You have entered into the world of a secret agent. If you used to be a Drill Master, you should aspire to become a White Tiger instead.
If White Tiger is too dull, you may choose a Tiger Bear
You have entered into the world of one of Her Majesty's secret agent. Codename Agent 008; his name is Bond, Milton Bond. He's the pencil pushing assistant of his more well-known cousin, James. While James is out stopping evil-doers, rescusing damsels in distress, and having the occasional martini. Milton is responsible for making sure all of James' paperwork is in order. Need the requisite form for a new Aston-Martin for that high speed car chase? Ask Milton! Special ordering a bespoke tuxedo for a fancy dinner and with a side of fisticuffs? Milton's your man. Need someone to send in your end of mission expense report, complete with TPS cover letter. Milton's already one step ahead of you. It's a gret to part of operation with Milton.