From 7e70ff7b8e9e87f46fc1d4dad23b76e977eaa0dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Louis-Maxime Piton Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 09:11:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Working with Sass 1.79.4 --- package-lock.json | 38 ++- package.json | 2 +- scss/_functions.scss | 294 ++++++++++++++++++++++- scss/tests/mixins/_color-modes.test.scss | 4 +- 4 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 29fac7314f8d..c1e977ee71e4 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ "rollup": "^4.23.0", "rollup-plugin-istanbul": "^5.0.0", "rtlcss": "^4.3.0", - "sass": "1.78.0", + "sass": "1.79.4", "sass-true": "^8.0.0", "shelljs": "^0.8.5", "stylelint": "^16.9.0", @@ -10950,12 +10950,12 @@ "license": "MIT" }, "node_modules/sass": { - "version": "1.78.0", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-AaIqGSrjo5lA2Yg7RvFZrlXDBCp3nV4XP73GrLGvdRWWwk+8H3l0SDvq/5bA4eF+0RFPLuWUk3E+P1U/YqnpsQ==", + "version": "1.79.4", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": 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#7fff00, + "chocolate": #d2691e, + "coral": #ff7f50, + "cornflowerblue": #6495ed, + "cornsilk": #fff8dc, + "crimson": #dc143c, + "cyan": #00ffff, + "darkblue": #00008b, + "darkcyan": #008b8b, + "darkgoldenrod": #b8860b, + "darkgray": #a9a9a9, + "darkgreen": #006400, + "darkgrey": #a9a9a9, + "darkkhaki": #bdb76b, + "darkmagenta": #8b008b, + "darkolivegreen": #556b2f, + "darkorange": #ff8c00, + "darkorchid": #9932cc, + "darkred": #8b0000, + "darksalmon": #e9967a, + "darkseagreen": #8fbc8f, + "darkslateblue": #483d8b, + "darkslategray": #2f4f4f, + "darkturquoise": #00ced1, + "darkviolet": #9400d3, + "deeppink": #ff1493, + "deepskyblue": #00bfff, + "dimgray": #696969, + "dodgerblue": #1e90ff, + "firebrick": #b22222, + "floralwhite": #fffaf0, + "forestgreen": #228b22, + "fuchsia": #ff00ff, + "gainsboro": #dcdcdc, + "ghostwhite": #f8f8ff, + "gold": #ffd700, + "goldenrod": #daa520, + "gray": #808080, + "green": #008000, + "greenyellow": #adff2f, + "grey": #808080, + "honeydew": #f0fff0, + "hotpink": #ff69b4, + "indianred": #cd5c5c, + "indigo": #4b0082, + "ivory": #fffff0, + "khaki": #f0e68c, + "lavender": #e6e6fa, + "lavenderblush": #fff0f5, + "lawngreen": #7cfc00, + "lemonchiffon": #fffacd, + "lightblue": #add8e6, + "lightcoral": #f08080, + "lightcyan": #e0ffff, + "lightgoldenrodyellow": #fafad2, + "lightgray": #d3d3d3, + "lightgreen": #90ee90, + "lightgrey": #d3d3d3, + "lightpink": #ffb6c1, + "lightsalmon": #ffa07a, + "lightseagreen": #20b2aa, + "lightskyblue": #87cefa, + "lightslategray": #778899, + "lightsteelblue": #b0c4de, + "lightyellow": #ffffe0, + "lime": #00ff00, + "limegreen": #32cd32, + "linen": #faf0e6, + "magenta": #ff00ff, + "maroon": #800000, + "mediumaquamarine": #66cdaa, + "mediumblue": #0000cd, + "mediumorchid": #ba55d3, + "mediumpurple": #9370db, + "mediumseagreen": #3cb371, + "mediumslateblue": #7b68ee, + "mediumspringgreen": #00fa9a, + "mediumturquoise": #48d1cc, + "mediumvioletred": #c71585, + "midnightblue": #191970, + "mintcream": #f5fffa, + "mistyrose": #ffe4e1, + "moccasin": #ffe4b5, + "navajowhite": #ffdead, + "navy": #000080, + "oldlace": #fdf5e6, + "olive": #808000, + "olivedrab": #6b8e23, + "orange": #ffa500, + "orangered": #ff4500, + "orchid": #da70d6, + "palegoldenrod": #eee8aa, + "palegreen": #98fb98, + "paleturquoise": #afeeee, + "palevioletred": #db7093, + "papayawhip": #ffefd5, + "peachpuff": #ffdab9, + "peru": #cd853f, + "pink": #ffc0cb, + "plum": #dda0dd, + "powderblue": #b0e0e6, + "purple": #800080, + "red": #ff0000, + "rosybrown": #bc8f8f, + "royalblue": #4169e1, + "saddlebrown": #8b4513, + "salmon": #fa8072, + "sandybrown": #f4a460, + "seagreen": #2e8b57, + "seashell": #fff5ee, + "sienna": #a0522d, + "silver": #c0c0c0, + "skyblue": #87ceeb, + "slateblue": #6a5acd, + "slategray": #708090, + "snow": #fffafa, + "springgreen": #00ff7f, + "steelblue": #4682b4, + "tan": #d2b48c, + "teal": #008080, + "thistle": #d8bfd8, + "tomato": #ff6347, + "turquoise": #40e0d0, + "violet": #ee82ee, + "wheat": #f5deb3, + "white": #ffffff, + "whitesmoke": #f5f5f5, + "yellow": #ffff00, + "yellowgreen": #9acd32 +) !default; + +@function to-number($value, $base: 10) { + @if type-of($value) == "number" { + @return $value; + } @else if type-of($value) != "string" { + @error "Value for `to-number` should be a number or a string."; + } + + $result: 0; + $digits: 0; + $minus: str-slice($value, 1, 1) == "-"; + $numbers: ("0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9, "a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12, "d": 13, "e": 14, "f": 15); + + @for $i from if($minus, 2, 1) through str-length($value) { + $character: str-slice($value, $i, $i); + + @if (index(map-keys($numbers), $character) or $character == ".") { + @if $character == "." { + $digits: 1; + } @else if $digits == 0 { + $result: $result * $base + map-get($numbers, $character); + } @else { + $digits: $digits * $base; + $result: $result + divide(map-get($numbers, $character), $digits); + } + } + } + + @return if($minus, -$result, $result); +} + +@function red($value) { + $str-value: "#{$value}"; + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" and str-length($str-value) == 4 { + $value-number: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 2, 2), 16); + // @debug $value "red-hex:" $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + @return $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" { + $return-value: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 2, 3), 16); + // @debug $value "red-hex6:" if(str-length($str-value) == 9, $return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255, $return-value); + @return if(str-length($str-value) == 9, round($return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255), $return-value); + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 4) == "rgba" { + $rgba-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $red-value: to-number(str-slice($rgba-values, 2, str-index($rgba-values, ",") - 1)); + @while str-index($rgba-values, ",") != null { + $rgba-values: str-slice($rgba-values, str-index($rgba-values, ",") + 1); + } + $alpha-value: to-number(str-slice($rgba-values, 1, -2)); + $return-value: round($red-value * $alpha-value); + // @debug $value "red-rgba:" $return-value; + @return $return-value; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 3) == "rgb" { + $rgb-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $return-value: round(to-number(str-slice($rgb-values, 2, str-index($rgb-values, ",") - 1))); + // @debug $value "red-rgb:" $return-value; + @return $return-value; + } + @if map-has-key($named-colors, $str-value) { + @return red(map-get($named-colors, $str-value)); + } + @error "#{$value} format isn't supported. Supported format: named colors, hex codes or rgb values."; +} + +@function green($value) { + $str-value: "#{$value}"; + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" and str-length($str-value) == 4 { + $value-number: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 3, 3), 16); + // @debug $value "green-hex:" $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + @return $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" { + $return-value: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 4, 5), 16); + // @debug $value "green-hex6:" if(str-length($str-value) == 9, $return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255, $return-value); + @return if(str-length($str-value) == 9, round($return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255), $return-value); + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 4) == "rgba" { + $rgba-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $gba-values: str-slice($rgba-values, str-index($rgba-values, ",") + 1); + $green-value: to-number(str-slice($gba-values, 1, str-index($gba-values, ",") - 1)); + @while str-index($rgba-values, ",") != null { + $rgba-values: str-slice($rgba-values, str-index($rgba-values, ",") + 1); + } + $alpha-value: