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GeoServer Web Application

This module contains the GeoServer web application. It is comprised of a backend api on the Java/GeoServer side, and an angular based client.


Building it requires Node be installed. In addition to installing node and npm it is recommended that bower and grunt-cli be installed globally.

npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli

Once the node dependencies are satisifed invoke ant to build the module.

ant build

This will result in a deployable GeoServer war file.


For development it is most convenient to run the backend and front-end separately. To run the backend import this module into your Java IDE and run the Start class. By default the backend will start up on port 8080.

The frontend is run (again only for development) via Grunt. Start by building the frontend:

grunt build

Once built start the debug server:

grunt start

By default the frontend server starts on port 8000. The server will watch for changes to JavaScript and CSS assets and perform a live reload without having to restart the debug server.

GeoServer Proxy Settings

By default the frontend server will proxy for GeoServer at To change this create a file named proxy.json in the same directory as gruntfile.js. For example:

   "host": "localhost",
   "port": 8080

Tips and Tricks

Ant build targets:

Main targets:

 build  Builds project
 help   Print help
 serve  Runs GeoServer

Use the following to update client side dependencies:

npn install