All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
2.68.0 (2025-02-27)
- INTERNAL-1624: support preset target (b19f67b)
2.67.3 (2025-02-20)
- INTERNAL-1617: fix read only comment mode (62a65da)
2.67.2 (2025-02-06)
2.67.1 (2025-01-31)
- e2e pipeline (7a836a9)
- INTERNAL-1503: fixed archived dashboard project (f9b49ed)
- INTERNAL-1530:
pagination (5dff778) - INTERNAL-1572: show errors if exists (dfb41b5)
- INTERNAL-1574: markup fixes (2d8c643)
2.67.0 (2025-01-23)
- INTERNAL-1522: handle api events (53e3aa8)
- INTERNAL-1532: replace
onSD Goals
2.66.1 (2025-01-17)
- INTERNAL-1057: fix on conflict clause in goal rank update (2d21a0b)
2.66.0 (2025-01-16)
- INTERNAL-1057: drag and drop list invalidation (e5fb900)
- INTERNAL-1057: goal table ranking (5d847ea)
- GroupedGoalList: return project childs (29abd22)
- ProjectAccess: correct access check (35eef64)
- ProjectCreateForm: real validation for project key (1130dc8)
2.65.3 (2024-12-16)
- ExternalTasks: correct querying criteria and goals for update (6268689)
- telemetry: older next support (0e84ca5)
2.65.2 (2024-12-12)
- INTERNAL-1432: restrict access to personal goals (6125123)
2.65.1 (2024-12-05)
- INTERNAL-1384: linking jira tasks (5b2252e)
- INTERNAL-1408: fix query for parntership projects (fbf14ae)
2.65.0 (2024-11-28)
- INTERNAL-1357: export goals by filter preset (647cbf3)
- INTERNAL-1358: read rules for each personalized dashboard project (01c8f25)
- remove unnecessary trpc calls (f6a5037)
2.64.0 (2024-11-25)
- INTERNAL-1361: whats new in separate trpc call (df8f338)
- more queries performance (d0bc0ca)
2.63.0 (2024-11-21)
- flag for mailer (7f60499)
- INTERNAL-1360: add order to State (35f2c9a)
- INTERNAL-1361: show last written whatsnew (210def3)
2.62.2 (2024-11-13)
- INTERNAL-1354: fix dashboard queries (712a3e3)
2.62.1 (2024-11-11)
- INTERNAL-1196: correct watchers / starred goals (fff872b)
2.62.0 (2024-11-08)
- enable kanban view for all users (29c5b1a)
- INTERNAL-1100: move event processing out of middleware (76607c4)
- INTERNAL-1174: fix recalc translations for (c17836e)
2.61.0 (2024-10-31)
- goal kanban ranking (fdcec4a)
- INTERNAL-1232: user filter access (d2ebf92)
- INTERNAL-1289: add assignee and creator to external task model (bbd50ad)
- INTERNAL-1191: fix translations in filters panel (07d482b)
- INTERNAL-1233: goals invalidation (1fbef73)
- INTERNAL-1287: fix participants duplicates (08dd991)
- INTERNAL-1297: drop beta flag for criteria with jira tasks (9279108)
2.60.1 (2024-10-21)
- INTERNAL-1264: fix command page 500 (0b22b9d)
2.60.0 (2024-10-18)
- 1165: beautify api for score calculator (43655a9)
- 1165: correct condition for cron job runs (bddcffe)
- 1165: manually task status check (9ced0a4)
- 1165: unify utility code (7d93d51)
- INTERNAL-1164: hide projects that have goals in nested projects (c983093)
- INTERNAL-1185: use new project query for settings page (fbaf6f4)
- INTERNAL-1185: use new project query for teams page (646d8ec)
- INTERNAL-1236: return comments submit (a0ab771)
- project access (d9f9b34)
2.59.1 (2024-10-14)
- INTERNAL-1206: editable props for dnd (035000c)
2.59.0 (2024-10-10)
2.58.3 (2024-10-08)
- project editable access (9255290)
2.58.2 (2024-10-03)
2.58.1 (2024-09-30)
- PersonalGoal: now can create again (516f7bd)
2.58.0 (2024-09-27)
- add option to sort projects (eb99905)
- GoalCriteria: manual update state of linked Jira task (2ceaf98)
- sticky layout (d6560b6)
- checkbox "empty projects" don't visible on project page (b12c287)
- ExternalTasks: more safely determinate task status (b3535f8)
- NotificationHub: handler for ressponse and error (11a3516)
2.57.0 (2024-09-20)
- ExternalTasks: color map for tasks statuses (f30618b)
- Activity: apply state colors for external tasks (a9dce2f)
- CriteriaForm: rename
toJira task
(7c84929) - jiraService: renew init (26ec073)
2.56.1 (2024-09-13)
- ExternalTasks: get right props (59f1ece)
2.56.0 (2024-09-12)
- add view option to show empty projects (ebe0b3a)
- ExternalTask: use tasks as criteria (52ddba4)
- ExternalTask: view history changes (a25dcfd)
- GoalCriteria: support external task as criteria (052d2ea)
- goals lazy pagination (5e08603)
- interation: implements of jira api (917c5e6)
- TaskBadge: a brand new component (960ac07)
- e2e tests on dashboard page (a15dddd)
- ExternalTasks: check if task is completed (e2ee482)
- ExternalTasks: don`t destroy service on startup (43ffd37)
- ExternalTasks: rename Task to JiraTask and cleanup code (e6d6074)
- ExternalTasks: show external task form only for beta users (568bfc3)
- remove e2e tests skip (92fadac)
- return pagination to goal list (a54180a)
2.55.0 (2024-09-09)
- add "open in a new tab" button next to goal create in tree view (0ae67cf)
- add an option to hide criteria goals (3e00c4f)
- add a deleted filter for correct querying goal ids (4cefd6c)
- avoid unnecessary query to the db (461ad9d)
- dom nesting validation warn (0366b65)
- project page e2e test (42af6bb)
2.54.1 (2024-09-02)
- add recursive check on goal parent and children criteria (9df8cca)
2.54.0 (2024-08-27)
- telemetry: use env for correct host (c9e1382)
2.53.1 (2024-08-26)
- Goals: faster query for project's goal (a50e37f)
2.53.0 (2024-08-23)
- GoalCriteria: support accounting partial criteria score w/o weight (d69a4a3)
- change subscribe buttons view (2cbdaa2)
2.52.0 (2024-08-22)
- Criteria: show linked goal progress instead of state (2ebfb48)
- GoalCriteria: recalc with partial goal score (b25c47f)
- GroupedGoalView,ProjectListItem: rewrite goals project getter with kysely (d049ff9)
- GrouppedGoals: rewrite prisma with kysely for get project list (2aa9771)
- GrouppedGoals: rewrite project children getter from prisma to kysely (860adfc)
- telemetry: use middleware for pageviews (797cadd)
- GoalCriteria: exclude current criterion from validity data (26d987e)
- hide "no goals yet" if the project has child projects (3ec057e)
- ProjectSettingsPage: forbidden to set a project as a parent if it is in a children (93c4004)
2.51.0 (2024-08-19)
