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  • Python(Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Beautiful Soup, Statistis, Cryptography, Data Science, Black-Gray Hat, Computer Science, FullStack, Flask, Django, Pandas, Numpy, Raspberry PI, Scipy, Scikit, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Games, NLP, Tkinter, Data Analysit)
  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • SQL
  • Math
  • Linux
  • AWK
  • R

Books, Guides, Notes, Slides Question Papers and Research Papers.
  1. Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem
  2. Advanced Statistical Computing
  3. Applied Cryptography_ Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
  4. The Art of Data Science
  5. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
  6. Automate The Boring Stuffs
  7. Beautiful Soup 4 readthedocs latest
  8. Black Hat Python
  9. Byte of Python
  10. C Notes For Professionals
  11. C# Notes For Professionals
  12. C++ Notes For Professionals
  13. Computer Age Statistical Inference
  14. Clean Code in Python
  15. Data Science from Scratch- First Principles with Python(O'RIELLY)
  16. Data Science Interview Preparation
  17. Data Science Interview Questions
  18. Data structures and algorithms made easy
  19. Data Visualization 101
  20. Data Structures and Algorithms
  21. Data Science & Big Data Analytics
  22. Deep learning adaptive computation and machine learning
  23. Deep Learning with Python
  24. Deep Learning(O'REILLY)
  25. Dive Into Python with Practicle Examples
  26. Doing Math with Python
  27. Durga Python
  28. Everybody Lies(BIG DATA)
  29. FullStack Python
  30. Grokking Deep Learning v3 MEAP
  31. Hacking Ciphers
  32. The Data Analytics Handbook
  33. Hands-on Data Structures and Algorithms with Python
  34. Hands-on Software Engineering with Python
  35. Hands-on Data Science and Python ML
  36. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
  37. Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
  38. An Introducion to Statistical
  39. Java Notes For Professionals
  40. LaTeX Notes For Professionals
  41. Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
  42. Learning PANDAS
  43. Machine Cheet Sheet by Dzone
  44. Machine Learning Algorithms
  45. Machine Learning in Action
  46. Machine Learning With TensorFlow
  47. Machine Learning Step-by-Step Guide
  48. Machine Learning mini-book
  49. Master Machine Learning Algorithms
  50. Master Machine Learning Algorithms
  51. Mastering Python Networking
  52. Mathematical Statistical and Data Analysis
  53. Mathematics for Machine Learning
  54. Methods For Hackers
  55. Mitchell-Machine Learning
  56. Model Building in Mathematical Programming
  57. Modern Python CookBook
  58. All Module(Module Wise)
  59. Notebooks(explained examples)
  60. Numpy
  61. OpenIntro Statistics
  62. OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python(Cookbook)
  63. AIMMS Optimization Modelling
  64. Pandas
  65. Practical Machine Learning
  66. Practical Statistics for Data Scientists(O'REILLY)
  67. Probability Cheatsheet
  68. Python-3+ Version Tutorial
  69. Python - Absolute Beginner
  70. Python - Advance Learning
  71. Python - Algorithm
  72. Python - Application Core Programming
  73. Python - Arduino For Evil Genius
  74. Python - Arduino
  75. Python - AWS
  76. Python - Bayes
  77. Python - Beginning Expert - Both Edition
  78. Python - Beginning Programming With Python For DUMMIES
  79. Python - Black Hat
  80. Python - Bytes of Python
  81. Python - Cheat Sheet
  82. Python - Cheat Sheet (2)
  83. Python - Computational Science and Engineering
  84. Python - Computer Scientist
  85. Python - Core Programming
  86. Python for Data Analysis(O'REILLY)
  87. Python - Data Mining Full Version
  88. Python - For Data Science For DUMMIES
  89. Python - Data Science
  90. Python - Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
  91. Python - Data Visualization
  92. Python - Digital Signal Processing
  93. Python - Django
  94. Python For DUMMIES
  95. Python - Econometrics Statistics and Data Analyist
  96. Python - Expert Programming
  97. Python - Expert in-depth guide
  98. Python - Exploring Data
  99. Python - Fast Lane
  100. Python - Finance
  101. Python - Games
  102. Python - Hacking Secret
  103. Python - High Performance(O'REILLY)
  104. Python - Learning 4th Edition(O'REILLY)
  105. Python - Learning 5th Edition(O'REILLY)
  106. Python - Learning Website Development
  107. Python - Scipy Learning Notes
  108. Python - Introduction to Machine Learning
  109. Python - Machine Learning
  110. Python - Making Games
  111. Python - Modeling Creativity
  112. Python - Natural Language Processing(O'REILLY)
  113. Python - Networking Programming
  114. Python - OOPS 4th Edition(O'REILLY)
  115. Python - OOPS 5th Edition(O'REILLY)
  116. Python - Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
  117. Python Text Processing
  118. Python - Programming and GUI Design using Tkinter
  119. Python Programming for Non-Programmers
  120. Python - Rasberry PI Cookbook(O'REILLY)
  121. Python - Snake Wrangling
  122. Python - Spark for Python Developers
  123. Python - The Definitive Guide to Django
  124. Python - XML
  125. Python - Object-Oriented Programming
  126. Python and Tkinter Programming
  127. Python - Automation Cookbook
  128. Python - Data Science Cookbook
  129. Python - Data Visualization Cookbook
  130. Python - Deep Learning Projects
  131. Python - Data Science For DUMMIES
  132. Python Machine Learning By Example
  133. Python Machine Learning(Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
  134. Python - Microservices Development
  135. Python Notes For Professionals
  136. Python - Building Machine Learning System
  137. Python - Game Developemeny (pygame)
  138. Python Gray Hat
  139. QT5 Python GUI Programming
  140. Real-World Machine Learning
  141. TensorFlow 2.0
  142. Text Analytics with Python
  143. Linux - Bash Notes for Professionals
  144. The AWK Programming Language
  145. SQL Queries Succinctly
  146. SQL Notes For Professionals
  147. Git Notes For Professionals
  148. Math-Deep
  149. Algorithms Notes For Professionals
  150. Introduction to algorithms
  151. R Programming
  152. R Inferno
  153. R Data Mining Slides


πŸ“š Collection of various Books and Guides.






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