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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

accessibility ♿️
accessibility ♿️
Screen reader/keyboard/a11y problem
bug 🐞
bug 🐞
Something isn't working
🚧 work in progress
:construction: work in progress
Not ready, being worked on
Pull requests that update a dependency file
duplicate 👀
duplicate 👀
This issue or pull request already exists
expected behavior
expected behavior
good first issue 🏁
good first issue 🏁
Good for newcomers
help wanted 👋
help wanted 👋
Extra attention is needed
high priority 🔥
high priority :fire:
Most important
invalid 👎
invalid 👎
This doesn't seem right
Pull requests that update javascript code
missing 🙀
missing 🙀
An API is not documented!
nice to have 😎
nice to have 😎
Enhancement/cool feature
organization 📂
organization 📂
Something needs to be moved
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
wontfix 🛑
wontfix 🛑
This will not be worked on