- GoalCriteriaSuggest: weight validation (778a0c7)
- PartnershipProjects: disallow works with current project as partnership (2ea3bc2)
- warnings & sidebar navigation (3494c91)
- z-index suggestions (cb34e05)
2.50.2 (2024-08-14)
- no goals padding (c132ee5)
- project list item color (4c51ac3)
- ProjectSubscriptionButtons: change view to icons on goals and child projects on project page (24b7f66)
2.50.1 (2024-08-13)
- ExploreProjectsPage: change button view to icon (3a65b40)
- GoalTableList: calculate partnership projects (337644c)
2.50.0 (2024-08-13)
- add create goal, star, watch icon buttons to project row on dashboard (5be3a0d)
- GoalTableList: mark partnership goals (a004ce3)
- add nothing found in global search (81da488)
- e2e on dashboard and projects pages (4bca886)
- Kanban,GoalTableList: data mapping to props (06c3588)
2.49.1 (2024-08-05)
- filter update with view props (55e4388)
2.49.0 (2024-08-05)
- kanban mode (ea8cd07)
2.48.0 (2024-08-01)
- GoalSidebar: clone goal (2fde536)
- kysely project suggestion (b0dc889)
- SortList: brand new component (51154a8)
- blocks translation (f953726)
- Dashboard,Goals,Project: correct sort order (6f98254)
- default flow doesn't loaded (f1b553a)
- FormControlEditor: add a env to an internal cdn link (1041cdb)
- GoalTableList: overflow goal owner name (b3c9e58)
- GoalTableList: overflow goal owner name (24d928c)
- Sorting: remove unused code (d8a4075)
- SortList: union useMemo calls (2fe1968)
2.47.2 (2024-07-24)
- StarredProjects: fix empty list (b6d99ef)
2.47.1 (2024-07-23)
- Dashboard: filter by partnershipProjects now is correct (02eaf52)
2.47.0 (2024-07-23)
- add partnership goals to project (229cf8f)
- add starred projects tab (c066096)
- Goal: new activity feed (16df578)
- GoalActivity: get last state comment (6d19c0a)
- GoalActivity: safe last comment (48503d8)
- Goal: calculate last state comment (7729cf1)
2.46.3 (2024-07-18)
- CommentView: disable edit comment on double-click (251f1de)
- worker: update build settings to recommended for node20 (fe4ad14)
2.46.2 (2024-07-15)
- line start is unclikable (8bdb294)
2.46.1 (2024-07-09)
- crew integration: allow nulls in crew user logins (6d0bcb9)
- delete spaces in mention templates (5fd63f1)
2.46.0 (2024-07-04)
- support email notification (4fde81d)
- visible error on trying send empty comment (1213d12)
2.45.0 (2024-07-01)
- update package (8ea8df9)
- add access to participants (09a36b4)
2.44.1 (2024-06-27)
- EstimateDropdown: calculate estimate value (f592dc1)
2.44.0 (2024-06-24)
- add markdown user badge (c62ce93)
- remove item duplicates (e22ad12)
2.43.1 (2024-06-20)
- Dashboard: filter by dates works (5902246)
2.43.0 (2024-06-20)
- Dashboard: apply sorting rules (aa69c45)
- Dashboard: rewrite query for kysely usage (0d673a5)
- monaco user autocomplete (5c6effa)
2.42.0 (2024-06-13)
2.41.0 (2024-06-06)
- add GoalParentCombobox to Project Create Modal (9191ae2)
- remove nested projects from serp (4bcc072)
2.40.0 (2024-05-30)
- look up crew users by default (8683f69)
- goal form update state problem (7b89b94)
- name for selected user (180dc40)
- return typography (552686f)
2.39.1 (2024-05-28)
- return Gravatar host (22cd40a)
2.39.0 (2024-05-28)
- harmony Fieldset (b5c05f5)
- update Card (aa08eca)
- use Switch instead of AutoCompleteRadioGroup (60efaa9)
- dom warning (5cfb4db)
- getUserName should return name before nickname (e5d768d)
- remove styled-components from project (45fe5ef)
2.38.1 (2024-05-17)
2.38.0 (2024-05-16)
- support top page (f36b7b6)
2.37.1 (2024-05-03)
- GoalParentCombobox: add handler to menu items (af11c87)
2.37.0 (2024-05-02)
- i18n: backend error translate (6118e26)
2.36.0 (2024-04-25)
- GoalCriteria: renew design (99c5058)
2.35.1 (2024-04-22)
2.35.0 (2024-04-18)
- replace GoalSidebar to harmony view (72b3c53)
- add participants edit access (2fa915b)
- GlobalSearch: result priority (2595751)
- HistoryRecord: records count translation (6983785)
- layout GoalActivityFeed (c50d63c)
- remove unexpected p in markdown (f84893c)
- return paddings to settings cards (624de63)
- return sorting to Dasboard page (a4c634c)
- UserSettingsPage: i18n for labels in FormRadio (3527d06)
2.34.0 (2024-04-15)
2.33.0 (2024-04-11)
- add breadcrumbs to Project page (8b91b5f)
- harmony Card support (2fdf221)
- replace HistoryRecord to harmony view (e60ced3)
- comment margin (49d9baf)
- EstimateDropdown: add aliases (66171e5)
- StarButton: change Badge to Counter (4e0a772)
2.32.1 (2024-04-05)
- hide archived project (1adf6b0)
2.32.0 (2024-04-04)
- interactive applied filters (c420ccc)
- GoalCreateForm: cannot create goal into archived project (c1a339c)
- state dots and user gorups (82467fe)
2.31.0 (2024-04-01)
- retrun star and watch buttons to project (2674214)
- add disable for load more (8d3095e)
- GoalCriteria: update goal criteria (66957f2)
- GoalForm: early selected projects cache (d718daf)
- select exact fields (3024bf3)
2.30.1 (2024-03-28)
- GoalTableList: remove link underline decoration (ab3497c)
2.30.0 (2024-03-28)
- custom preset in sidebar (ffcc7fa)
- criteria popup placement and edit access (6cec97a)
- GoalCriteria: fix navigation (7986282)
- GoalCriteria: update criteria (560c5c7)
- GoalHeader/Link: save locale by navigate (cfe1e43)
- IssueParent: fix navigation (f014fe7)
- NexlLink: ref link wrapper (7122f33)
- other links (01cf8ef)
2.29.0 (2024-03-27)
- add stars and watched pages (a7f71c2)
- emails: new components for emails (cca936e)
- my projects in sidebar (8ed7819)
- NewGoalCriteria: use harmony components for similar view in popup and goal preview (92e5b1e)
2.28.0 (2024-03-25)
- goal edit validation (9c38577)
2.27.0 (2024-03-21)
- add GlobalSearch to FiltersBar (b2166a9)
- create PageNavigation (38c0c87)
- Dropdown: add multiple functionality (27779ca)
- fixed page header (b087756)
- readonly applied filters bar (e10e45a)
- restore UserMenu (d77157f)
- update Layout (b4bf560)
2.26.1 (2024-03-19)
- CommentCreateForm: selecting state works correctly (c6cbff9)
2.26.0 (2024-03-14)
- add FiltersBarViewDropdown (96881b0)
