We would love any contributions, in code and otherwise. Whether its a how-to-use problem, a bug report, or idea for enhancement, please check if an issue for the topic already exists, and if not, open one yourself and clearly describe what is in your mind. If you are willing to write code, that is also a good place for us to agree on how to proceed. You don't have to be genius with years of experience; we are all learning. :]
TL;DR: Create issue, fork, write code in a branch, PR
- Fork this repository under your own account.
- Clone the forked repository to your computer and cd in.
- Install with: python setup.py develop
Inside the cloned project directory, you can do following to ensure you are up to date and then create the branch for contribution:
- Add remote for upstream updates (only once): git remote add upstream [email protected]:Teekuningas/icasso.git
- Download and merge updates from upstream: git pull upstream master
- Give a good name for feature / bugfix branch and switch to it: git checkout -b fix-bad-code
Now you are all set to write your code.
Try to keep your code clean. Use for example pycodestyle or flake8 to check your pep8-compliance. Generated code from Qtdesigner is kept as it is.
When finished, you should save your changes (if not done already):
- Save changes: git commit
- Push changes to your fork: git push origin fix-bad-code
- Go to your forked repository on github and it should happily notify you about the push you have just made and allow you to click Compare & pull request. Fill the details and let the code fly.
When contributing, your code is licensed under MIT license.