This repo is for showcasing my web developement skills. It is not perfect and it serves as a sandbox. I've tried to implement a lot of tools, library, frameworks, and more.
Required versions of tools used within this repo:
- Node: lts/gallium -> v16.13.1
[email protected]
[email protected]
or greater
# Install dependencies
# Run local development
yarn dev
# Build for deployment
yarn build
# Run production build
yarn start
ESlint and Prettier are installed for easy configuration and code format. We can change the configuration later as we see fit.
# Run lint to see if it complies with code rules or convention.
yarn lint
I plan to add more works and side projects to this repo. If possible, I'd like to redesign the whole site and probably have to update some dependencies. New releases would be better and simpler. Plan to add tags and releases to the repo.