A Thrift client wrapper for php simplifying the business of connecting to Thrift services.
Set the global PHP Thrift root, include the Thrift_Client class, and load the thrift generated client.
$GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'] = '/path/to/thrift/lib/php/src';
require_once 'src/Thrift/Client.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/packages/scribe/Scribe.php';
Create a new client with a list of available servers:
$client = new Thrift_Client('Scribe', array('localhost:2112', 'localhost:2113'));
Do normal client stuff:
$entry = new LogEntry(array('category'=>'foo', 'message'=>'bar));
If localhost:2112
is not available, the Thrift_Client will
automatically try localhost:2113
Set the receive timeout in seconds:
$client->timeout = .5
- Shuffle servers for round-robin load balancing
- Error and logging callbacks
- Persistent deadpool management
- Transport factory (for framed/buffered transports)
- Stream, memory and null transport support in server list
- Cleaner thrown exceptions