account. You can [request a new account](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/quick-start/quickstart-users/#request-an-account-on-archer2) if you haven't got one you can use. Use the project code `ta131` to request your account. You can use an existing ARCHER2 account to complete this workshop.
-2. A command line terminal with an ssh client. Most Linux and Mac systems come with these preinstalled. Please see [Connecting to ARCHER2](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#command-line-terminal) for more information and Windows instructions.
-### ssh
-Once you have the above prerequisites, you have to [generate an ssh key pair](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#ssh-key-pairs) and [upload the public key to SAFE](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/connecting/#upload-public-part-of-key-pair-to-safe).
-When you are done, check that you are able to connect to ARCHER2 with
-ssh username@login.archer2.ac.uk
-ARCHER2 is deploying mandatory multi-factor authentication (MFA) **Today**!
-This was deployed between 0900 and 1000 this morning (06/12/2023).
-This means that once the switch has happened, SSH keys will work as before, but instead of your ARCHER2 password, a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) code will be requested.
-TOTP is a six digit number, refreshed every 30 seconds, which is generated typically by an app running on your mobile phone or laptop.
-Thus authentication will require two factors:
-1) SSH key and passphrase
-2) TOTP
-### ARCHER2 MFA Docs and Support
-The SAFE documentation which details how to set up MFA on machine accounts (ARCHER2) is available at:
-The documentation includes how to set this up without the need of a personal smartphone device.
-We have also updated the ARCHER2 documentation with details of the new connection process:
-If there are any issues or concerns please contact us at:
-## Installing the Framework
-### Set up python
-We are going to use `python` and the `pip` package installer to install and run the framework. Load the `cray-python` module to get a python version that fills the requirements.
-module load cray-python
-You can check with `python3 --version` that your python version is `3.8` or greater. You will have to load this module every time you login.
-(at the time of writing, the default version was `3.9.13`).
-### Change to work directory
-On ARCHER2, the compute nodes do not have access to your home directory, therefore it is important to install everything in a [work file system](https://docs.archer2.ac.uk/user-guide/data/#work-file-systems). Change to the work directory with
-cd /work/ta131/ta131/${USER}
-If you are tempted to use a symlink here, ensure you use `cd -P` when changing directory. Archer2 compute nodes cannot read from `/home`, only `/work`, so not completely following symlinks can result in a broken installation.
-### Clone the framework repository
-In the work directory, clone the [excalibur-tests](https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests) repository with
-git clone https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests.git
-### Create a virtual environment
-Before proceeding to install the software, we recommend creating a python virtual environment to avoid clashes with other installed python packages. You can do this with
-python3 -m venv excalibur-env
-source excalibur-env/bin/activate
-You should now see the name of the environment in parenthesis your terminal prompt, for example:
-(excalibur-env) tk-d193@ln03:/work/d193/d193/tk-d193>
-You will have to activate the environment each time you login. To deactivate the environment run `deactivate`.
-### Install the excalibur-tests framework
-Now we can use `pip` to install the package in the virtual environment. Update pip to the latest version with
-pip install --upgrade pip
-then install the framework with
-pip install -e ./excalibur-tests[post-processing]
-We used the `editable` flag `-e` because later in the tutorial you will edit the repository to develop a new benchmark.
-We included optional dependencies with `[post-processing]`. We will need those in the postprocessing section.
-### Set configuration variables
-Configure the framework by setting these environment variables
-export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py"
-export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
-### Install and configure spack
-Finally, we need to install the `spack` package manager. The framework will use it to build the benchmarks. Clone spack with
-git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true https://github.com/spack/spack.git
-Then configure `spack` with
-source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
-Spack should now be in the default search path.
