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fae6474 · Apr 27, 2022


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File metadata and controls

337 lines (303 loc) · 14.5 KB


This repository is part of the paper Hardening with Scapolite: a DevOps-based Approach for Improved Authoring and Testing of Security-Configuration Guides in Large-Scale Organizations presented at the 12th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY). We submitted our article as a full-length paper. However, we had to convert it into a tool paper during the review process. Thus, the version published under DOI 10.1145/3508398.3511525 only consists of 6 pages, but one can download the original, full-length version here.

Code Snippets

The Scapolite Format

    class: rule
    version: '0.51'
id: BL942-1101
id_namespace: org.scapolite.example
title: Configure use of passwords for removable data drives
rule: <see below>
  - relative_id: '01'
    description: <see below>
  - version: '1.0'
    action: created
    description: Added so as to mitigate risk SR-2018-0144.
## /rule
Enable the setting 'Configure use of passwords for removable
data drives' and set the options as follows:
   *  Select `Require password complexity`
   *  Set the option 'Minimum password length for removable data drive` to `15`.
## /implementations/0/description
To set the protection level to the desired state, enable the policy
`Computer Configuration\...\Configure use of passwords for removable data drives`
and set the options as specified above in the rule.

This file contains a basic Scapolite file. One can see the meta data in the YAML preamble and the text intended for humans in the markdown part. This file is a reduced version of an actual Siemens security rule with the id BL942-1101. One can find the original rule here.

Adding Machine-Readable Automations

system: org.scapolite.implementation.win_gpo
ui_path: Computer Configuration\...\Configure use of passwords for removable data drives
  main_setting: Enabled
  Configure password complexity for removable data drives: Require password complexity
  Minimum password length for removable data drive: 15
    Minimum password length for removable data drive:
      min: 15

This file contains a machine-readable automation to implement and check the rule BL942-1101. In the updated rule file, one can see how we include the automation in the rule.

Transforming Automations

system: org.scapolite.automation.compound
  - system: org.scapolite.implementation.windows_registry
    config: Computer
    registry_key: Software\Policies\Microsoft\FVE
    value_name: RDVPassphrase
    action: DWORD:1
  - system: org.scapolite.implementation.windows_registry
    config: Computer
    registry_key: Software\Policies\Microsoft\FVE
    value_name: RDVPassphraseComplexity
    action: DWORD:1
  - system: org.scapolite.implementation.windows_registry
    config: Computer
    registry_key: Software\Policies\Microsoft\FVE
    value_name: RDVPassphraseLength
    action: DWORD:15
        min: 15

Based on the machine-readable automation from the previous step, we can now generate the low-level automations. These automations represent the registry keys that we have to set to implement the rule, respectively to check for the given values if we want to assess a system for this rule. In the updated rule file, one can see how we include the generated automations in the Scapolite file.

Including Scripts

system: org.scapolite.automation.script
script: |
    Get-Volume | Select Size, FileSystemType | Where {$_.Size -gt 1GB}
    output_processor: Format-List
      key: FileSystemType
      equal_to: NTFS

If we cannot find a suitable abstraction level, we must include code in a suitable scripting language. For expressing checks, we can at least regain some abstraction via a generic method for expressing the expected output of check-scripts to keep the scripts included as script automation in the Scapolite document as concise as possible. This file shows an example of a check for the requirement that all mounted volumes larger than 1GB should use the NTFS file system. In the script rule file, one can see how we include the script automation in the Scapolite file.

Producing Code and Other Artifacts

<criteria negate="false" operator="AND">
  <criteria negate="false" operator="AND">
    <criterion negate="false" test_ref="oval:tst:105650">
      <win:registry_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists"  id="oval:tst:105650" version="1">
        <win:registry_object id="oval:obj:105650" version="1">
          <win:hive datatype="string" operation="equals">
          <win:key datatype="string" operation="case insensitive equals">
          <win:name datatype="string" operation="equals">
        <win:registry_state id="oval:ste:105650" version="1">
          <win:type datatype="string" operation="equals">
          <win:value datatype="int" entity_check="all" operation="equals">

As an example for a different target of our transformations, this file shows the result of a transformation from the generated automations into an OVAL check. This particular transformation might look straightforward, but even simple checks can get complicated when expressed in OVAL; combined with the verbose XML structure of OVAL and its many cross-references, generating OVAL was a prime use case for our code generation.

    "BL942-1101_sub_0": {
        "action": "DWORD:1",
        "config": "Computer",
        "path": "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\FVE",
        "rule_name": "BL942-1101",
        "rule_type": "pol",
        "title": "Configure the policy Configure use of passwords for removable data drives",
        "type": "DWORD",
        "value": 1,
        "value_name": "RDVPassphrase",
        "acp": "C:123|I:123|A:123"
    "BL942-1101_sub_1": {
        "action": "DWORD:1",
        "config": "Computer",
        "path": "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\FVE",
        "rule_name": "BL942-1101",
        "rule_type": "pol",
        "title": "Configure the policy Configure use of passwords for removable data drives",
        "type": "DWORD",
        "value": 1,
        "value_name": "RDVPassphraseComplexity",
        "acp": "C:123|I:123|A:123"
    "...": "...",
    "meta_information": {
        "date": "2021-07-29T07:01:44.327867",
        "...": "..."
    "profiles": {
        "all_rules": [
    "default_profile": "all_rules"

For guides targeting Windows, we generate a set of PowerShell commandlets together with a JSON file containing the necessary data used to implement or check the corresponding rule. One can see such a JSON file here.

