The RISC-V 2.0 instruction set was heavily followed during building the instruction set. Each instruction is of fixed size - 29 bits.
Name | Size | Range |
Opcodes | 6 | 0-5 |
Destination Register (rd) | 5 | 5-9 |
Register Select (rs1) | 5 | 10-14 |
Register Select (rs2) | 5 | 15-19 |
Immediate | 14 | 17-28 |
Immediate UP | 17 | 12-28 |
Load Address | 16 | 13-28 |
Store Address | 16 | 5-15,22-28 |
Jump Relative | 13 | 5-9,20-28 |
As designed in hardware , doesn't resemble software instruction set
Type | Format |
ALU | op rd ,rs1 ,rs2 |
ALU Immediate | op rd ,rs1 ,immediate |
Jump | op rs1 ,rs2 ,immediate |
Jump linked | op rd ,immediate |
Load | load rd ,rs1 |
Store | store rs1 ,rs2 |
Load (Immediate) | load rd ,load address |
Store (Immediate) | store store address ,rs2 |
In | in rd ,rs2 |
Out | out rs2 ,rs1 |
In (Immediate) | in rd ,load address |
Out (Immediate) | out rs2 ,store address |

Stages are volatile states for each units. These hold the value of necessary information to use multiple operational units process in parallel (not execution - this system has one execution unit, it is meant for fetch,decode,execute,memory,write back units parallel operation on different instructions)
Fetch from Program Memory -> Store to Intermediate Registers (IFID)
Save values of registers from Register file to Intermediate Registers (IFEX)
Perform ALU operation,and, calculate branch. Save Results to Intermediate Registers (EXMEM)
Read/Write to memory or IO,Jump , Save Results to Intermediate Registers (MEMWB)
Write back to register File. End of cycle.
This unit extracts data arranged in 29 bit instruction.
ParserIt's a arithmetic and logic unit capable of performing 29 bit arithmetic and logical operations. The Adder is a carry look ahead adder. Multiplicator and Dividers are hardwired logisim asynchronous unit (supports vhdl)
Arithmetic and Logic UnitThis unit does a clever optimization by setting the opcodes similar to comparator result.
Branch UnitRequires a Single line (As RISC)
Control unitThe register r0 is hardwired to 0 and r16 is a random generator. The Register file facilitates 2 read and 1 write at a single clock pulse.
Register File

Address | IO |
000 | TTY |
001 | 7 Segment |
010 | Display |
100 | KeyBoard |
101 | Immediate |
110 | Joystick |