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708 lines (529 loc) · 25.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • tt aeon connect added tests for connect file/app.



[2.8.1] - 2025-03-10

The release introduces minor changes in stabilization of tt connect command. Expanded possibility to connect to aeon base. Improvement in the work of templates.


  • tt aeon connect: add connection from the app:insance_name.
  • Added support for the {{ metricsPort }} construct in Go text templates. This new function allows template users to generate a monitoring port value directly within their templates, providing more flexibility and simplifying configuration management.


  • tt connect: allow to disconnect with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+\ if script execution hung.
  • Moved cluster.cmd.UriOpts to connect.UriOpts.


  • tt connect: return Lua parse error.
  • tt connect: panic on render empty table.
  • tt can be built without linking to OpenSSL.

[2.8.0] - 2025-02-19

The release introduces an expanded ways to connect to aeon DB using: configuration file and fixing of using root certificates. TCM binary could be packed with pack subcommand.


  • tt pack : added TCM file packaging.
  • tt aeon connect: add connection from the cluster config.


  • tt aeon: did not use system CAs by default.

[2.7.0] - 2025-01-22

The release introduces an experimental support of console for AeonDB and continues to improve tt play command.


  • tt aeon connect: add support to connect Aeon database.
  • tt play: support of the SSL parameters by using next flags:
    • sslkeyfile - path to a private SSL key file,
    • sslcertfile - path to an SSL certificate file,
    • sslcafile - path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file,
    • sslciphers - colon-separated list of SSL cipher suites the connection.
  • tt play: support connection to a target instance by application name or application:instance name.
  • tt coredump pack: add options to customize coredump packing:
    • -e (--executable): specify Tarantool executable path.
    • -p (--pid): specify PID of the dumped process.
    • -t (--time): specify time of dump (seconds since the Epoch).
  • tt.yaml: allows to specify a list of modules directories.
  • Environment variable TT_CLI_MODULES_PATH can be used to specify an extra path with modules.


  • tt stop/kill/clean/logrotate: no longer need:
    • Instances scripts for multi-instance applications.
    • Cluster config for tarantool3-based cluster applications.
  • tt logrotate: don't exit at non-running instance, just warn and proceed with the other instances, like tt stop and tt kill do.
  • tt coredump pack: if -e option is omitted first search tarantool executable in tt environment then in PATH instead of using the hardcoded path /usr/bin/tarantool.
  • tt replicaset downgrade: drop option -v (--version). Pass version as a positional argument rather than option.


  • tt coredump inspect: fails for tarantool-ee coredump archive if the source directory is missing.
  • tt pack: fails if etcd or tcs are present in the configuration and not available.

[2.6.0] - 2024-11-29

The release introduces upgrade and downgrade subcommands for tt replicaset and adds minor improves to tt cat, tt play and tt connect.


  • tt replicaset downgrade: command to downgrade the schema on a Tarantool cluster.
    • -v (--version): (required) specify schema version to downgrade to.
    • -r (--replicaset): specify the replicaset name(s) to downgrade.
    • -t (--timeout): timeout for waiting the LSN synchronization (in seconds) (default 5).
  • tt replicaset upgrade: command to upgrade the schema on a Tarantool cluster.
    • -r (--replicaset): specify the replicaset name(s) to upgrade.
    • -t (--timeout): timeout for waiting the LSN synchronization (in seconds) (default 5).
    • supports upgrading the database schema on remote cluster by upgrading each replicaset individually using tt replicaset upgrade <URI>.
  • New flag --timestamp of tt cat and tt play commands is added to specify operations ending with the given timestamp. This value can be specified as a number or using RFC3339/RFC3339Nano time format.
  • tt connect: add new --evaler option to support for customizing the way user input is processed.
  • tt cat/play: allows to specify a list of directories to search WAL files.


  • tt rocks: don't load local configs.

[2.5.2] - 2024-11-07

The release updates luarocks and libraries version.


  • tt rocks: a wrong Lua interpreter is selected.

[2.5.1] - 2024-10-31

The release updates the MessagePack library in a release build.


  • Release packages were built using the outdated and buggy MessagePack library.

[2.5.0] - 2024-10-15

The release introduces a set of subcommands for replicaset roles, improves clarity regarding the version number to install, enhances the status display, and adds a flag to disable interactivity when the application is stopped.

Additionally, several fixes were implemented to improve stability.


  • tt status: display config, box, and replication upstream statuses.
    • --details: display detailed reports of errors and warnings from instances.
  • tt stop confirmation prompt. -y option is added to accept stop without prompting.
  • tt cluster replicaset roles add: command to add roles in config scope provided by flags.
  • tt cluster replicaset roles remove: command to remove roles from config scope provided by flags.
  • tt replicaset roles add: command to add roles in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) or cartridge orchestrator.
  • tt replicaset roles remove: command to remove roles in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) or cartridge orchestrator.
  • tt install tt|tarantool <version> - allow be incomplete. So 2.3 will install the the last available release with specified <major=2>.<minor=3> in .


  • tt console command \set delimiter [marker] don't hang tt.
  • tt log -f crash on removing log directory.
  • tt connect crash due to an empty response.
  • tt start error on start Tarantool 3 with encrypted etcd.
  • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap unable to bootstrap large clusters due to a timeout.
  • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap timeout was 3s instead of 10s.

[2.4.0] - 2024-08-07


  • tt log: a module for viewing instances logs. Supported options:
    • --lines number of lines to print.
    • --follow print appended data as log files grow.
  • tt connect: support format for Tarantool tuples for Tarantool versions >= 3.2.
  • tt enable: create a symbolic link in 'instances_enabled' directory to a script or an application directory.
  • tt replicaset bootstrap: command to bootstrap a Cartridge cluster or an instance.
  • tt rs rebootstrap: re-bootstraps an instance.
  • -s (--self) flag to execute tt itself and don't search for other tts in bin_dir provided in config.
  • tt start interactive mode with -i option.


