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Releases: temporalio/sdk-go


15 Sep 04:00
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2021-08-06 - d12226a - Problems with workflow cancel & command resolutions in same WFT (#504)
2021-08-11 - 233adc6 - Improve error message for proto payload converters (#509)
2021-08-15 - 2c7ca78 - Fixed misleading BackgroundActivityContext comment. (#516)
2021-08-19 - 106f3c7 - Add converter context for client heartbeat and completion calls (#519)
2021-08-29 - 0c69423 - Allow pending goroutines exit after workflow completion (#520)
2021-09-02 - 91e6bd2 - Add inbound interceptors for Signal and Query (#522)
2021-09-03 - 041f5c7 - Follow new execution chain for other event types also (#527)


06 Aug 22:39
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  • Expose Maybe() on mock calls (#489)
  • Add local activity info into local activity logger/tracer (#498)
  • Add field accessors for ActivityError (#508)

2021-07-12 - 479826a - Do not allow starting child workflows from an already-cancelled context (#485)
2021-07-15 - db65a29 - Expose Maybe() on mock calls (#489)
2021-07-19 - 82447e4 - Change docker hub repo to temporaliotest (#490)
2021-07-20 - 7abca66 - Fix data race due to deadlock detector (#494)
2021-07-20 - c156fec - Prevent panic from reflect (#493)
2021-07-28 - 6d79cfd - Add local activity info into local activity logger/tracer (#498)
2021-07-29 - 4ba9e5c - Poller backoff a bit more in errors (#501)
2021-08-02 - 6fe2ed7 - Reduce retry aggressivness (#506)
2021-08-03 - 75c27df - Add automatic retry to fossa scans (#507)
2021-08-04 - b735e08 - Add field accessors for ActivityError (#508)


02 Jul 22:36
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2021-06-11 - 1ec4432 - Ensure default retry policy in test (#462)
2021-06-16 - 51a526c - Add max message size for grpc messages (#466)
2021-06-16 - a63f4ba - Return activity failure when activity is not registered (#467)
2021-06-18 - a20fa2d - Add ParentClosePolicy to unit test (#471)
2021-06-21 - 9019e38 - parent_policy_terminate (#472)
2021-06-21 - c411d30 - Fix workflow panic when workflow has multiple GetVersion calls (#474)
2021-06-22 - 0550203 - Make deadlock detection timeout configurable (#476)
2021-06-22 - e8455cb - Correct doc on DataConverter (#478)
2021-06-24 - 754c666 - Add missing activity failure metric (#479)


10 Jun 21:21
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  • Fix for #442 -- reported metrics on gRPC retries now visible in a way that excludes failures if the eventual retries succeed (see #455).
  • Activity metrics include task queue name.
  • Fix local activity retries happening an incorrect number of times.

2021-04-13 - fc2850e - Added WorkflowInfo.StartTime (#402)
2021-04-15 - 4b99c26 - Add gRPC Authority connection option (#409)
2021-04-15 - a0208d7 - Update (#408)
2021-04-20 - 429a4a9 - Sync with common.ValidateRetryPolicy (#398)
2021-04-28 - 63856c0 - Updating api-go to bring in permission denial reasons (#419)
2021-04-28 - d9c3c89 - Invoke startedCallback when child workflow failed to start (#418)
2021-05-02 - 1eda847 - Adds PermissionDenied service error to list of non-retryables (#423)
2021-05-05 - 3b92390 - Fixes leak if client is able to open gRPC connection to server, but health check subsequently fails.
2021-05-05 - 9449390 - Enable mock to verify that an activity should not be called (#428)
2021-05-07 - 4df504b - Record End to End Latency Using Activity Task Start Time (#434)
2021-05-07 - b48c897 - Don't add local activity result to the marker if local activity doesn't have return value (#422)
2021-05-10 - 0ef35cb - Updating link to docs in README (#414)
2021-05-11 - 77910cc - Added ability to call local activity using nil struct pointer (#436)
2021-05-12 - d0cc6f8 - Upgrade activity invocation test to use local execution as well (#426)
2021-05-13 - 5f86808 - Add fossa scans (#440)
2021-05-13 - cea0147 - Fix local activity retry max attempts being off by two (#441)
2021-05-18 - 13f5d7a - Fix an empty retry interval in unit tests causing no retries to happen (#446)
2021-05-18 - d33f799 - Indicate RegisterDelayedCallback with 0 delay does not work with queries (#445)
2021-05-25 - 67ea830 - Workers should fail to start if they were stopped before (#450)
2021-05-25 - b434b50 - Filter out DeadlineExceeded error in retry (#448)
2021-05-27 - 0498719 - Health check retry (#453)
2021-05-27 - 5606103 - Activity metrics should include task queue name (#451)
2021-06-07 - 95f8a07 - Propagate cancellation to the client if server is unavailable (#454)
2021-06-08 - 00ce39a - Aggregated request metrics and retry mechanism refactoring (#455)
2021-06-10 - c47dc41 - Rename function (#459)