to-number(str-slice($rgba-values, 1, -2)); + $return-value: round($green-value * $alpha-value); + // @debug $value "green-rgba:" $return-value; + @return $return-value; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 3) == "rgb" { + $rgb-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $gb-values: str-slice($rgb-values, str-index($rgb-values, ",") + 1); + $return-value: round(to-number(str-slice($gb-values, 1, str-index($gb-values, ",") - 1))); + // @debug $value "green-rgb:" $return-value; + @return $return-value; + } + @if map-has-key($named-colors, $str-value) { + @return green(map-get($named-colors, $str-value)); + } + @error "#{$value} format isn't supported. Supported format: named colors, hex codes or rgb values."; +} + +@function blue($value) { + $str-value: "#{$value}"; + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" and str-length($str-value) == 4 { + $value-number: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 4, 4), 16); + // @debug $value "blue-hex:" $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + @return $value-number * 16 + $value-number; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 1) == "#" { + $return-value: to-number(str-slice($str-value, 6, 7), 16); + // @debug $value "blue-hex6:" if(str-length($str-value) == 9, $return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255, $return-value); + @return if(str-length($str-value) == 9, round($return-value * to-number(str-slice($str-value, 8, 9), 16) / 255), $return-value); + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 4) == "rgba" { + $rgba-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $gba-values: str-slice($rgba-values, str-index($rgba-values, ",") + 1); + $ba-values: str-slice($gba-values, str-index($gba-values, ",") + 1); + $blue-value: to-number(str-slice($ba-values, 1, str-index($ba-values, ","))); + @while str-index($rgba-values, ",") != null { + $rgba-values: str-slice($rgba-values, str-index($rgba-values, ",") + 1); + } + $alpha-value: to-number(str-slice($rgba-values, 1, -2)); + $return-value: round($blue-value * $alpha-value); + // @debug $value "blue-rgba:" $return-value; + @return $return-value; + } + @if str-slice($str-value, 1, 3) == "rgb" { + $rgb-values: str-slice($str-value, str-index($str-value, "(")); + $gb-values: str-slice($rgb-values, str-index($rgb-values, ",") + 1); + $b-values: str-slice($gb-values, str-index($gb-values, ",") + 1); + $return-value: round(to-number(str-slice($b-values, 2, str-index($b-values, ")") - 1))); + // @debug $value "blue-rgb:" $return-value; + @return to-number($return-value); + } + @if map-has-key($named-colors, $str-value) { + @return blue(map-get($named-colors, $str-value)); + } + @error "#{$value} format isn't supported. Supported format: named colors, hex codes or rgb values."; +} + +.test { + color: to-rgb(rgba(#ffffff, .5)); +} // Ascending // Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints. @@ -204,12 +494,12 @@ $_luminance-list: .0008 .001 .0011 .0013 .0015 .0017 .002 .0022 .0025 .0027 .003 // scss-docs-start color-functions // Tint a color: mix a color with white @function tint-color($color, $weight) { - @return mix(white, $color, $weight); + @return mix($white, $color, $weight); } // Shade a color: mix a color with black @function shade-color($color, $weight) { - @return mix(black, $color, $weight); + @return mix($black, $color, $weight); } // Shade the color if the weight is positive, else tint it diff --git a/scss/tests/mixins/_color-modes.test.scss b/scss/tests/mixins/_color-modes.test.scss index 9ecc628deabe..97ceb322696f 100644 --- a/scss/tests/mixins/_color-modes.test.scss +++ b/scss/tests/mixins/_color-modes.test.scss @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ background-color: var(--bs-primary-bg-subtle); } [data-bs-theme=dark] { - --custom-color: #3a3ff8; + --custom-color: rgb(57.5, 63, 247.5); } } } @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { - --custom-color: #3a3ff8; + --custom-color: rgb(57.5, 63, 247.5); } } }