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Commit 3310981

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Adding unit tests to ensure translation entries are sync'd
1 parent 7bed130 commit 3310981

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5 files changed

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5 files changed

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Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ $ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate
# run unit tests
$ npm run test

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out [Nuxt.js docs](


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export default {

"What is COVID-19?": "ما هو فيروس كورونا المستجد (COVID-19)؟",

"We will update this page with resources related to nCov prevention, here is a quick guide from WHO.": "سنقوم بتحديث هذه الصفحة بمصادر تتعلق بسبل الوقاية من فيروس كورونا المستجد. في الوقت الراهن، يمكنك الإطلاع على هذا الدليل المختصر من منظمة الصحة العالمية.",
"We will update this page with resources related to nCov prevention, here is a quick guide from": "سنقوم بتحديث هذه الصفحة بمصادر تتعلق بسبل الوقاية من فيروس كورونا المستجد. في الوقت الراهن، يمكنك الإطلاع على هذا الدليل المختصر من منظمة الصحة العالمية.",
"WHO": "WHO",

"Overview": "نظرة عامة",
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default {
"About CoronaTracker": "عن CoronaTracker",
" is a community-based project powered by over 460 volunteers from across the globe, ranging from data scientists, medical professionals, UI/UX designers, fullstack developers, to the general public.": "يعتمد مشروع بالكامل على المشاركة المجتمعية بمساهمة أكثر من 460 متطوع من حول العالم، ما بين علماء بيانات، عاملين في المجال الطبي، مصممي واجهات مستخدم، مبرمجي ويب، و مساهمين من العامة.",
"It acts as a portal for the public to keep track of the latest news development about the COVID-19, alongside collecting data for further analysis. All the contents are handpicked, filtered, and curated by volunteers to our best extent to ensure that sources are reliable with minimal hoaxes and fake news, in the best benefit of the public. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used to analyze trending content and identify meaningful topics over various news sources and social media platforms prior to being verified by our team.": "يعمل المشروع بمثابة منصة متاحة للعامة للاطلاع على آخر الأخبار و التطورات المتعلقة بفيروس كورونا المستجد (COVID-19)، كما يعمل المشروع على تجميع بيانات و داتا بغرض تحليلها بشكل معمق. جميع المحتوى المعروض على الموقع يتم اختياره يدويا، تصفيته، و تنقيحه من قبل متطوعينا من أجل التأكد من أن كل المصادر موثوقة و يعتمد عليها، و خالية تماما من أي أخبار كاذبة أو غير موثوقة بغرض حصول العامة على أكبر قدر من الاستفادة. كما أننا نستخدم تقنية معالجة اللغة الطبيعية (Natural Language Processing NLP) لتحليل المحتوى الرائج المرتبط بفيروس كورونا على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي و مصادر الأخبار المختلفة قبل أن يتم مراجعتها و التأكد منها من قبل فريقنا.",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our telegram channel.": "كما يهدف مشروع إلى تجميع بيانات و داتا مكثفة بغرض تحليلها بشكل معمق ( التسلسل الزمنى لتتبع انتشار الفيروس مثلا)، و كذلك الأخبار المحلية (مثال: الأخبار المرتبطة بماليزيا أو كوالالمبور فقط). تلعب هذه المنصة دورا هاما في تعزيز وتزويد المعلومات، كما أن كل المعلومات الواردة عليها متاحة للاستخدام العام. مشروع مفتوح المصدر بالكامل، فكل المعلومات و البيانات المنشورة عليه متاحة على Github. و أي شخص يمكنه أن يشارك معنا من خلال قناتنا على التليجرام.",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our Telegram channel.": "كما يهدف مشروع إلى تجميع بيانات و داتا مكثفة بغرض تحليلها بشكل معمق ( التسلسل الزمنى لتتبع انتشار الفيروس مثلا)، و كذلك الأخبار المحلية (مثال: الأخبار المرتبطة بماليزيا أو كوالالمبور فقط). تلعب هذه المنصة دورا هاما في تعزيز وتزويد المعلومات، كما أن كل المعلومات الواردة عليها متاحة للاستخدام العام. مشروع مفتوح المصدر بالكامل، فكل المعلومات و البيانات المنشورة عليه متاحة على Github. و أي شخص يمكنه أن يشارك معنا من خلال قناتنا على التليجرام.",
"Our team of data scientists use OSEMN framework to collect, clean, explore, model, and run their own analysis. For ease of public understanding, it is presented using graphic visualizations and dashboards. Through the data obtained, we hope to build machine learning models very soon.": "يستخدم فريق علماء البيانات لدينا إطار العمل OSEMN بغرض تجميع، تنقية، و استكشاف البيانات، و كذلك بناء النماذج اللازمة لتحليل هذه البيانات. و لتسهيل هذه البيانات و المعلومات المحللة على العامة يتم عرضها في شكل صور بصرية و لوائح عرض تفاعلية. ايضا نهدف من خلال الداتا المجمعة إلى بناء نماذج للتعلم الآلي (Machine Learning) قريبا.",
"We were inspired by the Coronavirus Outbreak Map by John Hopkins University that was very informative. We also recognised the difficulty to gather data for in-depth analysis through various other sources of scattered data on different news portals as well as in different languages.": "نشأت فكرة هذا المشروع بفضل خريطة بصرية لفيروس كورونا معدة من قبل جامعة جون هوبكنز و التي احتوت على معلومات دسمة و كانت ملهمة لنا للبدأ في تنفيذ هذا المشروع. و كانت أكبر عقباتنا آنذك هي صعوبة تجميع البيانات من مصادر أخرى متفرقة على منصات أخبار مختلفة و بلغات متعددة من أجل التحليل المعمق لها.",