-### Check installation was successful
-You can check everything has been installed successfully by checking that `spack` and `reframe` are in path and the path to the ReFrame config file is set correctly
-$ spack --version
-0.22.0.dev0 (88e738c34346031ce875fdd510dd2251aa63dad7)
-$ reframe --version
-### Environment summary
-If you log out and back in, you will have to run some of the above commands again to recreate your environment. These are (from your `work` directory):
-module load cray-python
-source excalibur-env/bin/activate
-export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py"
-export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
-source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
-## Run Sombrero Example
-You can now use ReFrame to run benchmarks from the `benchmarks/examples` and `benchmarks/apps` directories. The basic syntax is
-reframe -c -r
-### ARCHER2 specific commands
-In addition, on ARCHER2, you have to provide the quality of service (QoS) type for your job to ReFrame on the command line with `-J`. Use the "short" QoS to run the sombrero example with
-reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero -r -J'--qos=short'
-You may notice you actually ran four benchmarks with that single command! That is because the benchmark is parametrized. We will talk about this in the next section.
-### Output sample
-$ reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J'--qos=short' --performance-report
-[ReFrame Setup]
- version: 4.3.0
- command: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-env/bin/reframe -c benchmarks/examples/sombrero/ -r -J--qos=short'
- launched by: tk-d193@ln03
- working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests'
- settings files: '', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py'
- check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/sombrero'
- stage directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/stage'
- output directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/excalibur-tests/output'
- log files: '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'
-[==========] Running 4 check(s)
-[==========] Started on Fri Jul 7 15:47:45 2023
-[----------] start processing checks
-[ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ OK ] (1/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (2/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: flops: 0.67 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (3/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: flops: 1.27 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (4/4) SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: flops: 1.24 Gflops/seconds (r:1.2, l:None, u:None)
-[----------] all spawned checks have finished
-[ PASSED ] Ran 4/4 test case(s) from 4 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
-[==========] Finished on Fri Jul 7 15:48:23 2023
-Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-u1l6yt7f.log'
-### Benchmark output
-You can find build and run logs in the `output/` directory of a successful benchmark. They record how the benchmark was built by spack and ran by ReFrame.
-While the benchmark is running, the log files are kept in the `stage/` directory. They remain there if the benchmark fails to build or run.
-You can find the performance log file from the benchmark in `perflogs/`. The perflog records the captured figures of merit, environment variables and metadata about the job.
-## Postprocess Benchmark Results
-Now let's look at the Benchmark performance results, and create a plot to visualise them.
-**NOTE:** The post-processing package is currently under heavy development. Please refer to the latest `post-processing/README.md` and `post-processing/post_processing_config.yaml` to use it.
-### The perflog
-After running the Sombrero benchmark once you should have a perflog in `perflogs/archer2/compute-node/SombreroBenchmark.log` that looks like this
-2023-08-25T11:23:46|reframe 4.3.2|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2 /de04c10b @archer2:compute-node+default|4323431|2|2|1|null|1.31|Gflops/seconds|1.2|-0.2|None|sombrero@2021-08-16|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=2|archer2|compute-node|default|{}|{"OMP_NUM_THREADS": "2"}|example
-2023-08-25T11:23:48|reframe 4.3.2|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2 /c1c3a3f1 @archer2:compute-node+default|4323433|1|2|1|null|0.67|Gflops/seconds|1.2|-0.2|None|sombrero@2021-08-16|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=2|archer2|compute-node|default|{}|{"OMP_NUM_THREADS": "2"}|example
-2023-08-25T11:23:48|reframe 4.3.2|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1 /52e1ce98 @archer2:compute-node+default|4323434|1|1|1|null|0.67|Gflops/seconds|1.2|-0.2|None|sombrero@2021-08-16|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=1 %cpus_per_task=1|archer2|compute-node|default|{}|{"OMP_NUM_THREADS": "1"}|example
-2023-08-25T11:23:48|reframe 4.3.2|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1 /c52a123d @archer2:compute-node+default|4323432|2|1|1|null|1.29|Gflops/seconds|1.2|-0.2|None|sombrero@2021-08-16|SombreroBenchmark %tasks=2 %cpus_per_task=1|archer2|compute-node|default|{}|{"OMP_NUM_THREADS": "1"}|example
-Every time the same benchmark is run, a line is appended in this perflog.
-The perflog contains
-- Some general info about the benchmark run, including system, spack, and environment info.
-- The Figure(s) Of Merit (FOM) value, units, reference value, and lower and upper limits (`flops` in this case)
-- The `display_name` field, which encodes the benchmark name and parameters (`SombreroBenchmark %tasks=... %cpus_per_task=...` in this case)
-- Other quantities the user might want to compare performance for, passed as environment variables and encoded in the `env_vars` field.
