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Gem Version

A pseudocode/algorithm formatter for sites powered by Jekyll.

This is a updated fork from wkm/jekyll-pseudo.

Sometimes you don't want to use a particular programming language to demonstrate a concept because of the syntactic overhead. jekyll-pseudocode-b lets you use a gently styled free-formated representation.

Table of Contents


  1. Install the jekyll-pseudocode-b gem by running.
gem install jekyll-pseudocode-b
  1. Add the following line to your site's Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-pseudocode-b'
  1. And add the following line to your site plugin's _config.yml
  - jekyll-pseudocode-b

Note: if jekyll --version is less than 3.5 use:

  - jekyll-pseudocode-b


  • Indentation is preserved
  • A word beginning with a capital letter is a keyword
  • A word followed by parentheses is a function name
  • All other words are variables
  • Words within double or single quotes are generally strings
  • Variables that calls a function can reproduce the following output: myVar.FUNCTION(a);
  • A word that starts with @ will be marked as 'special'. This is if you want to highlight a variable.

Output example

Output is annotated with <span> classes and can be styled using CSS. Typically keywords are made bold and variables are italicized. Using the following code lines:

{% pseudocode %}
Function swap(old, new)
  remaining <- quorumSize
  success <- False
  For Each host
    result[host] <- send(host, propose(old, new))
    If result[host] = "ok"

  If remaining > 1+quorumSize/2
    success <- True

  For Each result
    If success
      send(host, confirm(old, new))
      send(host, cancel(old, new))
{% endpseudocode %}

With a bit of formatting, the above code becomes:


Auto-Formatted Syntax

The following table shows auto-formated symbols:

Syntax Symbol
= =
$pi π
$tau 𝛕

Custom styles

You can also create your own CSS style for pseudo-codes like the images below. Check on the css folder for CSS files examples.

Sample 0

Sample 1

About author

Wiktor Macura is the author of this plugin. This is fork for updated version with some new features. Also it's based on the fork of Victor Bazterra.