Every interested fellow is invited to make contributions to this repository but the following terms and conditions are to be strictly adhered to, to ensure orderliness and peaceful collaboration.
To contribute to any work in this repository, you have to:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch
- Add your work; avoid bugs.
- Test the codes and be sure that they are working as expected
- Create a pull request for your work to be reviewed and merged into the main branch
2. Only Work in the projects Directory
Note that the contents of this repository (especially in the directories named sessions) were written in live sessions and saved so that the one who follows the live recordings can see the codes on GitHub, the way they were written in the recorded videos. You don't want to alter the codes; if you wish to work on any of them, make a copy of it in the projects directory and make all the alterations or modifications or improvements there.
- If you're doing a new project, name the file using a number in base 15 as the prefix, and then a hyphen
and the name of the project. In other words, the projects are numbered from 0, follow the order. - Name your functions and variables properly, conforming to the necessary conventions.
Note that base 15 comprises 0 - f. e.g; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, 10, 11, 12, ... 1f and so on.
Firstly, add your project (if it's a new one) to the list of the projects on the README at the root of the projects directory.
Next, let us see the necessary documents that will make us to understand your work and probably your logic, especially a README.md
file in the directory where you did your work
If you refactored or improved on someone else's project, you may want to add your contribution to the README of that particular project
You don't want to create the wrong impressions with your commit messages, let them reflect your activities on GitHub.