"Works started on the 25th of January, the first day of the Lunar New Year. Our team has been working relentlessly to make this a success, and launched officially on the 27th of January.": "بدأ فريقنا العمل على هذا المشروع في 25 يناير، أول أيام السنة القمرية الجديدة، و استمر العمل بدون تعب أو كل للوصول للنجاح المرجو، و تم اطلاق المشروع رسميا في 27 يناير.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export default {
"About CoronaTracker": "Tentang CoronaTracker",
" is a community-based project powered by over 460 volunteers from across the globe, ranging from data scientists, medical professionals, UI/UX designers, fullstack developers, to the general public.": " adalah proyek berbasis komunitas yang didukung oleh lebih dari 460 sukarelawan dari seluruh dunia, mulai dari ilmuwan data, profesional medis, desainer UI / UX, pengembang fullstack, hingga masyarakat umum.",
"It acts as a portal for the public to keep track of the latest news development about the COVID-19, alongside collecting data for further analysis. All the contents are handpicked, filtered, and curated by volunteers to our best extent to ensure that sources are reliable with minimal hoaxes and fake news, in the best benefit of the public. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used to analyze trending content and identify meaningful topics over various news sources and social media platforms prior to being verified by our team.": "Ini berperan sebagai pintu untuk masyarakat untuk melacak perkembangan berita terbaru tentang COVID-19, sekaligus mengumpulkan data untuk analisis lebih lanjut. Semua konten dipilih, disaring, dan diawasi oleh sukarelawan sebaik mungkin untuk memastikan bahwa sumber dapat dipercaya dengan minimal informasi dan berita palsu, untuk keuntungan publik. Natural Language Processing (NLP) digunakan untuk menganalisis konten yang sedang tren dan mengidentifikasi topik yang bermakna dari berbagai sumber berita dan platform media sosial sebelum diverifikasi oleh tim kami. ",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our telegram channel.": " juga bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data untuk analisis mendalam (misalnya rangkaian waktu dalam memantau pertumbuhan, penyebaran virus) dan berita lokal (misalnya berita yang terkait dengan Malaysia, atau hanya KL). Platform ini sangat penting untuk konsolidasi informasi , dan semua informasi yang dikumpulkan terbuka untuk digunakan untuk publik. Ini adalah 100 % proyek terbuka , semua informasi dan data yang diterbitkan juga tersedia di Github. Semua orang dipersilakan untuk berkontribusi melalui channel Telegram kami. ",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our Telegram channel.": " juga bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data untuk analisis mendalam (misalnya rangkaian waktu dalam memantau pertumbuhan, penyebaran virus) dan berita lokal (misalnya berita yang terkait dengan Malaysia, atau hanya KL). Platform ini sangat penting untuk konsolidasi informasi , dan semua informasi yang dikumpulkan terbuka untuk digunakan untuk publik. Ini adalah 100 % proyek terbuka , semua informasi dan data yang diterbitkan juga tersedia di Github. Semua orang dipersilakan untuk berkontribusi melalui channel Telegram kami. ",
"Our team of data scientists use OSEMN framework to collect, clean, explore, model, and run their own analysis. For ease of public understanding, it is presented using graphic visualizations and dashboards. Through the data obtained, we hope to build machine learning models very soon.": "Tim ilmuwan data kami menggunakan framework OSEMN untuk mengumpulkan, membersihkan, mengeksplorasi, memodelkan, dan menjalankan analisisnya sendiri. Untuk memudahkan pemahaman publik, framework ini disajikan dengan menggunakan visualisasi grafis dan beberapa instrumen. Melalui data yang diperoleh, kami berharap dapat membangun model machine learning segera. ",
"We were inspired by the Coronavirus Outbreak Map by John Hopkins University that was very informative. We also recognised the difficulty to gather data for in-depth analysis through various other sources of scattered data on different news portals as well as in different languages.": "Kami terinspirasi oleh Coronavirus Outbreak Map oleh Universitas John Hopkins yang sangat informatif. Kami juga memahami kesulitan dalam mengumpulkan data untuk analisis mendalam melalui berbagai sumber lain data yang tersebar di portal berita yang berbeda serta dalam berbagai bahasa.",
"Works started on the 25th of January, the first day of the Lunar New Year. Our team has been working relentlessly to make this a success, and launched officially on the 27th of January.": "Pekerjaan dimulai pada tanggal 25 Januari, hari pertama Tahun Baru Imlek. Tim kami telah bekerja tanpa henti untuk menjadikan ini suksesan, dan meluncurkan secara resmi pada tanggal 27 Januari.",