2.25.0 (2024-03-11)
- crew api: change http method of group list request (6741629)
2.24.1 (2024-03-04)
- GoalListItem): feat(GoalTableList: set title color to primary (58d09e2)
2.24.0 (2024-02-29)
- GoalTableList: immediatly mark opening goal in preview (2581e17)
- GoalTableList: move open preview click handler inside
<GoalTableList />
2.23.0 (2024-02-28)
- custom logo (cc93506)
- Dropdown: create component (668aae3)
- EstimateDropdown: create component (b36bc3c)
- GoalForm: harmony vision (deead26)
- GoalParentDropdown: create component (73794f9)
- GoalPreview: background color updated (0c7ddb2)
- NewGoalCriteria: preview in goal lists (578a4c9)
- OfflineBanner: update offline banner from bricks (9892306)
- PriorityDropdown: create component (ec2b249)
- StateDropdown: create component (1cc1216)
- TagCombobox: create component (f1f1fe3)
- team units (85e56ef)
- UserDropdown: create component (eccad83)
- app config seed (5413c20)
- appConfig prefetch (0248d24)
- CriteriaForm:
label size (6d80dd8) - CriteriaForm: enable title edit (6a205af)
- FilterAutoCompleteInput: remove autofocus (cb2c38d)
- GoalCriteria: reset form action (978ac2a)
- goalPreview open when clicked in an empty area inside GoalListItem (2d8b5a0)
- NewGoalCriteria: criteria should be checked when isDone is passed (d9d2aa7)
2.22.0 (2024-02-22)
- bring inputs to one view (c95940f)
- Harmony: add shadow to GoalListItem when theme is light (b1b64ff)
- participants can change state of goals (6ba1390)
- return dashboard link to header (1c51b72)
- token to private env (2488d3a)
2.21.0 (2024-02-19)
2.20.0 (2024-02-15)
- create global font-size (16a9d99)
2.19.2 (2024-02-12)
2.19.1 (2024-02-12)
- remove themePlaceholder (402948d)
2.19.0 (2024-02-08)
- update FormControl to harmony style (e0813ee)
- AddInlineTrigger: remove centered prop from dom (32fd3e0)
- ProjectListItem: smaller title size for child projects (bc97a1b)
2.18.3 (2024-02-05)
- Autocomplete: enable navigation (93e70f2)
2.18.2 (2024-02-02)
- return avatarts (0a0f09b)
2.18.1 (2024-02-02)
- bricks up to date (9eec9a3)
- error on enter keypress (3201162)
- GoalListItem: keyboard hover (1a2da59)
2.18.0 (2024-02-01)
- goals list keyboard navigation (b517417)
- Harmony: add components & themes (b9b6e22)
- new vision of GoalListItem (c2d6a81)
2.17.0 (2024-01-25)
2.16.5 (2024-01-23)
- SettingsContent: space between content & tips (ff0c21d)
2.16.4 (2024-01-22)
- GoalCriteria: make them wider (11b2b51)
2.16.3 (2024-01-18)
2.16.2 (2024-01-17)
- groupBy is not included in filter queryState (065b26e)
- sentry does not send error when goal has only assignee (0a2e3c0)
2.16.1 (2024-01-11)
- automatic year increment (05ec9d3)
- GoalCriteriaSuggest: correct restrict search for suggest (b1a4a68)
- translate warning to ru (e629a40)
2.16.0 (2023-12-28)
- job delay queue (91844e9)
2.15.0 (2023-12-25)
- emails for crons (3fe5fcf)
- runs & force support (74f94af)
- system theme resolves as dark or light (600a7b6)
- CommentForm: add an error handler (9ddafdf)
- FlatGoalList: list item is focused when GoalPreview is open (33f765e)
- GoalListItem: comments icon is show (d7fd983)
- StateDropdown: default state is always set (8510668)
- table is stratched (36bcda8)
2.14.0 (2023-12-21)
- cron support (1be481d)
- filter deps and criterias (21cbf7f)
- sheep bot (16d9b63)
- State: use
instead ofcolor-layer
lib (63b7d53) - the owner will not connect to participants in the created goal (9419305)
- bricks up to date (a628f9a)
- dateTime: reexport helper funcs (8d526d0)
- FilterPanel: correct appling
param (1ef7bb7) - GoalCriteria: drop unused fields (538ce87)
- GoalLists: overflow scroll for small screens (38e35a4)
- participants can be deleted in goal sidebar (b096889)
- schema: valid translates (4017423)
2.13.0 (2023-12-18)
- allow participants editing in project settings (66be007)
2.12.0 (2023-12-14)
- GoalHistory: rewrite types with calculated fields (79c613a)
2.11.1 (2023-12-11)
- downgrade local monaco-loader version (641b25a)
2.11.0 (2023-12-07)
- CommentView: show avatar with state comment (899d781)
- Goal: email notification (db021bc)
- return type & name from uploaded files (4fd3468)
2.10.4 (2023-11-30)
- GoalCriteria: correct condition for
again (8b2da6d)
2.10.3 (2023-11-30)
- GoalCriteria: correct condition for
2.10.2 (2023-11-29)
- *Criteria: get criteria title and validation (1db1aba)
2.10.1 (2023-11-28)
- VersaCriteria: hide popup after submit (690cbf9)
2.10.0 (2023-11-27)
- GoalCriteria: fetch suggestion goals by versa criteria (ed16b8d)
- move access list to separate type (e3130c8)
2.9.0 (2023-11-24)
- GoalCriteria: a brand new form for manage criteria list (0931465)
- GoalCriteria: change relation type between goal and criteria data tables (d07f48c)
- GoalCriteria: change relation type between goal and criteria data tables (29f8ede)
- GoalCriteria: make criteria form inside popup (a53a164)
- VersaCriteria: implements a new feature (284aa67)
- GoalCriteria: remove unused code, update criteria scheme (c09f498)
2.8.1 (2023-11-20)
- "Create goal" button is shown inside the tree (45eef52)
- after click on the "Create goal" button, the selected project should be in the goal form (aa4ea68)
2.8.0 (2023-11-16)
- folder for OpenTelemetry files (b835d90)
2.7.0 (2023-11-13)
2.6.0 (2023-11-09)
- CommentView: sended to crew profile when UserPic is clicked (f2c27c9)
- goal deps redesign (7c62dd4)
- keyPredictor: supported transliteration (36c9545)
- clear view related goals (bce4a7a)
- default avatar has initials (b352fe6)
- GoalSidebar: user can not remove partnership projects & tags (7de4fed)
2.5.0 (2023-11-02)
- keyPredictor: supported transliteration (36c9545)
2.4.0 (2023-10-30)
- comment form has a state update button by default (5326582)
- reactions have a tooltip with authors (b1d18f4)
2.3.0 (2023-10-26)
- move monaco loader from CDN to local assets (c03b034)
- priority is shown in GlobalSearch (63099dc)
2.2.3 (2023-10-25)
- auth: do not create activity for existing users (370427c)
- GoalCriteria: remove layout shift (20bf417)
