- Use exact ckeditor4 version
- Upgrade ckeditor and Google Maps loader dependencies
- Upgrade Node, Vite and Sass dependencies
- Improve invalid controller method reference
- Update invalid controller method reference
- Allow opening in new tab for common controls
- Use proper close icon reference
- Add style presentation as buttton for mass action with only one option
- Switch to Sass modules system
- Breaking: Switch to Vue 3, ESM module and Vite bundler
- Addition: resource list column visibility toggle selector
- Change: Update vue dependencies (to 2.7)
- Change: Update import file paths
- Change: Update dependencies and scrollbar styles
- Change: update internal services import paths
- Change: update package dependencies
- Change: refactor styles to support new sass version
- Change: update detail view tabs bindings to route changes
- Addition: router api for adding routes, expose replacing history as navigation option
- Change: update style codebase to support dart sass implementation
- Addition: customization of pagination items per page settings
- Addition: add reverse relation name on included admin
- Change: fix component import path in html components form element
- Addition: mutiple files can be selected for upload on media controller
- Change: update package dependencies
- Addition: add api to request sparse fieldsets on resource edit and index actions
- Change: refactored relationship includes api (deprecated "includeApiData" in favor of "includedRelationships")
- Change: consolidate media components files mapping api
- Change: update router duplicated navigation error handling
- Change: error messages styling
- Change: update package dependencies
- Change: replaced demo server implementation
- Addition: add new date / time picker form element props (12 hour clock, custom start period, week starts on sunday, custom year range)
- Change: update package dependencies
- Addition: hint text on all form elements
- Change: update package dependencies
- Addition: allow customization of nested select form element collection and model types
- Change: nested select form element "resourceQuery" prop renamed to "collectionQuery"
- Addition: resourceAlias property to enable mutiple controllers for one resource
- Addition: add api includes for base resource edit controllers
- Change: faster nested resource list rendering
- Change: disable character encoding in html form element
- Change: fix nested selected form element typo
- Addition: allow omitting empty form element values when saving resource
- Change: fix html form element rendering with empty component collection
- Addition: context prop in html components form element for passing arbitrary contextual data
- Change: update html form elements style
- Addition: example gallery and table content components added to demo codebase
- Change: html components form element is editable when no components are defined
- Addition: support for position aware rendering in nested resource controlle…
- Change: translate html components form element captions
- Addition: media form element can set query params on media controller before media select
- Addition: media list element correctly renders file media types
- Addition: better visualization of expanded state on nested resource controller and form element
- Change: remove html components form element double bottom margin
- Change: mass actions dropdown remains open when deselecting models
- Change: html components form element styling
- Addition: html components form element
- Change: update popup styles
- Addition: customize header UI on small screen via scss variables
- Addition: css class option for controllers
- Addition: api for customization of empty list message text
- Change: update pagination rendering
- Change: update package dependencies
- Addition: allow main navigation item custom action
- Addition: override after save behavior on resource controller
- Change: update package dependencies
- Change: fix html editor auto inline bugs
- Change: catch errors from new router push api
- Addition: add navigation item parent caption to app search results
- Addition: allow custom search engine implemenation
- Addition: allow custom translation variable interpolation
- Change: dialog prompt and dropdowns styling
- Addition: api for adding locale specific pluralization rules
- Addition: external app links allowed in main navigation and search
- Change: fix code form element read-only state on startup
- Addition: reasonable defaults for custom form elements
- Change: upgrade toolkit object check and deep assign
- Change: unhandled errors are thrown on resource controllers
- Change: update modal stacking order
- Addition: add option to prepend caption on resource list elements
- Addition: support for custom main navigation item component
- Addition: support for 4 and 5 group column layout od resource edit
- Change: update non interactive form elements styling
- Change: simplify scss style variables overriding
- Change: update router navigation api
- Addition: add additional view components in admin and admin navigation layout
- Addition: tabs on resource edit UI are linkable with configurable urls
- Addition: resource controller has extended error handling api
- Addition: app wide pub/sub event bus
- Change: always use api includes when persisting resource model
- Change: fix base url missing from manually generated urls
- Change: simplify scss style variables overriding
- Addition: add api for updating resource edit field definitions on the fly
- Addition: allow all form element to be set as not editable
- Change: filter out disabled form elements values when updating resource
- Change: fix select form element styling
- Addition: extend resource edit api to disallow resurce saving
- Addition: enable custom download action in file attachment
- Addition: add input like style option for select form element
- Addition: add instance reference to external admin afterControllerMount hook
- Addition: column field layout styles on resource edit
- Addition: state select form element supports numeric and boolean states
- Addition: allow validation error lookup configuration
- Addition: add api pagination strategies and configuration
- Addition: add support for external login workflow
- Change: update project dependencies to latest stable versions
- Change: update project dependencies to latest stable versions
- Change: update project dependencies
- Change: fix #4 tick icon in checkbox form element
- Change: use date time picker and dismiss directive via external packages
- Change: computed properties on form elements refactored to simplify rendering logic
- Change: refactored number form element
- Change: adjusted file upload UI logic on media form element
- Change: media form element will open file upload dialog when thumbnail placeholder is clicked
- Change: adjust media form element value handling
- Change: update demo media file upload codebase
- Change: adjust color form element UI
- Change: harden included admin row instance retrieval logic
- Change: style adjustments for small screens
- Change: adjust resource controls rendering logic on resource controllers
- Change: adjust file upload component / media controller styling
- Change: refactor color form element and add simple color validation
- Change: updated user navigation items logic in navigation component
- Addition: color form element for visual previews of color entered via text input
- Addition: add validation checks to media and file attachment form elements (accepted files and file size)
- Change: allow form elements to peek outside filter component in contracted state
- Change: allow closing date-time picker on small screens via overlay click
- Change: refactored file attachment form element to libraries already used in project
- Change: simplified media list item api
- Change: updated html form element to disable zooming on mobile safari
- Change: adjusted select form element to set proper value after options are populated
- Change: updated language files
- Change: minor style changes throughout application
- Change: code and map form elements render correctly in off-screen scenarios
- Addition: code form element for rendering and editing mixed html content with syntax highlighting
- Change: simplified form and list elements component definition
- Change: update tab navigation styles on resource edit for small screens
- Addition: allow patch method for resource update