To address the issue of multiple environments, this plugin can be configured to specify the target environment for forwarding based on the "request-domain" request header.
The plugin maintains a list of environment configurations, supporting all fields in the tRPC client, such as namespace, env_name, set_name, etc. The "disable_servicerouter" field is set to true.
- This plugin is designed for offline environments and is not recommended for use in production as it may affect service stability.
- It can be used in conjunction with the mocking plugin to provide an API for querying the environment list, allowing flexible environment switching on the client side.
- The response will include the "X-Proxy-Env" header for easy debugging.
- Example value: target=polaris://trpc.inews.service&namespace=Development&env_name=f9283c03&set_name=
- Add the import statement
import (
_ ""
- tRPC framework configuration file, enable the devenv interceptor.
Note: Make sure to register it under server.service.filter, not server.filter.
global: # Global configuration
server: # Server configuration
filter: # Interceptor list for all service handlers
service: # Business services provided, can have multiple
- name: trpc.inews.trpc.gateway # Service routing name
- devenv # Gateway plugin registered under service.filter, so that it can be dynamically loaded in router.yaml
plugins: # Plugin configuration
log: # Log configuration
gateway: # Plugin type is gateway
devenv: # Devenv plugin
env_key: request-domain # Request parameter name that identifies the environment, default is request-domain
Plugins at different levels will only be executed once, with the priority order: router plugin > service plugin > global plugin
router: # Router configuration
- method: /v1/user/info
id: "xxxxxx"
- service: trpc.user.service
- name: devenv # Router-level plugin
- request_domain: # Environment identifier
disable: false # Whether to disable this environment
namespace: Production
env_name: formal # Environment name, same as env_name in trpc client
target: "polaris://xxxx" # Target service, same as target in trpc client
set_name: "" # Set name, same as set_name in trpc client
client: # Upstream service configuration, follows the trpc protocol
- name: trpc.user.service
- name: devenv # Service-level configuration
- request_domain:
disable: false # Whether to disable this environment
env_name: formal
namespace: Production
set_name: ""
target: ""
- name: devenv # Global configuration
- request_domain:
disable: false # Whether to disable this environment
env_name: formal
namespace: Production
set_name: ""
target: ""