A Python toolkit for sound source separation.
You can install by pip.
pip install ssspy
To install latest version,
pip install git+https://github.com/tky823/ssspy.git
Instead, you can build package from source.
git clone https://github.com/tky823/ssspy.git
cd ssspy
pip install .
If you cannot install ssspy
due to failure in building wheel for numpy, please install numpy in advance.
To build the documentation locally, you have to include docs
and notebooks
when installing ssspy
pip install -e ".[docs,notebooks]"
You need to convert some notebooks by the following command:
# in ssspy/
. ./docs/pre_build.sh
When you build the documentation, run the following command.
cd docs/
make html
Or, you can build the documentation automatically using sphinx-autobuild
# in ssspy/
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
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