Releases: tugrul512bit/Cekirdekler
Multiple kernel names in "device to device pipeline stages" can be grouped with "@" separator instead of " ",",",";" separators so they read inputs from host only once before first kernel and write output to host only once after last kernel. Without "@", each kernel reads and writes inputs and outputs, making "multiple kernel stage" slower.
"@" separated kernels run as a single kernel so all use single global-local range value.
"a@b@c" N : 256 1 read 1 write
"a b@c" N,M : 256,128 2 reads 2 writes
Now device to device pipeline stages can be initialized in buildPipeline() method with the parameters given in this method:
stage.initializerKernel("kernelName", new int[] { N }, new int[] { 256 });
decreased command queue consumption per "device to device pipeline stage" to have room for more stages.
fixed: "result ready" boolean value returned by pipeline.pushData() is true at wrong iteration
Compatible only with CekirdeklerCPP v1.2.0+
Removed "Copy Memory" dependency,
Added device to device pipelining feature
Added helper methods normalizedGlobalRangesOfDevices(int id) and normalizedComputePowersOfDevices() in number cruncher class for querying from client code.
array of user-defined structs can be wrapped by ClArray of type byte with its static method wrapArrayOfStructs
for example, Unity's Vector3
Fixed unnecessary array bounds checking for read-only buffers. Those don't need a minimum length. They are copied as a whole at once.
Added minor documentation.
Added base of built-in auxilliary kernel function example (but not working yet)
added nbody(benchmark based) device reordering to enable picking fastest nbody performing device:
Cekirdekler.Hardware.ClPlatforms platforms = Cekirdekler.Hardware.ClPlatforms.all(); var selectedDevices = platforms.platformsAmd().devicesAmd().devicesWithHighestDirectNbodyPerformance();
fixed minor bug in load balancer that triggered when number of devices are changed.
added minor documentation
Deleted console size changing codes from platform / device info output methods. Those were not working for non-console apps.
English translation of cluster computing related classes complete.
fixed some class file names.