2.2.2 (2023-10-23)
- taskany/bricks to deps (8646063)
2.2.1 (2023-10-23)
- empty projects should be hidden when filters are selected (e2119be)
- UserGroup: fix types error (544f1c5)
2.2.0 (2023-10-19)
- delete estimates (234f915)
- Circle: remove useless styles (ea8160f)
- links on hover are blue & actions are textColor (6aa3b14)
- ProjectListItemConnected: subscribe to archive goal from preview (1cae83e)
2.1.2 (2023-10-19)
- GroupedGoalList:
Create Goal
mirage (a85d69d) - GroupedGoalList: collapse projects by default (c05df30)
- ProjectListItemConnected: correct project links (93516f8)
- UserComboBox: provided user image (2d5d147)
2.1.1 (2023-10-17)
- Revert "fix(FilterPanel): correct appling
param" (09b6f3e)
2.1.0 (2023-10-17)
- GoalPreview: background invalidate (37a82a4)
- FilterPanel: correct appling
param (01501e6) - GoalDeleteModal: archive goal, not delete (ee0fa03)
- GoalListItem: updatedAt time aligned to left (2218afb)
- GoalPreview: dropshadow for modal header (dfaf28b)
- ProjectPage: removed useless description (1d32004)
- ProjectPage: return parent projects in breadcrumbs (3138597)
- sync dashborad and goals pages design (dd05847)
2.0.1 (2023-10-16)
- FiltersPanel: fix filter highlight (1911009)
- GoalsPage: disable Group filter (dd30b66)
- PageHeader: move out goals page from beta (9be84ad)
2.0.0 (2023-10-16)
- remove field "priority" from goal model
- cross project goals (312cf87)
- GoalPreview: added sidebar like on GoalPage (203bef5)
- GoalsPage,ProjectsPage: union goals and projects page (856d1b2)
- GoalsPage: add new components (e5b43f9)
- state dot for pinned comment (310071b)
- added priority model instead of string (bdeeb35)
- FilterPanel: move Group control near Filter control (9ab802a)
- FilterPresetForm: simplify api (50be538)
- GoalList: drop unused component (76b86bf)
- HistoryRecord: add partner projects record (283add8)
- HistoryRecord: show pretext for changed owner (7ec931a)
- remove field "priority" from goal model (188c4da)
1.33.0 (2023-10-12)
- added ability to copy raw content from comment or goal description (d8fdd7c)
- custom trpc transformer (0ccdd75)
- CardHeader: align time with description (8611fdd)
- FilterAutoCompleteInput: correct align icon (39c3de5)
- GoalCriteria: correct align in criteria list item (eaffa2a)
- GoalHeader: pass NextLink via Link prop (8dcd9ba)
- History: call ctx in useEffect (ace62ba)
- removed navigator check (4166cab)
1.32.4 (2023-10-09)
1.32.3 (2023-10-09)
- on new comment input re-renders only comment form (b24bfae)
1.32.2 (2023-10-06)
- StateDropdown: simplify usage (9b5b773)
1.32.1 (2023-10-06)
- CriteriaForm: edit criteria form shouldnt have render trigger prop (717331d)
- estimate unexpected update (83f5206)
- FiltersPanel: user can change default preset to custom query (97b8a0a)
- getting user name (27a78d1)
- goal comment can be deleted (395b8a4)
- spelling note mistake (359c0b7)
1.32.0 (2023-10-05)
- *Page: apply new component api (fe2a228)
- access middleware (0a8c6bd)
- component GlobalSearch imported from bricks (a500b27)
- component Keyboard imported from bricks (76068ec)
- estimate aliases in new filter (ddcf04c)
- EstimateFilter: @previous, @current, @next aliases (536f0bf)
- EstimateFilter: new estimate picker (c6ac025)
- EstimateFilter: new estimate picker (ec2da4a)
- FilterPanel: add new components (a53c17f)
- FilterPanel: apply new components for panel (2c59253)
- FilterPanel: replace Dropdown components to Tab and AutoComplete components (0320995)
- general way to get user name/email/nickname (1c64ec9)
- SortFilter: rewrite filter with AutoComplete usage (0f9e37b)
- users: add nickname in search params (5481285)
- useUrlFilterParams: append batch method update for state (b7b87a0)
- added scroll for markdown when it crowded (cddaf94)
- apply user name getter in whole places (553c257)
- auth: allow account linking via email, #1711 (895637b)
- CardHeader: show user name corectly (0e69ef3)
- corrected a spelling mistake in word Schema (57f83d0)
- create and apply DOM attrs (8653083)
- CreateGoal: can create goal for empty project (d762c91)
- empty projects visible only without filters (c568d52)
- FilterPanel: apply visual styles (3a93f31)
- FilterPanel: visual changes (654dfe0)
- FilterPopup: prevent outside clicks (65862d2)
- FiltersPanel: highlighted filters label (73a59ed)
- FilterTabLabel: drop unnecassery code (8abc4bc)
- GoalListItem: align text (a7d718d)
- GoalPage: align header elements (e8da876)
- hotfix criteria handlers (ec70e3b)
- InlineForm: use bricks component (13bf7e2)
- keyPredictor: simplify impelementation and drop debounced call (b3b70a1)
- tab settings must be visible only for project owners (83edb3e)
- typedef errors (0160671)
- use new component (86b787f)
- user cant remove tags from any goal (5538add)
- user dont see an empty participants block (ac52051)
- UserComboBox: getting user name (10e7d3e)
1.31.0 (2023-09-21)
1.30.0 (2023-09-21)
- doesn't send email for action author (f97b279)
- GoalPage: user can remove tags from GoalPage (5cffea1)
- IssueStats: header improvements (a331042)
- UserSettingsPage: validate unique nickname (36d3e4d)
- GoalForm: invalidate Project Page after goal list update (9413ad4)
- Tag: remove unreachable
prop (fb39f55) - UserBadge: use
instead ofCleanButton
- drop redundant data refetch on the client (1a1d715)
1.29.0 (2023-09-07)
- GoalPage: inline edit for goal owner (8add2b2)
- GoalCriteria: added render prop to create criteria trigger (14d8452)
- user without permission cant route to project settings (c1e154d)
- UserBadge: show email if user noname (a117332)
- HelpPage: drop gray-matter from client bundle (562bbb2)
1.28.0 (2023-09-05)
- added pagination projects to dashboard & projects pages (07801a8)
- fix ssr on dashboard& projects pages (7aa9fc8)
1.27.1 (2023-09-01)
- DashboardPage: target has an estimate (20bc5d9)
- FiltersPanel: filter SSR request aviability (fd31ae5)
- GoalsGroup: fix memoization (bb0b44a)
1.27.0 (2023-08-30)
- EstimateFilter: simple year filter support (5355b76)
