EYPC chip. The server chip.
SuperComputer Archer use Rome CPU https://www.nextplatform.com/2019/10/18/amd-cpus-will-power-uks-next-generation-archer2-supercomputer/
ThreadRipper chips https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-to-launch-ryzen-threadripper-3990x-with-64-cores-in-2020
Expected to be released in 3990x 64 cores with 128 threads. The only issue is the TPW is 280W, much higher than the Intel i9. It seems AMD is gaining speed with high power requirement. For consumers, it only means they need a PSU with higher output. However, the dataCentre would need to factor in the power consumption as part of the maintainence cost.
It seems ARM is making in roads into the data centre. As depicted in the following article https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-tech-silicon-exclusive/exclusive-amazons-cloud-unit-readies-more-powerful-data-center-chip-sources-idUSKBN1Y202Z, Amazon is pouring money into ARM cpu for data centre, and less reliance on the Intel and AMD CPU. As mentioned in the article, building the hardware using the ARM CPU is only part of the equation, the other part is the software. One would need to build the software to support all the infrastructures built on top of it. Does it mean Amazon needs to rebuild their AWS service to RDS in ARM instruction set, instead of using the X86 architecture? Or will they build a translation layer to translate the instruction set, like what Cryix back then?
Dec 3, 2019 AWS announces their ARM based CPU Graviton2 processors at AWS re:Invent today. Looking at the links below, they are catered for Linux OS. Ubuntu RedHat, and a few others. It make a lot of sense as ARM is pretty power efficient compare to Intel and AMD based CPU. Think of the CPU in your cellphone.
AWS also use AMD EYPC server CPU for their AWS EC2 instances (https://lnkd.in/dZvq9qt), but AMD CPU had a high TPW power usage, which means the electricity aka maintenance cost go up.
So, we had CPU at two end. Light and nimble as ARM, and powerful and hungry as AMD. So, AWS users need to choose carefully to cater for their server needs. More Choices. This doesn't spell good news for Intel.
AMD launches ThreadRipper 3990X, Renoir APU. 8 Zen 2 cores and 16 threads with a new 7nm Vega graphics engine