We welcome Pull Requests for Issues and also discussions especially for things that are not necessarily issues with the code, especially questions and ideas.
Contributing to this site template assumes you know the basics of:
- CSS3
- JavaScript / ECMAScript ES2018 or latest (minimum ES5)
- PHP 8.1
- Ajax
- jQuery 3.6
If you would like to contribute, please
Please test your scripts especially JavaScript and jQuery using Jest
There is no specific design model to this website. We are iterating through the design This site is intended to be used by end users as a template for industrial businesses especially engineering workshops, machine shops, sheet metal shops, Aerospace parts manufacturers,
Please request at least two reviewers when making a pull request. This will help keep the merges clean.
Please add a screenshot or photo/pic of the changes you did from the browser window.
Pleaee add a short description of your changes.
Please add the appropriate tags and
You are welcome to use any editor or IDE to contribute to this template website.
I have added .vscode folder which contains json files which configure VSCode for this project as I have seen that Visual Studio Code is among the top 5 most popular editors and including these files would help a developer get going easier.
Please also feel free to test these and contribute to make the settings better.
I realize that it's not a great idea to include configs and settings to source control but it might be helpful to some that are new and do not have yet configured their environment well enough for web development.
I have added .editorconfig and .gitignore files to this project.
- Google Fonts
- jQuery 3.6
- Bootstrap 5.2
- FontAwesome 6.1.2
- Popper/PopperJS
Google Roboto, Lato, Monsteratt, OpenSans Minimum 19.2px Size Normal
- Main (working directory)
- Master (production)
- Bugfix {bugfix}
- Hotfix (hotfix}
- Feature-{feature}
- User assigned tasks should get named{issue-no)-{name}-task/feature
You should always test your code especially in the browser before AND after changes.
We use Firefox and Chrome for testing renders.
We are aiming for 0 errors in the final release.
We will do some accessiblilty testing in the browser using
Googoe Lighthouse which is available in Chrome developer tools in the browser.
This project follows SemVer starting with 0.0.1
Please add release tags using git add tags and GitHub releases.