- Estimate: resolve all conversations (b752980)
- FiltersPanel: estimate as JSON at search URL (d8ef40e)
- FiltersPanel: user filters became avalible (9625dc1)
- GlobalSearch: do not show icon for goals (26f83a3)
- HistoryRecordEstimate: fix text content (a51a96c)
1.26.0 (2023-08-28)
- GlobalSearch: full size search with keyboard nav (ca705c6)
1.25.0 (2023-08-24)
- Project: mark project as deleted (cf74be6)
- ProjectListItem,GoalListItem: rewrite with Table components usage (e38b907)
- Projects: show projects with archived goals (c586f9e)
1.24.1 (2023-08-23)
- Projects: show projects without goals (5f4c18c)
1.24.0 (2023-08-22)
- CookiesProvider: remove extra cache (8b7603f)
- CookiesProvider: use cookies for noPresetSearch on filters (fb68a25)
- FiltersApplied: stateType support (cf03dd5)
- FiltersPanel: default global filter support (6590989)
- seed: beautify filter title (6b61840)
- sqlGoalsFilter: add stateType filter (0e32cca)
- sqlGoalsFilter: stateType native enum (3794962)
- CookiesProvider: remove cookies provider (7d5fbeb)
- FeedbackCreateForm: form closes after submit (0772007)
- GoalDependencyList: the circle is in the center (d3f937e)
- ImageFullScreen: no closed GoalPreview on ESC and can be closed on outside click (12ece5b)
- trpc: return firstLevel param to sql (ac25056)
1.23.2 (2023-08-15)
1.23.1 (2023-08-14)
- CommentView: provide cancel handler for CommentForm (b3d06b3)
- GoalPreview: modal should be closed if url changed (1e81b8e)
- incorrect goals filtering on dashboard (6381f79)
1.23.0 (2023-08-11)
1.22.0 (2023-08-10)
- onboarding mechanic (718022b)
- CommentView: use memoized StateDot (7c3d52e)
- Database: use re-generate migration to match db values (57fc58e)
- GlobalSearch: check item before redirect (12f9828)
- GoalPage: check participant before add (3a228af)
- GoalPage: check project before transfer (5e4c55b)
1.21.0 (2023-08-09)
- upload: upload attaches with error handling (ff191d0)
- UserGroup: use component from bricks (2ce55d8)
- pin comment after achivements criteria and deps, #1434 (bdd7ec2)
- ProjectListItemConnected: return hidden projects (ea6451c)
1.20.6 (2023-08-08)
- ProjectListItemConnected: subproject count visible before open collapsed (b53dd17)
1.20.5 (2023-08-08)
- Database: use utc-based timestamp by default (d4b2139)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: icorrect children state (f589b65)
1.20.4 (2023-08-07)
- *Suggests: rewrite suggest items with new Table components (7264ae8)
- Workers: put back worker path + removed type import that broke the worker assembly (bf3f714)
1.20.3 (2023-08-04)
1.20.2 (2023-08-03)
- CriteriaForm: correct validating data (756d4c4)
1.20.1 (2023-08-03)
- CriteriaForm: validation rules for
field (0200ca1)
1.20.0 (2023-08-03)
- GoalCriteria: add modal (7a365ad)
- GoalCriteria: implements edit feature for criteria (5d5fcb7)
- GoalCriteria: implements update criterias method (c59cfa4)
- GoalHistory: show criteria changes history (433f2d9)
- CommentForm: remove render props, pass values from parent (655fdee)
- FiltersPanel: project filter on goals page can find goals inside child projects (e6792a7)
- GoalCriteria: drop unused css (6b25418)
- GoalDependencies: apply new table rules (f67e7d0)
- GoalHistory: fix ids string join and split (d42a075)
- GoalHistory: non-strict compare index with
(9e8fe0b) - GoalPreview: removed bottom padding (11076e7)
- NotificationsHub: toast show messages based on locale (40af044)
- FiltersPanel: drop extra refetch (5fb37eb)
1.19.0 (2023-07-27)
- GoalPage: remove specific styles (1fab7eb)
- GoalHistory: getting metadata about each record (9c1027a)
- ProjectScore: recalc score after move goal into archive (b070d63)
1.18.0 (2023-07-25)
- completely replaced to sql and add filters (3130f88)
- Goal: email notifications (ff8da02)
- Project: email notifications (a28a804)
- replaced projects request to sql (f691324)
- schema: added translations i18 (d8a17ae)
- db: fix search estimate with optional parameters q and date (0e262f0)
- db: fix search estimate with optional parameters q and date (7a2862a)
- FeedbackCreateForm: change feedback api to trpc (5c6a23d)
- GoalCreateForm: disable the local state busy after request response (63b4d60)
- GoalDependencies,GoalCriteria: apply common styles for features (51e8a9c)
- GoalHistory: fix user avatars (5633bcb)
- Goal: support estimate diff in email notification, #1358 (c28f287)
- HistoryRecord: spelling issue (0bde05c)
- hooks: unconditional hook call in StateDropdown and StateSwitch (fdef66a)
- ProjectSettingsPage: change modal event on transfer ownership button (8cffb63)
- remove test db name (3732dda)
- search: don't search for archived goals (3638d0b)
1.17.0 (2023-07-20)
- GoalCriteria: converting simple criteria to a goal (a6017c0)
- GoalCriteria: show criteria progess onto goals lists (01396db)
- GoalHistory: recording changes about criterias (1103386)
- HistoryRecord: added the ability to hide/show description (bf3ea92)
- Page: added link in a footer to a pop-up with feedback (08eee4b)
- ProjectListItem: average project score (54cd60b)
- CommentForm: comment form doesnt close correctly on click outside (0827d8b)
- commentForm: goalId out of sync (3685dbf)
- fix priority sorting (6286e3b)
- GoalCriteria: calc achieve progress through all criteria (a347a57)
- GoalCriteria: hide action dropdown (b5e00cc)
- GoalDependencies: drop
validatation check (f5d53a7) - prisma: resolve migrations (b636afa)
- return changes over task (c1190ab)
- set priority to optional field (dcbd0ce)
1.16.6 (2023-07-17)
- CommentView: remove duplicate component (168e1b0)
- GoalPreview: pin latest state comment (12c9155)
- UserGroup: user and counter tooltips (7d859c4)
1.16.5 (2023-07-14)
1.16.4 (2023-07-13)
- estimateFilter: only unique estimates (0a1a6f5)
1.16.3 (2023-07-10)
- Goal: fix update criteria if goal not as criteria (3751586)
1.16.2 (2023-07-07)
- FiltersPanel: filters shouldn'' be hidden after empty search (7b428eb)
- goal.switchState: add project owner to Editable (face652)