09 Apr 18:32
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  • New log.With function that can prepend every log statement with k/v pairs
  • ResetWorkflowExecution method added to client which calls corresponding gRPC method on the server. Immediately terminates the current workflow execution and resets it to the last workflow task completed event.
  • Allow extracting ChildWorkflowOptions, ActivityOptions, and LocalActivityOptions from workflow.Context
  • Support for context-aware Data Converters, making implementation of things like encryption easier.
  • LocalActivities can be registered and executed by name now like normal Activities
  • Fixes for some possible panics while replaying history for workflows

2021-02-26 - a60b67a - Updating dependencies (#373)
2021-02-26 - ef46446 - Update version to 1.6.0 post release (#372)
2021-03-01 - f2c3002 - Add test verifying Select blocks on closed channel (#376)
2021-03-02 - 2c4a82e - Allow ignoring funcs on an activity struct that aren't valid activity functions. (#375)
2021-03-11 - 5bf0710 - Expose log.With func (#381)
2021-03-11 - 738df4e - Rename NopLogger to NoopLogger (#383)
2021-03-11 - c5bb86d - Fix panic when handling version & side effect markers together (#380)
2021-03-16 - 0ec1d86 - Fix an event ordering bug possible with outstanding commands during WF cancel (#382)
2021-03-18 - 7e3edb0 - Fix ReplayLogger.With to expand keyvals in variadic function parameters (#384)
2021-03-18 - a39bbe8 - Return error interface not concrete error type (#386)
2021-03-23 - cec615e - Fix proto payload conveter selection logic (#387)
2021-03-26 - 83d640e - Support extracting workflow and activity options from context (#388)
2021-03-29 - 4300d35 - fixed timeout comment (#392)
2021-03-29 - 9c385c0 - Updated ActivityOptions.ScheduleToStartTimeout comment (#394)
2021-03-30 - 91db6e6 - Add QueryWorkflowByID to TestWorkflowEnvironment (#391)
2021-04-01 - d46c109 - Support for context-aware data converters. (#393)
2021-04-01 - fee5fb6 - Support executing local activities by name (#397)
2021-04-02 - 6580cbe - Add ResetWorkflowExecution method to the client (#400)
2021-04-02 - f4384a5 - Fix typo in (#399)
2021-04-06 - c628458 - Updated timeout property documentation (#401)


27 Feb 00:09
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  • Added support for custom gRPC headers that can be used to pass auth tokens.
  • [opt-in] Users can now specify keep alive configuration for gRPC connections to the server in order to detect dead connections if server closes them abruptly.
  • Couple bug fixes.

2021-02-10 - a97e3b2 - Panic when Invalid Struct is Registered (#361)
2021-02-15 - 000fce6 - Update workflow package registration notes (#355)
2021-02-17 - cba4548 - Fixes a possible panic when server resp is missing workflow type (#364)
2021-02-19 - 80e324b - Use raw JSON to convert payload to string (#366)
2021-02-22 - 8e45a8d - Set Local Activity result to empty not nil (#367)
2021-02-23 - 2245a30 - Adding support for custom gRPC headers (#368)
2021-02-24 - 50a785d - Use go 1.16 (#369)
2021-02-25 - eccb99a - Add keep alive to gRPC connection (#370)
2021-02-26 - 555111c - Make keep alive configurable and opt-in (#371)


25 Jan 20:57
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  • 2021-01-25 - 629466c - Fix a possible panic if an activity is scheduled and cancelled within the same workflow task (#350)


