The to dos are executed without order, mostly the most needed or simplest issue is taken up first. For any type of addition or subtraction to the simple-lang the request for comment (rfc) should be use, you can check out how to make a rfc in the rfc repository by reading the readme file
The roadmap is divided into sections
These are features which apply to the general construction of the core of the language which includes the compiler, interpreter build, installation, features e.t.c
- create the simple-lang interpreter
- create a working installer script to enable installation with curl and bash or shell script working issue
- build a compiler to allow faster program execution - simplify
- make scanner search for call files and dynamic modules in these folders and order.
- use the list to itterate the search path
- 1 absolute to path
- 1 relative to modules folder in working directory
- 2 in relative to environment SIMPLE_PATH
- 1 in relative to installation folder per os
- search in assets folder in android.
BINGED all sources in assets are copied to external app dir on android - search in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data//files as it where the assets are stored
- search in sdcard/simple/sSIMPLE_VERSION/modules/ on android
- search in sdcard/simple/modules/ on android in assumption developer copy the module manually
- create built-in block in core_dynamic_module to add path to the modules path
- write build script for building simple-lang core, environment and modules for windows os
- write build script for building simple-lang core, environment and modules for linux os
- write build script for building simple-lang core, environment and modules for mac os
- write build script for building simple-lang core, environment and modules for haiku os
- make linux build script generate .deb and .zip package
- presence of simple-lang codes and snippets on rosetta codes working issue
- IRC or gitter channel for simple-lang working issue
- write documentation to get started with developing with simple lang
- build the language website
- write a comprehensive book on developing with simple-lang
- re write the simple-lang interpreter with lot of optimization and split into in dependable parts
- load shared library in linux working issue
- load shared library on MAC
- load shared library on windows
- load shared library on haiku os
- writing a vscode extension working issue
- add the simple-lang to the github language repository - linguistic
- create simple-lang tag in stack overflow and simlar forums
- a suitable, befitting and upto date README on github repository
- build script should build .lib for windows os
- build script should create a .a archive for statically linking simple-lang runtime on windows os
- build script should create a .a archive for statically linking simple-lang runtime on linux os
- build script should create a .a archive for statically linking simple-lang runtime on mac os
- build script should create a .a archive for statically linking simple-lang runtime on haiku os
- add a new flexible keyword final to lock a variable to a particular to prevent re initializing PR
- allow strong and weak typing to prevent inconsistent and conflicting initialization
- add directive for compiler notation in [] format
- VM should treat really really large number ad big as 10e+50
- allow calling file with explicit module name translating to literal e.g
call simple.core.String
=call "simple\core\String.sim" ? simple.core
PR - Add strict equality
and weak equality===
- Add the
operator - allow creating multi block i.e blocks with the same name but different parameter length
- use the Karatsuba Algorithm for pure multiplication of large numbers
- reformat the way the error are thrown in the console and web
- allow '' to call all the file in a folder e.g simple.core.