1.16.1 (2023-07-07)
- GoalCriteria: completed criterias move to list begin (759a518)
- GoalCriteria: off autocomplete for weight input (fccdc10)
- GoalCriteria: update criteria flag by the state goal change (fdbc31d)
- GoalDependencies: beta mark on this feature (9ba7509)
1.16.0 (2023-07-06)
- FiltersPanel: add SSR (8c1da4f)
- FiltersPanel: autocomplete for Priority (837ed92)
- FiltersPanel: autocomplete for Projects/Tags/Presets (948af1a)
- FiltersPanel: autocomplete for States (b250ffe)
- Page: added footer menu (2397c77)
- UserFilter: add autocomplete and server fetch (824d2d3)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: uncollapsable items are not intercative (2ffd7a0)
1.15.0 (2023-07-03)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: added background for project purposes (7ff2c7a)
- FiltersPanelApplied: fixed 500 on applied preset (0a84d99)
- goal: map tags id to connect (7f61562)
- ProjectListItem: align actions right (ced167d)
- TagComboBox: deleted tags are not returned after being deleted (2e0e6e6)
1.14.2 (2023-06-29)
1.14.1 (2023-06-29)
- CommentForm: pass value to hidden inputs (efb49c7)
1.14.0 (2023-06-29)
- CollapsableItem: highlight collapsable (a12a059)
- GoalPage: sidebar redesign (7f5af49)
- GoalPage: transfer goal to other project (aeeac7e)
- HistoryRecord: remove PriorityText component (f6cc9b1)
- i18n: disable client-side locale detection (21c1c88)
- i18n: help pages i18n (a339be4)
- PageTitlePreset: added component for page title with applied preset (ebaab23)
- PriorityDropdown: remove PriorityText component (0c31085)
- PriorityText: remove PriorityText component (efdbd68)
- ProjectListItem: button to open Project at new page (c2d0ed4)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: default state is opened (15c178d)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: ghost button for goals trigger (717c1ff)
- ProjectSettingsPage: added outline in button (fcba7b2)
- Settings: introduce beta testing (bdb64f3)
- State: type is not nullable (f621d8b)
- UserGroup: add counter (1b8cb83)
- UserSettingsPage: added outline in button (c8bacef)
- allow to change state of goal if goal is editable only (39a3098)
- ColorizedMenuItem: return StateDot as marker (8ba9427)
- CriteriaForm: hover for trigger content only (7ceefb5)
- db: use default value for max function (fd805f6)
- GoalAchievmentCriteria: markup changes and beatufy (2e94bcd)
- GoalCriteria: do not show zero weight (d5d125d)
- GoalCriteriaItem: move remove button into title cell (23d4e31)
- GoalsPage: sync client and server fetch (4109d7a)
- HistoryRecord: do not show pretext for participants (0e1787e)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: fix border error (9720c34)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: fix offset blinking (87b6ca0)
- ProjectListItemConnected: add query state to goals counter (dc71266)
- ProjectsPage: show only first level projects (e1733bf)
- RelativeTime: use named export (cd376a4)
- UserGroup: default user count is circle (1fffdfa)
1.13.0 (2023-06-26)
- ProjectListItemCollapsable: change item text (ab65edc)
1.12.0 (2023-06-26)
- ProjectItemCollapsable: add goals counter (7e83c34)
- ProjectListItemConnected: create separate component (d76c9b1)
- ProjectsPage: add projects page (cce114c)
1.11.0 (2023-06-22)
- GoalPage: redesign header, add criteria progress bar (8f45cd4)
- GoalPreview: redesign header, add criteria progress bar (abc07cc)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: add goals button (0630b3f)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: codereview changes (eeb5b06)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: component composition step 1 (f29104d)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: fix css important style (412f43f)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: fix toggle blinking (e2f9386)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: new components (c46a735)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: prisma project.getByIds endpoint (a0634f8)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: remove props spread (7b6eb2b)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: support goals loading on click (b9e0281)
- ProjectListItemCollapsible: support project loading status (7c2dcb3)
- RelativeTime: no hover for unclickable timestamps (afc0367)
- State: add basic types (f720922)
- GoalHistory: check prev and next estimate before push (2dbf15d)
- Goal: unique constraint for scopeId (ca34b45)
- i18n: exact pattern match in getLangClient (fbca1b0)
- package-lock.json: fix dependency problem (aa02327)
- StateComment: synchroniosly update goal and create comment next (99acc58)
1.10.0 (2023-06-20)
- GoalCreateForm: goal button improvements (e550f89)
- goal: use max operator for new goal scopeId (69975d1)
- PriorityDropdown: use value not text (c73e738)
1.9.0 (2023-06-19)
- ColorizedMenuItem: remove Dot (8425003)
- Dashboard: move to / page (d6db983)
- EstimateComboBox: added the ability to select the annual quarter (d598801)
- GoalAchievement: add remove criteria action (95e73f5)
- GoalAchievement: add title unique validate (166eae5)
- GoalAchievement: new components CriteriaForm and GoalCriteria (ed28037)
- GoalAchievement: new schema, validate, routes (3c67ab9)
- GoalAchievement: only owner or issuer can update state of criteria (5bce0e0)
- GoalAchievement: use new components in goal's preview and page (d47fe6e)
- GoalListItem: changed text style (498b214)
- GoalPage: remove Dot (6dffdd0)
- introduce goals page with lazy load (edf59c9)
- PriorityDropdown: remove Dot (e5c859f)
- GoalAchievement: used components improvements (b98a2c9)
- GoalCriteria: fix typo in TickCircleIcon (0ca8d23)
- GoalEditForm: inferred types of update (4eb932d)
- GoalListItem: accept nullable props (9a41e61)
- use MenuItem for PriorityFilter and PriorityDropdown (51e16a3)
- useHotkey: use helper to not run hotkeys in editable fields (407a0a6)
1.8.0 (2023-06-12)
- CommentForm: form redesign (5bad2f0)