21 Jan 20:54
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  • 2021-01-21 - d87457a - Rename task queue metric tag (#345)
  • 2021-01-20 - 75a589d - Fix child workflow cancel invalid fsm transition (#344)
  • 2021-01-19 - 3e18a77 - Access last run details (#342)
  • 2021-01-19 - f1b6a72 - Add IsContinueAsNewError For Checking Errors in Tests (#337)
  • 2021-01-19 - aa57d25 - Bump minor SDKVersion to follow new release process (#340)
  • 2021-01-19 - b71e2d5 - Enable proto converted by default (#339)
  • 2021-01-18 - 6ed1ad3 - Exposed error/failure conversion to internalbindings (#332)
  • 2021-01-13 - 8d58517 - Adding codeowners (#338)
  • 2021-01-12 - 5fb8d51 - tweak (#334)
  • 2021-01-11 - c05dbb3 - Move Buildkite files (#331)
  • 2021-01-11 - 67d8f3b - Fix panic when calling GetWorkflow (#333)
  • 2021-01-10 - 1c882f7 - Adding debug mode (#330)


07 Jan 01:49
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Release details

2020-11-10 - 6e1331b - Deadlock detector (#285)
2020-11-23 - df75d9d - Opened missing types from WorkflowEnvironment (#296)
2020-11-24 - 06e1ca5 - Implement GetLastFailure API (#293)
2020-11-24 - 1b8dc77 - Fixes additional deadlock issues with respect to local activities #298
2020-11-24 - 569d0d4 - Fix GetWorkflow to provide latest run id if none was provided to it (#294)
2020-11-24 - 7ab858f - Fixes issue where a deadlock detected via a Workflow Execution resumed from a Local Activity Completion fails the Workflow (#297)
2020-11-27 - 35529c0 - Replaces time.After() usage with time.NewTimer() to reduce memory pressure due to allocated timers (#300)
2020-12-07 - d96130d - Set namespace field in async task completion and heartbeat requests (#304)
2020-12-09 - de465a9 - Updated ExecuteActivity doc to show struct member invocation. (#290)
2020-12-10 - 574fd84 - Properly handle infinite activity timeout (#308)
2020-12-10 - a0afa20 - Added missing types for LocalActivity into internalbindings (#299)
2020-12-11 - 4e4813b - Fix cancellation of a command before it is sent to server causing panic (#302)
2020-12-15 - aefccf9 - updating references to activity.Register, uppercase for component/concept names (#306)
2020-12-15 - c650975 - Pass namespace with activity heartbeats (#311)
2020-12-17 - 2c8dc43 - Fix spurious nil derefs on retrying local activities (#303)
2020-12-18 - 07d4f15 - Retry channel wasn't being initialized properly - fix that. (#314)
2020-12-21 - 4fd761a - Adding an option to allow starting local activity worker only (#312)
2020-12-21 - d1ec38e - Stop using a global, infinite-life workflow cache (#310)
2020-12-24 - 7286159 - Ensure workflow already started/finished errors are propagated back to user (#317)
2020-12-28 - 4f37b7f - Added Selector.HasPending (#319)
2020-12-28 - ca5205b - Added Attempt tag to logs (#320)
2020-12-29 - 0e6bf42 - Deprecate & disable DisableStickyExecution flag (#318)
2020-12-29 - 56a1a18 - Child workflow cancellation unusual event ordering bugfix (#323)
2020-12-29 - c613977 - PHP-SDK: PurgeStickyWorkflowCache, worker.Identity, debug messages (#322)
2021-01-04 - 0811d35 - Cleanup of ContinueAsNewError (#326)

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.

Helpful links to get you started with Temporal Go SDK

Temporal Docs
Go Samples
Helm Chart


11 Nov 00:28
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Release details

2020-10-16 - ee5838d - Upgrade to go 1.15 (#271)
2020-10-22 - b8d2ed4 - Added mock Call.Panic (#270)
2020-10-22 - c49e036 - Set activity handle in testWorkflowEnvironment (#274)
2020-10-23 - 0b6863f - Add support for non-pointer proto struct (#269)
2020-10-28 - 8a9f358 - Fixed ActivityOptions.RetryPolicy documentation (#253)
2020-11-06 - 29e5f09 - Replace panic in headerReader with nil return (#283)

Breaking changes

No breaking changes.

Helpful links to get you started with Temporal Go SDK

Temporal Docs
Go Samples
Helm Chart