- update windows build file Windows-Build.bat to use main build C/C++ toolchain to build environment apps
- make simple-lang multi-threaded
- add lambda support to fetch consistent block in a class per parent classes
- make the simple.core module holds true data type e.g num = new UInteger, num = uint
- add tenary operator addition to the main syntax
- prevent Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) (VM lock) for Better threads and concurrency for a faster execution
- add support for
methods in the classes - allow changing the behaviour of operators in classes
- use of braces
to access and modify fields and other in class delcaration e.gclass = new Class { }
- call the block open if present in class when a class is declared using brace on opening brace
- call the block close if present in class when a class is declared using brace on closing brace
- change the catch behaviour by allowing to call an error method in a class instead of just the error
- a more elegant stack trace and error logging in console
- resolve clashing error in using 0 base index on list items [0][0][0]
- enable variadic parameter in block to allow block overloading and dynamic block. Using ellipsis = ... after parameter
- allow spreading of variadic parameter to pass to another block from within a block e.g ...params
- fix
keyword not effective on incremental and decremental command ++ -- (move to issue) - enable
final keyword before
class` keyword to prevent inheriting it - enable
keyword beforeblock
keyword to prevent overriding the block in sub classes - support using braces to call/import multiple files at once e.g
call { module1 module2 }
- make break from multiple loop start from index 0 instead of one
break 0
instead ofbreak 1
- allow inline return of new object instance even if constructor return self
- import a module as soon as it is declared
variable outside a class should limit the variable to the file scope - allow an overided method to be called using super as the overrided method name e.g
- prevent a class initialization without constructor if it has a constructor. enforce constructor if present
- by strong typing, notify class of assignment for a more native data type creation
- add
keyword to import module in a source file, with comma seperated for importing multiple modules - if supporting strong typing, probably allow a variable with more than one datatype e.g string|number val = 0 and val can also be val = "zero" only
- enable the camparison between any data type and null
- allow iterating over an object using lengthOf operator in place of iterator operator
- both false/0 and null variable should be false in a conditional statement e.g
v = null if v display "never it false it null" end
- revisit the data types operator rules e.g list + object = list[object] should be list += object = list[object]
- completely remove the '@' operator to print expression and replace with display + newLine
- get ride of the global variable
which hold the command line parameters for optional arguments inmain()
block - add option for configure to install an old version of gcc for building compatible binaries in *nux-Build scripts. preferable gcc-6 g++-6
- add option to use a version of gcc/g++ compiler for build, *nix.
- replace the Makefiles in dynamic modules to use a simple conf file
- enforce variables to be created using keyword or the Type ?
- natively attend to escape characters
- use the operator method for assignment also, putting the shallow or deep copy option in developer control
- change 'call' keyword to 'from' for loading module
- change 'invoke' keyword to 'call' for calling lambda block
- change the method execCode to eval
- use the Error method in classes to attend to error that occur when class access is in braces
- support for string interpolation
- add the is operator in place of the InstanceOf function
- change the dynamic module to use extension .dysim t reduce platform extensions overload
- do not convert and coerce type during comparison check
- make every class that does not inherit another class inherits the Object class. first check if the core is loaded first
- use low level list to manage the dynamic modules that has been loaded to prevent issues in situation whereby dy modules are loaded at compile time rather than runtime
- add flag to specify to disable unsafe functions and methods
- enable special variables from within VM to allow redeclaration of primitive type such as true, false, null e.t.c
- change the string concatenation operator from + to ,
- use type coerssion to concat a string object by calling it
method if present
- create and optimize simple source before compiling into bytecode (.complex)
- does not compile the following, removing in the order below
- variable
- block and method
- class
- module
- hint user as a type of level error when a similar variable that has not been declared is used
add support for directive '##' for compile time cutomization - display verbose warning and errors when using the compiler
- add and use the keyword
to allow variable declaration - directive : allow the use of strict declaration to render undefine variable error
see perl 'use strict;'
- [-]
allow the&
operator to pass a parameter by reference - compiles to .complex file
- compiles simple bytecodes into Web Assembly Text File (WAT)
- option to encrypt string in bytecode, if available the VM take option to determine if string is encrypted
- inline variables and function calls e.g final CONST = __CONST() becomes __CONST() in the bytecode
To dos and features relative to the simple-lang standard modules which includes new modules addition, module modification or any other issue related to the module
- simple.core.*
- simple.core.Object : the super type for all class objects
- simple.core.Boolean for primitive
to Object
- change all existing module methods and function identifier to starts with Capital letter instead of small letter
- make the conf.sim file in dynamic module folder for compiling dynamic module instead of makefiles
- Makefiles for various platform can be generated from the options in dynamic module conf.sim
- generate static dynamic modules for static building for bake, making DynamicLoader.sim aware of statically link dynamic module
- add makefile for building fulltick on windows