- Goal: create/edit forms redesign (083b3a8)
- ProjectCreateForm: reorder form components (8bb15f4)
- State: no hover if not clickable (505457f)
1.7.0 (2023-06-08)
- EstimateComboBox: shows current Q first and others in future (a527a18)
- GoalHistory: new goal feed combined history and comments (a60b960)
- PageHeader: add GlobalSearch (fd52558)
1.6.0 (2023-06-05)
- Estimate: change relation between
(b531f61) - FiltersPanel: add Issuer filter, #1019 (d596d9b)
- FiltersPanel: add Participant filter, #1020 (0154ef6)
- FiltersPanel: add Starred and Watching filters (f0093d0)
- FiltersPanelApplied: show applied sort props (197c4c8)
- Goal: comment with push state (daa9ce5)
- GoalCreateForm: added Dropdown near the button (d6d28e3)
- GoalListItem: show starred and watching status (124f3da)
- GoalsGroup: css grids (88e202d)
- PageTitle: show preset author (2f2ed41)
- ProjectCreateForm: added the ability to enter vowels in the project key (832587d)
- ProjectListItem: add new makup and fields (c47696c)
- ProjectListItem: add new ProjectListItem to goals page (7214d3c)
- ProjectListItem: fix types error (d6370bb)
- RelativeTime: added switching of date display type (34e2dc6)
- trpc: provide starred and watching filters data (dcf58dc)
- UserFilter: current user is always first (9778b98)
- CommentView: date type does not change when clicking on child elements (6217103)
- Estimate: change field name
(c34b895) - FiltersPanelApplied: do not show sort if no values (4cff2ab)
- GoalCreateForm: use outline button in all cases (23284b1)
- GoalListItem: remove unused keyset (bd77251)
- GoalsPage: view preset author if you are not author of it (42936b9)
- useUrlFilterParams: reset preset w/o empty param, #804 (d24463f)
1.5.1 (2023-05-30)
- GoalListItem: bigger paddings for row (4f3349c)
1.5.0 (2023-05-30)
- GoalListItem: new GoalListItem design (2ada2bb)
- GoalListItem: paddings smaller (6afab2c)
- GoalListItem: state component instead of DotState (3679f04)
- autofocus now works (2cd1539)
- GoalEditForm: estimate is optional (0ca3291)
- GoalHistory: use strict type for records (86a7455)
- goal: move goal to new project in update (241562b)
- GoalsGroup: common table for Goals groups (7d6a30c)
- project: pass only id to connect property (774582b)
- shrink text (3e5654b)
1.4.0 (2023-05-29)
- GoalHistory: db schema and seed data (1630024)
- GoalHistory: recordings changes (d81dc71)
- GoalHistory: recordings changes of state, participants and deps (dac32ee)
- GoalHistory: recordings ids as changed values (6ab2ce5)
- GoalHistory: rewrite seeding GoalHistory data (19cab4d)
- GoalHistory: calculate typings of history (c4780c1)
- GoalHistory: query for history, drop unreachable code (23bf3a7)
- Goal: use count instead of max (faefb5b)
- worker: incorrect path to runner (8137345)
1.3.0 (2023-05-25)
- Goal: use shortId to confirm deleting (f58a01a)
- IssueDependenciesForm: scopedId in input field (6bfb74e)
1.2.0 (2023-05-23)
- FiltersPanelApplied: incorrect space position (57c5658)
1.1.0 (2023-05-22)
- add background queue (b658eef)
- bricks component filterPanel (cda5426)
- Goal: goal project parents owners can edit goal (b7319af)
- react and react-dom are externals by default (36a8552)
- trpc: filter router (7f49408)
- do not show empty values in applied filters (eff70c8)
- GoalPage: wrap content in dropdown items (9597243)
- GoalPreview: automatically open early opened GoalEditForm modal (a522646)
- GoalsPage: check query params (7d7a3bf)
- GoalsPage: hook call without condition (303dfde)
- GoalsPage: restore gql ssr data (39e4a4f)
- i18n: unused translations keys (cdbf82d)
- invalidate goal and project cache after clicks by watch or star buttons (bd1a611)
- move prod modules to prod section (25e58c1)
- next: adapt config to work with prod modules only (3db0934)
- NotificationsHub: migrate all request (f761ef3)
- ProjectPage: restore gql ssr data (340cc21)
- run publish if new release notes (83ce8bf)
- sentry: correct Sentry plugin usage (5cdcc52)
- Sentry: up to date configs (3d2ec7a)
- trpc: add transformer to ssr helper (e25ce14)
- vulnerabilities audit (fd282d1)
- drop team table
- remove teams from gql resolvers
- remove teams docs
- remove teams support
- drop other part of teams components
- replace teams explore with projects in Header menu
- drop useless routes
- drop teams pages and components
- disable e2e in GH workflows
- @bricks form elements integration (d85ae14)
- @taskany/colors integration (8c34dc1)
- from @taskany/bricks (f511c06)
- add PageTitle (8988050)
- add PresetFilterDropdown (f14944c)
- add PriorityFilterDropdown (e4ade97)
- Add PriorityText component (d4e56cf)
- add routing progress (9a09043)
- Badge, Button, Card, CleanButton, ComboBox, Dot from bricks (618d9b0)
- ComboBox: support groups (04b3826)
- connect npm package @taskany/bricks (5dcbb1b)
- Dropdown, Fieldset, Footer, Input, InputContainer, Link, SheepLogo integration (76c302d)
- EstimateFilterDropdown: user can filter goals via estimates (a9e044b)
- fetch, create, delete custom filters (1b9182c)
- Filter: add model and resolver (9c10e53)
- FiltersPanel: add projects filter (6ad298e)
- FiltersPanel: reset button (0cff0b8)
- Filter: star/unstar not owned filters (ff51e2f)
- FormEditor translations (22b0d1e)
- FormMultiImport component (83cd385)
- global create button (99ac5f8)
- Goal: add archived field to model and filters (c29c567)
- Goal: allow user to delete goals (da13117)
- GoalEditForm: allow move goal btw project and team (641e728)
- GoalEditForm: move goal btw projects (5b67642)
- GoalList: click on tag adds it to filter (1dfe44f)
- GoalListItem: show priority (f11a0f5)
- GoalPreview: allow edit goal from preview (94b11f5)
- Goal: show team goals on dashboard (3b38b73)
- Goal: show team info on goal page (ae0c2c7)
- Goal: show teams of goal project (a70850b)
- Goal: support creating goals for Team (8555e54)
- helper string with current filter values (245e613)
- hooks from @taskany/bricks (b2bd415)
- Icon, Modal and depended (c3778ba)