-- The benchmark `tag` - another way to encode benchmark inputs, defined by the benchmark developers.
-### The plotting configuration file
-The framework contains tools to plot the FOMs of benchmarks against any of the other parameters in the perflog. This generic plotting is driven by a configuration YAML file. Let's make one, and save it in `excalibur-tests/post-processing/post_processing_config.yaml`.
-The file needs to include
-- Plot title
-- Axis information
-- Data series
-- Filters
-- Data types
-### Title and Axes
-Axes must have a value specified with a perflog column name or a benchmark parameter name, and units specified with either a perflog column name or a custom label (including `null`).
-title: Performance vs number of tasks and CPUs_per_task
- value: "tasks"
- units:
- custom: null
- value: "flops_value"
- units:
- column: "flops_unit"
-### Data series
-Display several data series in the same plot and group x-axis data by specified column values. Specify an empty list if you only want one series plotted. In our sombrero example, we have two parameters. Therefore we need to either filter down to one, or make them separate series. Let's use separate series:
-Format: `[column_name, value]`
-series: [["cpus_per_task", "1"], ["cpus_per_task", "2"]]
-**NOTE:** Currently, only one distinct `column_name` is supported. In the future, a second one will be allowed to be added. But in any case, unlimited number of series can be plotted for the same `column_name` but different `value`.
-### Filtering
-You can filter data rows based on specified conditions. Specify an empty list for no filters.
-Format: `[column_name, operator, value]`,
-Accepted operators: "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="
-filters: []
-**NOTE:** After re-running the benchmarks a few times your perflog will get populated with multiple lines and you'll have to filter down to what you want to plot. Feel free to experiment with a dirtier perflog file (eg. the one in `excalibur-tests/tutorial`) or a folder with several perflog files.
-### Data types
-All columns used in axes, filters, and series must have a user-specified type for the data they contain. This would be the pandas dtype, e.g. `str/string/object`, `int/int64`, `float/float64`, `datetime/datetime64`.
- tasks: "int"
- flops_value: "float"
- flops_unit: "str"
- cpus_per_task: "int"
-### Run the postprocessing
-The postprocessing package is an optional dependency of the framework. Install it with
-pip install -e ./excalibur-tests/[post-processing]
-We can now run the postprocessing with
-python post_processing.py
-- `` is the path to a perflog file or a directory containing perflog files.
-- `` is the path to the configuration YAML file.
-In our case,
-python excalibur-tests/post-processing/post_processing.py perflogs excalibur-tests/post-processing/post_processing_config.yaml
-### View the Output
-`scp` over the `Performance_vs_number_of_tasks_and_CPUs_per_task.html` file created in `excalibur-tests/post-processing`, and behold!
-
-## Create a Benchmark
-In this section you will create a ReFrame benchmark by writing a python class that tells ReFrame how to build and run an application and collect data from its output.
-For simplicity, we use the [`STREAM`](https://www.cs.virginia.edu/stream/ref.html) benchmark. It is a simple memory bandwidth benchmark with minimal build dependencies.
-### How ReFrame works
-When ReFrame executes a test it runs a pipeline of the following stages
-
-You can customise the behaviour of each stage or add a hook before or after each of them. For more details, read the [ReFrame pipeline documentation](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pipeline.html).
-### Getting started
-To get started, open an empty `.py` file where you will write the ReFrame class, e.g. `stream.py`. Save the file in a new directory e.g. `excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream`.
-### Include ReFrame modules
-The first thing you need is include a few modules from ReFrame. These should be available if the installation step was successful.
-import reframe as rfm
-import reframe.utility.sanity as sn
-### Create a Test Class
-ReFrame has built-in support for the Spack package manager.
-In the following we will use the custom class `SpackTest` we created for our `benchmarks` module, which provides a tighter integration with Spack and reduces the boilerplate code you'd otherwise have to include.
-from benchmarks.modules.utils import SpackTest
-class StreamBenchmark(SpackTest):
-The data members and methods detailed in the following sections should be placed inside this class.
