Index: dom.generated.d.ts
--- dom.generated.d.ts
+++ dom.generated.d.ts
@@ -3356,11 +3356,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface AudioParamMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: AudioParam, key: string, parent: AudioParamMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: AudioParam,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var AudioParamMap: {
@@ -3789,9 +3794,9 @@
bytes(): Promise<Uint8Array>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
formData(): Promise<FormData>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
- json(): Promise<any>;
+ json(): Promise<JSONValue>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
text(): Promise<string>;
@@ -7044,11 +7049,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface CustomStateSet {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: CustomStateSet) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var CustomStateSet: {
@@ -8530,9 +8535,9 @@
* Returns a reference to the first object with the specified value of the ID attribute.
* @param elementId String that specifies the ID value.
- getElementById(elementId: string): HTMLElement | null;
+ getElementById(elementId: string): Element | null;
* Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes.
* [MDN Reference](
@@ -8719,9 +8724,9 @@
* [MDN Reference](
interface DocumentFragment extends Node, NonElementParentNode, ParentNode {
readonly ownerDocument: Document;
- getElementById(elementId: string): HTMLElement | null;
+ getElementById(elementId: string): Element | null;
declare var DocumentFragment: {
prototype: DocumentFragment;
@@ -9542,11 +9547,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface EventCounts {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: number, key: string, parent: EventCounts) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: number, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var EventCounts: {
@@ -10078,11 +10083,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
check(font: string, text?: string): boolean;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
load(font: string, text?: string): Promise<FontFace[]>;
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: FontFace, key: FontFace, parent: FontFaceSet) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: FontFace,
+ key: FontFace,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
addEventListener<K extends keyof FontFaceSetEventMap>(
type: K,
listener: (this: FontFaceSet, ev: FontFaceSetEventMap[K]) => any,
@@ -16529,15 +16539,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
priority: number;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
type: HighlightType;
- forEach(
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
value: AbstractRange,
key: AbstractRange,
- parent: Highlight,
+ parent: this,
) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var Highlight: {
@@ -16546,15 +16557,16 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface HighlightRegistry {
- forEach(
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
value: Highlight,
key: string,
- parent: HighlightRegistry,
+ parent: this,
) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var HighlightRegistry: {
@@ -18046,11 +18058,16 @@
* [MDN Reference](
interface MIDIInputMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: MIDIInput, key: string, parent: MIDIInputMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: MIDIInput,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var MIDIInputMap: {
@@ -18113,11 +18130,16 @@
* [MDN Reference](
interface MIDIOutputMap {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: MIDIOutput, key: string, parent: MIDIOutputMap) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (
+ this: This,
+ value: MIDIOutput,
+ key: string,
+ parent: this,
+ ) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var MIDIOutputMap: {
@@ -20007,9 +20029,9 @@
new (): NodeList;
interface NodeListOf<TNode extends Node> extends NodeList {
- item(index: number): TNode;
+ item(index: number): TNode | null;
* Performs the specified action for each node in an list.
* @param callbackfn A function that accepts up to three arguments. forEach calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the list.
* @param thisArg An object to which the this keyword can refer in the callbackfn function. If thisArg is omitted, undefined is used as the this value.
