Here I/we note the things that will/could be done in Upspring.
- fix .3do texture displaying.
- add support for directories as "archives".
- add a way to convert multiple .3do's into a single atlas.
- Extract object textures from an atlas.
- Combine object's again into an atlas.
- Remove Texture class, Image class is enough.
- Replace the abonded FLTK2 with GTK 3/4.
- Use assimp for model loading/saving.
- Show all supported types as default filetype in load/save selection.
- Try to preserve/scale normals and UV on scaling and rotation
- Fix any issues with objects "jumping around".
- Allow Lua metadata file to be exported without saving model
- Batch convert option for files, directories, archives (sdz/sd7) and maps
- Fix texture handling and display. Fix common problems automatically unless disabled in prefs.
- Create / replace parent object for all childs called 'base' at the top of the tree. You can rename this if you require.
- Fix not saving file extension
- Import/Export named objects. Hierarchies may still not be possible but your objects won't automatically merge either.
- Auto rotate on import unless UpSpring preferences say otherwise
- Maintain hierarchy if possible (may not be)
- Look for .lua in objects3d and import values and hierarchy if found
- Use Lua as 'god' for all values if that value is set.
- Disable any automatic rotations / fixes if Lua defines these.
- Option to raw import without Lua data (act like the Lua isn't there)
- Attempt to preserve Lua comments and source order/formatting.
- Allow seperate import of Lua (ie, to use a shared Lua or Lua stored outside objects3d/)
- eliminate all compiler warnings
- fix the scaling of normals on resize, etc.