-### Add Build Recipe
-We prefer installing packages via spack whenever possible. In this exercise, the spack package for `stream` already exists in the global spack repository.
-The `SpackTest` base class takes care of setting up spack as the build system ReFrame uses. We only need to instruct ReFrame to install version `5.10` of the `stream` [spack package](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/package_list.html#stream) using the `openmp` variant.
-spack_spec = 'stream@5.10 +openmp'
-Note that we did not specify a compiler. Spack will use a compiler from the spack environment. The complete spec is recorded in the build log.
-### Add Run Configuration
-The ReFrame class tells ReFrame where and how to run the benchmark. We want to run on one task on a full archer2 node using 128 OpenMP threads to use the full node.
-valid_systems = ['archer2']
-valid_prog_environs = ['default']
-executable = 'stream_c.exe'
-num_tasks = 1
-num_cpus_per_task = 128
-time_limit = '5m'
-use_multithreading = False
-### Add environment variables
-Environment variables can be added to the `env_vars` attribute.
-env_vars['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = f'{num_cpus_per_task}'
-env_vars['OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'
-### Add Sanity Check
-The rest of the benchmark follows the [Writing a Performance Test ReFrame Tutorial](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_basics.html#writing-a-performance-test). First we need a sanity check that ensures the benchmark ran successfully. A function decorated with the `@sanity_function` decorator is used by ReFrame to check that the test ran successfully. The sanity function can perform a number of checks, in this case we want to match a line of the expected standard output.
-def validate_solution(self):
- return sn.assert_found(r'Solution Validates', self.stdout)
-### Add Performance Pattern Check
-To record the performance of the benchmark, ReFrame should extract a figure of merit from the output of the test. A function decorated with the `@performance_function` decorator extracts or computes a performance metric from the test’s output.
-> In this example, we extract four performance variables, namely the memory bandwidth values for each of the “Copy”, “Scale”, “Add” and “Triad” sub-benchmarks of STREAM, where each of the performance functions use the [`extractsingle()`](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deferrable_functions_reference.html#reframe.utility.sanity.extractsingle) utility function. For each of the sub-benchmarks we extract the “Best Rate MB/s” column of the output (see below) and we convert that to a float.
-### Performance Pattern Check
-@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Copy')
-def extract_copy_perf(self):
- return sn.extractsingle(r'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
-@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Scale')
-def extract_scale_perf(self):
- return sn.extractsingle(r'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
-@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Add')
-def extract_add_perf(self):
- return sn.extractsingle(r'Add:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
-@performance_function('MB/s', perf_key='Triad')
-def extract_triad_perf(self):
- return sn.extractsingle(r'Triad:\s+(\S+)\s+.*', self.stdout, 1, float)
-### Run Stream Benchmark
-You can now run the benchmark in the same way as the previous sombrero example
-reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/apps/stream/ -r --system archer2 -J'--qos=short'
-### Sample Output
-$ reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J'--qos=short'
-[ReFrame Setup]
- version: 4.4.1
- command: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/demo-env/bin/reframe -c excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream/ -r -J--qos=short'
- launched by: tk-d193@ln03
- working directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo'
- settings files: '', '/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py'
- check search path: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/examples/stream'
- stage directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/stage'
- output directory: '/mnt/lustre/a2fs-work3/work/d193/d193/tk-d193/ciuk-demo/output'
- log files: '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'
-[==========] Running 1 check(s)
-[==========] Started on Thu Nov 30 14:50:21 2023
-[----------] start processing checks
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ OK ] (1/1) StreamBenchmark /8aeff853 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 1380840.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 1369568.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[----------] all spawned checks have finished
-[ PASSED ] Ran 1/1 test case(s) from 1 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
-[==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:51:13 2023
-Log file(s) saved in '/tmp/rfm-z87x4min.log'
-### Interpreting STREAM results
-With default compile options, STREAM uses arrays of 10 million elements. On a full ARCHER2 node, the default array size fits into cache, and the benchmark does not report the correct memory bandwidth. Therefore the numbers from this tutorial are not comparable with other, published, results.
-To avoid caching, increase the array size during build by adding e.g. `stream_array_size=64000000` to the spack spec.