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ export default {
"About CoronaTracker": "Sobre o CoronaTracker",
" is a community-based project powered by over 460 volunteers from across the globe, ranging from data scientists, medical professionals, UI/UX designers, fullstack developers, to the general public.": " é um projeto comunitário feito por mais de 460 voluntários ao redor do mundo, passando por cientistas de dados, profissionais de saúde, designers de UI/UX, desenvolvedores fullstack, até o público em geral.",
"It acts as a portal for the public to keep track of the latest news development about the COVID-19, alongside collecting data for further analysis. All the contents are handpicked, filtered, and curated by volunteers to our best extent to ensure that sources are reliable with minimal hoaxes and fake news, in the best benefit of the public. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used to analyze trending content and identify meaningful topics over various news sources and social media platforms prior to being verified by our team.": "Ele age como um portal para o público monitorar a evolução das últimas notícias sobre o COVID-19, ao mesmo tempo em que coleta dados para análises mais profundas. Todo o conteúdo é escolhido a dedo, filtrado e curado por voluntários ao melhor das nossas capacidades para assegurar que as fontes são confiáveis como boatos e fake news mínimos, no melhor interesse do público. Linguagem de Processamento Natural (NLP, em inglês) é usada para analisar conteúdos em alta e identificar tópicos relevantes dentre várias fontes de notícias e plataformas de mídias sociais antes de serem verificadas pelo nosso time.",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our telegram channel.": " também objetiva coletar dados para uma análise profunda (ex: série temporaris para monitorar o crescimento e surto do vírus) e notícias locais (ex: notícias relacionadas à Malásia ou somente Kuala Lumpur). A plataforma é vital para a consolidação das informações e todas as informações coletadas estão abertas ao uso pelo público. Este é um projeto 100% de código aberto, todas as informações e dados publicáveis estão disponíveis no Github também. Todos são bem vindos a contribuir pelo nosso canal no Telegram.",
"Our team of data scientists use OSEMN framework to collect, clean, explore, model, and run their own analysis. For ease of public understanding, it is presented using graphic visualizations and dashboards. Through the data obtained, we hope to build machine learning models very soon.": "Nosso time de cientista de dados utiliza o framework OSEMN para coletar, limpar, explorar, modelar e rodar suas próprias análises. Para facilitar o entendimento do público, visualizações de gráficos e dashboards são apresentados. Através dos dados obtidos, nós esperamos construir modelos de aprendizado de máquina (machine learning) muito em breve.",
" also aims to gather data for in-depth analysis (e.g. time series to monitor the growth, spread of the virus) and localized news (e.g. news related to Malaysia, or KL only).The platform is vital for information consolidation, and all gathered information is open to use for the public.This is a 100% open source project, all information and publishable data are available on Github as well. Everyone is welcomed to contribute through our Telegram channel.": " também objetiva coletar dados para uma análise profunda (ex: série temporais para monitorar o crescimento e surto do vírus) e notícias locais (ex: notícias relacionadas à Malásia ou somente Kuala Lumpur). A plataforma é vital para a consolidação das informações e todas as informações coletadas estão abertas ao uso pelo público. Este é um projeto 100% de código aberto, todas as informações e dados publicáveis estão disponíveis no Github também. Todos são bem vindos a contribuir pelo nosso canal no Telegram.",
"Our team of data scientists use OSEMN framework to collect, clean, explore, model, and run their own analysis. For ease of public understanding, it is presented using graphic visualizations and dashboards. Through the data obtained, we hope to build machine learning models very soon.": "Nosso time de cientistas de dados utiliza o framework OSEMN para coletar, limpar, explorar, modelar e rodar suas próprias análises. Para facilitar o entendimento do público, visualizações de gráficos e dashboards são apresentados. Através dos dados obtidos, nós esperamos construir modelos de aprendizado de máquina (machine learning) muito em breve.",
"We were inspired by the Coronavirus Outbreak Map by John Hopkins University that was very informative. We also recognised the difficulty to gather data for in-depth analysis through various other sources of scattered data on different news portals as well as in different languages.": "Nós fomos inspirados pelo Mapa do Surto do Coronavírus pela Univesidade John Hopkins que era muito informativo. Nós também reconhecemos a dificuldade para coletar dados para uma análise profunda através de várias outras fontes de dados espalhados por portais de notícias diferentes bem como em idiomas diferentes.",
"Works started on the 25th of January, the first day of the Lunar New Year. Our team has been working relentlessly to make this a success, and launched officially on the 27th of January.": "Os trabalhos começaram em 25 de Janeiro, o primeiro dia do Novo Ano Lunar. Nosso time tem trabalhado incansavelmente para tornar isso um sucesso e lançou oficialmente o site em 27 de Janeiro.",
"We aim to use technology and make information more accessible, gather talented people all around the world to win the fight!": "Nós queremos usar tecnologia e tornar a informação mais acessível, contando com pessoas talentosas ao redor do mundo para vencer essa luta!",

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