- create the input output (io) module which include
- File
- Path
- Directory
- FileReader
- FileWriter
- create all high level data types working issue
- init functional console module to simplify working with command line and terminal
- resolve the string lib to accurately unescape characters
- building a better debugging module working issue
- develop the complete functional GUI module (fulltick) using the fltk c++ library
- call and execute events natively
- cutomize widget to look native
- remove validatePointer() block after contructor has been enforced in VM
- add custom event listener to FMenuItem such as Inactive, Removal, Add e.t.c
- export Fl_Menu_Item.H struct
- css to set the style
- port qt library to simple-lang for a higher GUI module
- create database module for simple-lang which includes mysql, sqlite, odbc and access
- build the mysql database module
- build the sqlite database module
- build the odbc database module
- build the access database module
- build the postgresql database module
- build the net module using curl as the back bone
- make curl request and accept both http and https protocols
- build a web module for cgi and template base development
- Math module to treat any form of basic math operation
- add various multiplication method in the math module including Karatsuba algorithm
- include a block that fetch the number of factors a number have and another that return a list of a number factors
- [-] date and time module
- conversion module to convert between objects and types
- system, simplex and runtime module
- create the hash module
- a basic encrypt and decrypt module that uses keys and IV
- port murmur hash C library to simple-lang
- implement ncurses for use in simple-lang
- use a light and simple alternate ANSI C internet library for networking
- parser.json module to parse and create json string
- load json from string and create json from class, list and manually
- a json module that load the json file and store as class attributes and fields and allow writing back to file
- use reflection to serialize and deserialize object into json
- reStructuredText parser module to read rst file into usable tokens
- create a built in block to get hex as number using `H("0x00")
- build a comprehensive color module in simple.system
- create a look ahead class for pure string and file stream for parser implementation
- LookAhead class for pure string.
- for file stream or file reader.
- LookAhead class for pure string.
- create block to locate resources in possible locations with file name and program name e.g
locateResource(string programName, string name)
- create proper encodings module
- implement a matrix module with base type of list in simple.core
- stop moving libsimple_fulltick dynamic module after SIDE has been created
- write better and more robust strSplit function
- re implement the String class completely in simple-lang without depending on libstring_savant
- implement foreach method in any class that operate on array, accepting anonymous block as parameter with the anonymous block parameter corresponding to the element structure
Modules which are not part of the standard module that comes distributed with simple-lang. These modules are only avilable for use by downloading the release versions or using the simple-lang module manager modular to install them. These sources are hosted in a seperate repository but in the same organization. source here.
- create material and native os extended module for fulltick GUI module
- a module that convert fultick Widget to HTML element
- write a C/C++ parser module to scan C/C++ sources into resuable token groups
- move the libstring_savant dynamic module to extended modules
do not install the environment in the binary folder */bin/ install in environment folder so when uninstall it properlly clean up enable environment execution like
simple [environment_app] [parameters]
- build package installer - modular working issue
- modular install and upgrade new module, doc and dynamic module added to the package index
- modular clone and install module from github repository
- upgrade simple-lang distro on the system from either dev or stable version
- test full operation on windows os
- test full operation on linux os
- test full operation on mac os
- test full operation on haiku os
- execute multi-line code
- read input from terminal
- extend simple-repl functionalities (Case Study : elixr iex)
reduces module size by compressing code upon installation. (if skip compilation)
- read simple bytecodes (.complex) and write to C/C++ for speed and more C optimization
- use a small compiler to generate executable
- package simple compiled file (.complex) to system executable
- package simple compiled file (.complex) to system library or simple-lang specific library
- create directory for generated output
- allow static linking of simple-lang runtime
- allow dynamic linking of simple-lang runtime
- minify and build a distributable modules and dynamic modules for distribution
- test full operation on windows os
- test full operation on linux os
- test full operation on mac os
- test full operation on haiku os
build the documentation environment to read comment from source into reStructuredText
- generate for sphinx
- generatemake.bat and Makefile for sphinx build
- auto create index pages for each folder
- allow linking to raw source code
- enable executing the simple.sim script in module folder i
simplem -l [zipfile]
- check for the module first in relative to the current directory
- check for the module in the standard modules location
- enable executing the simple.sim script in module folder i
- auto create simple dynamic module from a C/C++ Header file
- dispose unassigned pointer in function
- struct is a small class with all the variables working
- callback functions in C/C++ can be replaced by native simple function
- option to change exported struct to conform with Naming Style in simple
- export struct pointer with create and destroy function
- enable overloaded function export from C/C++
- resolve addressOf and & operator while creating funtions
- working issue
- able to debug and manipulate complex files
- break point enable in the program but hidden in editor and build
- can preview and parse Mark Down