@@ -22578,11 +22600,11 @@
/** [MDN Reference]( */
interface RTCStatsReport {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (value: any, key: string, parent: RTCStatsReport) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: unknown, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var RTCStatsReport: {
@@ -29203,15 +29225,11 @@
new (): ViewTransition;
interface ViewTransitionTypeSet {
- forEach(
- callbackfn: (
- value: string,
- key: string,
- parent: ViewTransitionTypeSet,
- ) => void,
- thisArg?: any,
+ forEach<This = undefined>(
+ callbackfn: (this: This, value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void,
+ thisArg?: This,
): void;
declare var ViewTransitionTypeSet: {
@@ -35597,13 +35615,16 @@
handler: TimerHandler,
timeout?: number,
...arguments: any[]
): number;
-/** [MDN Reference]( */
-declare function structuredClone<T = any>(
+/** [MDN Reference]( */
+declare function structuredClone<
+ const T extends BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.Constraint<T>,
value: T,
options?: StructuredSerializeOptions,
-): T;
+): BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.StructuredCloneOutput<T>;
/** [MDN Reference]( */
declare var sessionStorage: Storage;
declare function addEventListener<K extends keyof WindowEventMap>(
type: K,
@@ -36287,4 +36308,125 @@
| "blob"
| "document"
| "json"
| "text";
+// --------------------
+declare namespace BetterTypeScriptLibInternals {
+ export namespace StructuredClone {
+ type Basics = [
+ EvalError,
+ RangeError,
+ ReferenceError,
+ TypeError,
+ SyntaxError,
+ URIError,
+ Error,
+ Boolean,
+ String,
+ Date,
+ RegExp,
+ ];
+ type DOMSpecifics = [
+ DOMException,
+ DOMMatrix,
+ DOMMatrixReadOnly,
+ DOMPoint,
+ DOMPointReadOnly,
+ DOMQuad,
+ DOMRect,
+ DOMRectReadOnly,
+ ];
+ type FileSystemTypeFamily = [
+ FileSystemDirectoryHandle,
+ FileSystemFileHandle,
+ FileSystemHandle,
+ ];
+ type WebGPURelatedTypeFamily = [
+ // GPUCompilationInfo,
+ // GPUCompilationMessage,
+ ];
+ type TypedArrayFamily = [
+ Int8Array,
+ Int16Array,
+ Int32Array,
+ BigInt64Array,
+ Uint8Array,
+ Uint16Array,
+ Uint32Array,
+ BigUint64Array,
+ Uint8ClampedArray,
+ ];
+ type Weaken = [
+ ...Basics,
+ // AudioData,
+ Blob,
+ // CropTarget,
+ // CryptoTarget,
+ ...DOMSpecifics,
+ ...FileSystemTypeFamily,
+ ...WebGPURelatedTypeFamily,
+ File,
+ FileList,
+ ...TypedArrayFamily,
+ DataView,
+ ImageBitmap,
+ ImageData,
+ RTCCertificate,
+ VideoFrame,
+ ];
+ type MapSubtype<R> = {
+ [k in keyof Weaken]: R extends Weaken[k] ? true : false;
+ };
+ type SelectNumericLiteral<H> = number extends H ? never : H;
+ type FilterByNumericLiteralKey<R extends Record<string | number, any>> = {
+ [k in keyof R as `${R[k] extends true ? Exclude<SelectNumericLiteral<k>, symbol> : never}`]: [];
+ };
+ type HitWeakenEntry<E> = keyof FilterByNumericLiteralKey<MapSubtype<E>>;
+ type NonCloneablePrimitive =
+ | Function
+ | { new (...args: any[]): any }
+ | ((...args: any[]) => any)
+ | symbol;
+ type StructuredCloneOutputObject<T> = {
+ -readonly [K in Exclude<keyof T, symbol> as [
+ StructuredCloneOutput<T[K]>,
+ ] extends [never]
+ ? never
+ : K]: StructuredCloneOutput<T[K]>;
+ };
+ type StructuredCloneOutput<T> = T extends NonCloneablePrimitive
+ ? never
+ : T extends ReadonlyArray<any>
+ ? number extends T["length"]
+ ? Array<StructuredCloneOutput<T[number]>>
+ : T extends readonly [infer X, ...infer XS]
+ ? [StructuredCloneOutput<X>, ...StructuredCloneOutput<XS>]
+ : T extends []
+ ? []
+ : StructuredCloneOutputObject<T>
+ : T extends Map<infer K, infer V>
+ ? Map<StructuredCloneOutput<K>, StructuredCloneOutput<V>>
+ : T extends Set<infer E>
+ ? Set<StructuredCloneOutput<E>>
+ : T extends Record<any, any>
+ ? HitWeakenEntry<T> extends never
+ ? StructuredCloneOutputObject<T>
+ : Weaken[HitWeakenEntry<T>]
+ : T;
+ type AvoidCyclicConstraint<T> = [T] extends [infer R] ? R : never;
+ type NeverOrUnknown<T> = [T] extends [never] ? never : unknown;
+ export type Constraint<T> =
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.NeverOrUnknown<
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.StructuredCloneOutput<
+ BetterTypeScriptLibInternals.StructuredClone.AvoidCyclicConstraint<T>
+ >
+ >;
+ }