-### Parametrized tests
-You can pass a list to the `parameter()` built-in function in the class body to create a parametrized test. You cannot access the individual parameter value within the class body, so any reference to them should be placed in the appropriate function, for example `__init__()`
-Example: Parametrize the array size
-array_size = parameter(int(i) for i in [4e6,8e6,16e6,32e6,64e6])
-def __init__(self):
- self.spack_spec = f"stream@5.10 +openmp stream_array_size={self.array_size}"
-[----------] start processing checks
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ RUN ] StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
-[ OK ] (1/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=32000000 /e16f9017 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 343432.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 291065.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 275577.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 247425.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (2/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=16000000 /abc01230 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 2538396.7 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 2349544.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 2912500.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 2886402.8 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (3/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=8000000 /51d83d77 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 1641807.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 1362616.5 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 1959382.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 1940497.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (4/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=64000000 /bbfd0e71 @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 255622.4 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 235186.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 204853.9 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 213072.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[ OK ] (5/5) StreamBenchmark %array_size=4000000 /8399bc0b @archer2:compute-node+default
-P: Copy: 1231355.3 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Scale: 1086783.2 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Add: 1519446.0 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-P: Triad: 1548666.1 MB/s (r:0, l:None, u:None)
-[----------] all spawned checks have finished
-[ PASSED ] Ran 5/5 test case(s) from 5 check(s) (0 failure(s), 0 skipped, 0 aborted)
-[==========] Finished on Thu Nov 30 14:34:48 2023
-### Reference values
-ReFrame can automate checking that the results fall within an expected range. We can use it in our previous example of increasing the array size to avoid caching. You can set a different reference value for each `perf_key` in the performance function. For example, set the test to fail if it falls outside of +-25% of the values obtained with the largest array size.
-reference = {
- 'archer2': {
- 'Copy': (260000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
- 'Scale': (230000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
- 'Add': (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s'),
- 'Triad': (210000, -0.25, 0.25, 'MB/s')
- }
-> The performance reference tuple consists of the reference value, the lower and upper thresholds expressed as fractional numbers relative to the reference value, and the unit of measurement. If any of the thresholds is not relevant, None may be used instead. Also, the units in this reference variable are entirely optional, since they were already provided through the @performance_function decorator.
-### Plotting STREAM benchmark output
-title: Stream Triad Bandwidth
- value: "array_size"
- units:
- custom: null
- value: "Triad_value"
- units:
- column: "Triad_unit"
-series: []
-filters: [["test_name","==","StreamBenchmark"]]
-## Portability Demo
-Having gone through the process of setting up the framework on multiple systems enables you to run benchmarks configured in the repository on those systems. As a proof of this concept, this demo shows how to run a benchmark (e.g. `hpgmg`) on a list of systems (ARCHER2, csd3, cosma8, isambard-macs). Note that to run this demo, you will need an account and a CPU time allocation on each of these systems.
-The commands to set up and run the demo are recorded in [scripts in the exaclibur-tests repository](https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests/tree/tk-portability-demo/demo). It is not feasible to make the progress completely system-agnostic, in our case we need to manually
-- Load a compatible python module
-- Specify the user account for charging CPU time
-- Change the working directory and select quality of service (on ARCHER2)
-That is done differently on each system. The framework attempts to automtically identify the system it is being run on, but due to ambiguity in login node names this can fail, and we also recommend specifying the system on the command line.