Test Specification

os_image: Windows10
os_image_version: 1809
ciscat_version: v4.0.20
- name: 1809 L2 High Security (...)
- name: 1809_Level1_Corporate_General_use
  testrun_ps_profile: L1_Corp_Env_genUse
  testrun_ciscat_profile: cisbenchmarks_profile_L1_Corp_Env_genUse
  testrun_benchmark_filename: CIS_Win_10_1809-xccdf.xml
  - id: initial_powershell_check
    type: ps_scripts
    sub_type: check_all
    - sub_type: count
        blacklist_rules: 0
        compliant_checks: 75
        non_compliant_checks: 272
        empty_checks: 2
        unknown_checks: 2
  - id: apply_all
    type: ps_scripts
    sub_type: apply_all
    blacklist_rules: [R2_2_16, R2_3_1_1, ..., R18_9_97_2_4]
    - sub_type: count
        applied_automations: 336
        not_applied_automations: 4
  - id: check-after-apply-all-with-ps
    type: ps_scripts
    sub_type: check_all
    - sub_type: by_id
      result: non_compliant_checks
      comment: Correspond to blacklisted rules
      check_ids: [R2_2_16, R2_3_1_1, ..., R18_9_97_2_4]
  - id: check_after_apply_all_ciscat ...
    type: ciscat
    - sub_type: compare
      compare_with: check-after-apply-all-with-ps
        comment: CISCAT error for
        rules_failed_only_here: [R18_8_21_5, ...]
        rules_unknown_only_here: [R1_1_5, R1_1_6, R2_3_10_1]
        rules_unknown_only_there: [R18_2_1, ...]
        rules_passed_only_here: []
- id: validate_json_file
  type: examine_sfera_automation_json
  - sub_type: count
      no_automation: 1
  - sub_type: by_id
      no_automation: [R18_2_1]
      same_setting: []

This file shows an exemplary test specification file. Each test run specifies several activities with a list of validations per activity:

  • We specify two test runs (lines 5-6), one for the Level 2, i.e., high-security, profile of a CIS Windows 10 (1809) Benchmark, the other one for the basic Level 1 profile. Here we only show parts of the latter.

  • We start with a check of the unchanged system, using the generated PowerShell scripts (line 11). The first validation activity (lines 15--21) provides a count of the check result: how many rules were compliant, non-compliant, et cetera. Here, as in all the following examples, the values defined in the test specification file are the expected values taken from previous test runs.

  • We continue using the generated PowerShell scripts to apply all rules (line 25) of the chosen Level 1 profile (line 7). We usually need to blacklist some rules (line 26) because there are rules breaking the test mechanism, e.g., by disrupting connections to the test machine. Again, amongst other things, we validate the number of successfully applied rules (line 30).

  • We follow the rules' application with two check activities: we check with the generated PowerShell script (lines 33ff) and an external scanner provided by the CIS (lines 42ff).

    • Here, we see an example of validating not just rule counts but the actual rule identifiers, e.g., as we examine the rules that our script reports as non-compliant (line 40). In line 39, a tester made a comment: the non-compliant rules correspond to the blacklisted rules (in line 26).

    • We can also carry out other relevant comparisons automatically: For example, in lines 45ff., the check results of the CIS scanner are compared with the results of our PowerShell script; in line 49, under the keyword rules_failed_only_here, we see a list of rules which the CIS scanner reports as non-compliant, but our PowerShell scripts report as compliant. Again, a tester added a comment (line 48) about the reasons for the deviations.

      For example, for a specific rule, the CIS scanner requires that a particular setting should not be configured, even though the human-readable description of the rule requires that the setting should be disabled. Testers at re-discovered systematic false positives like these repeatedly; by documenting such problems of external scanners, testers can better focus on actual deviations.

  • We also carry out static tests on the created artifacts (line 54ff.); the static tests are always carried out as the very first test activity. For example, we examine the created JSON file for entries without an automation (lines 60, 64) to catch errors during maintenance, leading to a failure when creating automations. Another valuable check is whether the same security setting is affected by several rules (line 65) since this often points to an error made during the rules' specification.

One can see an actual test specification file here.

Documentation of full results

CRITICAL - Validation failed, SAME numbers, but DIFFERENT IDs (IMPROVEMENT: 'fall')!
 Expected and confirmed(found) 'unknown_checks' IDs: {'R18_2_1', 'R2_3_1_6', 'R2_2_21', 'R2_3_1_5'}
 Expected 'unknown_checks' IDs, but not found: {'R2_3_11_3'}
 Found 'unknown_checks' IDs, but not expected: {'R19_7_41_1'}

In case a deeper analysis of the results becomes necessary, the users can access detailed information about found deviations for each validation step: This file provides an example of how a deviation is reported. Furthermore, users can access the raw data for each activity within a staging repository containing the generated artifacts. Thus, all relevant data are provided at one location. Also, they can use different mechanisms provided by git and GitLab such as viewing differences between test executions, e.g., within the generated artifacts, during the analysis of the test results.

Additional Resources


If you have any questions, please create an issue or contact Patrick Stöckle.