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Let's see shall we with a good ol' fashioned Sass off!</p> <p class=article__date>Posted <time datetime=2014-01-21 pubdate>January 21, 2014</time></p> </a> </article> <article class="article article--summary" role=article> <a href="/blog/2014-01-11-social-media-meta-tags/"> <h3 class=article__title>Social media meta</h3> <p class=article__content>Make the most of people sharing your products, posts, pages or more simply by adding a few meta tags to the <HEAD> of your site.</p> <p class=article__date>Posted <time datetime=2014-01-11 pubdate>January 11, 2014</time></p> </a> </article> <article class="article article--summary" role=article> <a href="/blog/2014-01-01-resolution-9/"> <h3 class=article__title>Resolution #9</h3> <p class=article__content>Today's the first day of 2014 and I'd like to set the theme for the new year</p> <p class=article__date>Posted <time datetime=2014-01-01 pubdate>January 1, 2014</time></p> </a> </article> <article class="article article--summary" role=article> <a href="/blog/2013-12-31-page-alive/"> <h3 class=article__title>Page Alive!</h3> <p class=article__content>Middleman can generate dynamic pages with a data file, a template and a little configuration. Let me show you how.</p> <p class=article__date>Posted <time datetime=2013-12-31 pubdate>December 31, 2013</time></p> </a> </article> <article class="article article--summary" role=article> <a href="/blog/2013-12-30-page-by-numbers/"> <h3 class=article__title>Page by numbers</h3> <p class=article__content>Setting up pagination for my blog was easy enough however, trying to get it to work was a little less straight forward. So I'd like to share how I got pagnination setup on this here site.</p> <p class=article__date>Posted <time datetime=2013-12-30 pubdate>December 30, 2013</time></p> </a> </article> <div class="article pagination"> <p class=pagination__summary>Articles 1 to 5 of 8</p> <ul class="list--clean list--pagination"> <li class=next> <a href="/page2/">Older articles</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> <footer class=footer role=contentinfo> <div class=container> <div class=blurb> <div class=media> <img src="/img/elements/profile-mini.svg" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src='/img/elements/profile-mini.png'" alt="" class="media__image blurb__headshot"/> <div class="media__body blurb__content"> <p>I'm Tom, a front end developer from Melbourne Australia.</p> <p>The thoughts and opinions on this site are all mine.</p> </div> </div> </div> <small>© 2015 Tom Gillard.</small> <small class=is-large>Built with <a href="//middlemanapp.com" target=_blank>Middleman</a> using the <a href="//smacss.com/" target=_blank>SMACSS</a> css architecture.</small> <small id=contact>Feel free to grab the <a href="/feed.xml">feed</a> and/or <a href="//twitter.com/tom_gillard" target=_blank>follow me on Twitter</a>.</small> </div> </footer> </div> </div> <script>
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