-#!/bin/bash -l
-# System specific part of setup. Mostly load the correct python module
-if [ $system == archer2 ]
- module load cray-python
- cd /work/d193/d193/tk-d193
-elif [ $system == csd3 ]
- module load python/3.8
-elif [ $system == cosma ]
- module swap python/3.10.7
-elif [ $system == isambard ]
- module load python37
- export PATH=/home/ri-tkoskela/.local/bin:$PATH
-# Setup
-mkdir demo
-cd demo
-python3 --version
-python3 -m venv demo-env
-source ./demo-env/bin/activate
-git clone git@github.com:ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests.git
-git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true git@github.com:spack/spack.git
-source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
-export RFM_CONFIG_FILES="$(pwd)/excalibur-tests/benchmarks/reframe_config.py"
-export RFM_USE_LOGIN_SHELL="true"
-pip install --upgrade pip
-pip install -e ./excalibur-tests
-if [ $system == archer2 ]
- reframe -c $apps_dir/$app -r -J'--qos=standard' --system archer2 -S spack_spec=$spec --setvar=num_cpus_per_task=8 --setvar=num_tasks_per_node=2 --setvar=num_tasks=8
-elif [ $system == cosma ]
- reframe -c $apps_dir/$app -r -J'--account=do006' --system cosma8 -S spack_spec=$spec --setvar=num_cpus_per_task=8 --setvar=num_tasks_per_node=2 --setvar=num_tasks=8
-elif [ $system == csd3 ]
- reframe -c $apps_dir/$app -r -J'--account=DIRAC-DO006-CPU' --system csd3-cascadelake -S spack_spec=$spec --setvar=num_cpus_per_task=8 --setvar=num_tasks_per_node=2 --setvar=num_tasks=8
-elif [ $system == isambard ]
- reframe -c $apps_dir/$app -r --system isambard-macs:cascadelake -S build_locally=false -S spack_spec=$spec --setvar=num_cpus_per_task=8 --setvar=num_tasks_per_node=2 --setvar=num_tasks=8
-## Useful Reading
-### ReFrame
-- [ReFrame Documentation](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/)
-- ReFrame tutorials
- - [Tutorial 1: Getting started with ReFrame](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_basics.html)
- - [Tutorial 2: Customizing Further a Regression Test](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_advanced.html)
- - [Tutorial 3: Using Dependencies in ReFrame Tests](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_deps.html)
- - [Tutorial 4: Using Test Fixtures](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_fixtures.html)
- - [Tutorial 5: Using Build Automation Tools As a Build System](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_build_automation.html)
- - [Tutorial 6: Tips and Tricks](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial_tips_tricks.html)
-- Libraries of ReFrame tests
- - [Official ReFrame test library](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/hpctestlib.html)
- - [ReFrame GitHub organisation with various contributed test libraries](https://github.com/reframe-hpc)
-### Spack
-- [Spack documentation](https://spack.readthedocs.io/)
-- [Spack tutorial (including YouTube recordings)](https://spack-tutorial.readthedocs.io/)
-- [Spack package searchable list](https://packages.spack.io/)
diff --git a/docs/use.md b/docs/use.md
index 4d89ef74..1505d3fd 100644
--- a/docs/use.md
+++ b/docs/use.md
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ reframe -c benchmarks/apps/sombrero -r --performance-report -S env_vars=OMP_PLAC
runs the `benchmarks/apps/sombrero` benchmark setting the environment variable `OMP_PLACES`
to `threads`.
+### Output directories
+By default `reframe` creates three output directories (`stage`, `output` and `perflogs`) in the directory
+where it is run. Output can be written to a different base directory using the [`--prefix` command-line option](https://reframe-hpc.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manpage.html#cmdoption-prefix).
+The individual output directories can also be changed using the `--stage`, `--outputdir` and `--perflogdir` options.
## Usage on unsupported systems
The configuration provided in [`reframe_config.py`](https://github.com/ukri-excalibur/excalibur-tests/blob/main/benchmarks/reframe_config.py) lets you run the
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 03eba119..abb3fc90 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ nav:
- Myriad: systems#myriad-and-kathleen
- Kathleen: systems#myriad-and-kathleen
- Tursa: systems#tursa
- - ARCHER2 Tutorial: tutorial/tutorial.md
+ - 'Tutorials':
+ - Getting started: tutorial/getting-started.md
+ - Writing benchmarks in ReFrame: tutorial/reframe_tutorial.md
+ - Automation in excalibur-tests: tutorial/excalibur-tests_tutorial.md
+ - Postprocessing ReFrame output: tutorial/postprocessing_tutorial.md
+ - Profiling benchmarks: tutorial/profiling_tutorial.md
name: material
@@ -60,6 +65,8 @@ theme:
name: Switch to light mode
- admonition
+ - markdown_include.include:
+ base_path: docs
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.highlight:
anchor_linenums: true
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- pymdownx.snippets
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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