- include project/team title/desctiprion to search fields (cd43264)
- integrate custom filters on dashboard (3d54b03)
- integrate custom filters on project page (c1f5460)
- integrate StateDot, MarkedListItem from @bricks (8b623e4)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (Comments components) (8bc0434)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (Common components) (90b7a53)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (drop next-intl) (8d0f0e7)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (fix merge conflicts) (a463239)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (Goals components) (478300b)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (Issues components) (f507bdf)
- migrate to easy-typed-intl (Projects components) (4d730e9)
- NotificationsHub: one way to notify users (e9cd83a)
- PageHeader blocks from @taskany/bricks (4c56ed4)
- Project: add teams editing on project settings (0c3e11d)
- Project: show teams on project page (31f5c6c)
- Project: user can transfer ownership (56591bb)
- support priority filter in resolvers (95fa077)
- Team: add flow field (1f91cd8)
- Team: add projects on team settings (35735d3)
- TeamCreateForm: add flow field (82e89ed)
- TeamCreateForm: add key field (7fb88e0)
- Team: show team goals on team page (da0c10b)
- Team: user can delete team (93af986)
- Team: user can transfer ownership (cbe05f9)
- Text, Popup from bricks (beefe4b)
- top level projects in explore (a5c5a38)
- universal WatchButton and StarButton (943f5d1)
- Update bricks, remove extra dependencies (9d70e2d)
- User: clear local storage from settings page (b28d430)
- auth: keykloak extra field (9339e9f)
- auth: return rest params (6233b97)
- Button: pointer if onClick provided only (3de2663)
- Buttons markup error (ae98de2)
- Button: use bkg color as text color in focus mode (2e19882)
- Comment should be reset after submit (ebfa1ec)
- CommentCreateForm: incorrect goalId (489521d)
- Comment: do not sent activityId with comment data (a0dcad2)
- Comment: find activity not user (d89ad35)
- CommentView: remove double comment description in edit mode (cc2ab31)
- CommentView: remove user-select: none (421112e)
- CommonHeader: allow multiline title (58eca91)
- CommonHeader: do not show title attr for header (64eeb53)
- Dashboard: get recommended flow from db (eeb5a09)
- Dashboard: incorrect projects map (756a8e1)
- dateTime: list of available years for this year (afca1d5)
- FiltersPanel: clean url if no filters (131d330)
- FiltersPanel: debounce search input (274a3ea)
- FiltersPanel: get/set right search params (aa35082)
- FiltersPanel: show zero count (4c8c012)
- get goal comments count in same way (24d420b)
- Goal: check projectId in transfer branch (bc4d7fc)
- Goal: correct userGoals compilation (f49707b)
- GoalEditForm: update i18n (de63bd6)
- GoalForm: button positions via priority (607b6a8)
- GoalForm: correct tags container position (f8f9c16)
- GoalForm: pass key for team and project to cache (b13f348)
- GoalForm: sync tags container background (5c0f17c)
- Goal: incorrect btw projects move logic (47e8bff)
- Goal: incorrect filters order (fff83cc)
- GoalParentComboBox: check value to get right button text (f28fcdc)
- GoalPreview: adapt height for long goal titles (19c333c)
- GoalPreview: clean state after deleting (8bfa6da)
- GoalPreview: not show dot in header if no teams (f00a4be)
- Gravatar: pass classname and default src props (9f55ac0)
- Gravatar: set image src after mount (1cb0bf4)
- Header: rename Goals to Dashboard (b67ed5c)
- hydration errors by rendering (e1fc159)
- hydration errors by rendering (d8245af)
- i18n: tag successfully created message (44f2524)
- IssueListItem: remove incorrect flex style (33f5588)
- IssueListItem: wrap StateDot (4acb23e)
- IssueParent: correct parent hierarchy (6b42deb)
- IssueParticipants: use Modal layout components (eebc40a)
- key validation in team and project creating forms (4696e2e)
- keyPredictor: remove unicode symbols (2ff1c7f)
- keyPredictor: support ru lang (c178825)
- LimitFilter: default 100 (c9ed40d)
- LimitFilterDropdown: remove default value (30cbaba)
- LimitFilterDropdown: remove dublicated item (c3aae34)
- NotificationsHub: no carry (e75093d)
- notifyPromise: strict type for result (b1e2dc9)
- Page: remove padding from PageContent (49d2b8e)
- PageTitle: pointer if onClick passed only (1aacb16)
- priority types (939d27a)
- prisma: skip ghost logic for users without invite (5e6a17e)
- Project: do not cast id to number (966d4c3)
- ProjectHeader: wrap but not ellipsis (9012e50)
- ProjectPageLayout: add comma btw teams in title (1997c72)
- ProjectPageLayout: add right key for links in TabsMenu (63a7d67)
- ProjectPageLayout: compare paths without query string (3263769)
- ProjectPageLayout: do not show watch/star actions on settings page (d74e9cc)
- ProjectPage: pass flowId to LS cache (25275f5)
- Project: pass search query to resolvers (87b162f)
- Project: remove slug fields from fetcher (e6e16b5)
- ProjectSettingsPage: add title to layout (3f59bec)
- Reaction: check current user reactions only (3c55747)
- RelativeTime: update relative time every 1 min (ac2deee)
- remove ghost prop for form elements, #641 (e844f84)
- remove useState and useEffect from filters dropdowns (a340f1f)
- seed: connect existing tags (c2c00cd)
- smooth and right scroll to comments (62d6d30)
- StateDot styles ssr error (7587a68)
- TagsFilterDropdown: remove extra void in callback (6b217bd)
- UserFilterDropdown: remove extra void in callback (19e4663)
- UserMenuItem: provide email for gravatar (7655f39)
- useUrlFilterParams: shallow eq for presets (7c31300)
- Revert "chore(Tag): title must be unique" (0feb6f8)
- disable e2e in GH workflows (779ab4d)
- drop other part of teams components (780901f)
- drop team table (24bdf98)
- drop teams pages and components (feeff90)
- drop useless routes (57c4360)
- remove teams docs (3dca600)
- remove teams from gql resolvers (c20b735)
- remove teams support (2c3a212)
- replace teams explore with projects in Header menu (a734dcb)