  • Sorted by name order of columns for table and ttable formats.
  • tt switch tt: does not work with x.x.x version format.
  • tt install tt returns expected exit status code on unsuccessful dependency check.
  • tt pack: failed to start instances using systemctl due to permissions denied.
  • tt uninstall tt: does not work with x.y.z version format.
  • Ability to update a latest version of master tarantool and tt with tt install.


  • Do not create Dockerfile.* in application's directory.

[2.3.1] - 2024-06-13


  • Building Linux AArch64 tt packages.

[2.3.0] - 2024-06-04


  • tt status: displays the mode of the instance.
  • tt coredump: enhances coredump inspection:
    • tt coredump pack: puts and GDB-extensions into the archive so that it contains everything necessary for convenient coredump inspection.
    • tt coredump inspect: allows archive path as an argument (archive should be created with tt coredump pack).
    • tt coredump inspect: added -s option to specify the location of tarantool sources.
  • tt cluster publish: ability to publish a new instance config.
  • tt pack does not create unnecessary directories and removes files that are required only for building from the resulting package.


  • tt cluster failover: added supervised failover management commands.
  • tt status: added pretty option for pretty-formatted table output.
  • TT_CLI_CFG: environment variable to specify the path to the configuration file.
  • tt pack: systemd unit parameterizing support.
  • tt replicaset vshard: module to manage vshard in the tarantool replicaset.
    • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap: command to bootstrap vshard.


  • tt clean no longer tries to clean files multiple times.
  • Tarantool 3 config instance fails to use 108 symbols control socket on tt start.
  • Incorrect application name in case of explicit providing config path without directories.
  • Application build failure during pack with Tarantool from the current environment.

[2.2.1] - 2024-04-03


  • tt create: added single instance application template.
  • tt replicaset promote: command to promote an instance in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) or cartridge orchestrator.
  • tt replicaset demote: command to demote an instance in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) orchestrator.
  • tt cluster replicaset: module to manage replicaset via 3.0 cluster config storage.
    • tt cluster replicaset promote: command to promote an instance in the replicaset.
    • tt cluster replicaset demote: command to demote an instance in the replicaset.
  • tt connect --binary: connect to instance using binary port.
  • tt kill: command to stop instance(s) with SIGQUIT and SIGKILL signals.


  • tt start now creates binary port.

[2.2.0] - 2024-03-06


  • tt pack generates a separate systemd unit for each packed application. Common (all instances) unit is removed.
  • tt pack default data, run, log files location is changed for rpm/deb packages to /var/[log | run | lib]/tarantool/<env_name>
  • create /var/[log | run | lib]/tarantool/<env_name> on target system for packed applications.


  • tt start: not working on FreeBSD.
  • tt pack and tt build fail in verbose mode with "invalid argument" error.
  • tt pack packs applications, which are not valid: instances file is empty, for example.
  • tt pack with --use-docker fails due to incompatible versions of tt between local system and docker container. Install current tt version in docker image if possible.
  • tt binaries list invalid argument error if tarantool is not a symlink.
  • if a user provides pre or post install script to tt pack rpm, it uses file name as a script instead of its content.

[2.1.2] - 2024-02-02


  • Built-in vshard cluster application template.
  • Building tt in Linux-aarch64, FreeBSD environments.
  • tt binaries switch: switch to installed binary.
  • tt download: download Tarantool SDK.


  • tt replicaset: prefer cartridge instances without critical issues on it during discovery.
  • tt binaries renamed to tt binaries list


  • tt rocks: not working on macOs.
  • tt install tarantool fails due to checkout error.
  • tt binaries list: not showing active tag for master version.
  • missing 3.0 SDK in search results for tarantool-ee.

[2.1.1] - 2024-01-15


  • Module tt replicaset, to manage replicasets:
    • tt replicaset status to show a cluster status information.


  • Disable tt run tarantool flag parsing.


  • tt start: not working global tt flags.

[2.1.0] - 2023-12-15


  • Make cartridge app dependencies less strict.
  • tt connect auto-completion shows directories and files when there are no running apps.
  • tt rocks --server now accepts several URL's.
  • Disable tt run tarantool flag parsing.
  • Now tt run starts instance without our wrapper.


  • tt env: add current environment binaries location to the PATH variable.
  • tt cluster: add an ability to specify a key for show/publish via URI.
  • tt cluster: add an ability to publish/show configuration from tarantool config storage.

[2.0.0] - 2023-11-13


  • Print log messages to stderr.
  • Global flags are required to be positioned only before child commands. Example: tt --cfg tt.yaml install tt.
  • tt config format: separate tt environment options from application options.
  • tt version: additional version information for non-release builds.
  • Working directory is changed to an application source directory. If the application is a script, new working directory will be created in instances enabled location.
  • Re-worked application runtime artifacts layout: app section relative paths are considered relative to working directory, which is an application source directory. Application name sub-directory no longer used for relative paths. Default names are changed for PID-files, control sockets and log files.
  • Enable logging to file by default for tarantool cluster instances. Default log file name for an instance is tarantool.log. tarantool's stdout/stderr and tt logs go to tt.log file.
  • Remove URI with creds from console title and prompt.
  • Ignore app-instance delimiters for Tarantool 3.0 instances.
  • Don't use dash as an app-instance delimiter. At the same time, cartridge_app-stateboard treated as a special case.
  • Log rotation functionality and configuration is removed from tt. tt logrotate command re-opens a log file and sends SIGHUP to the child tarantool processes.
  • tt cat: all diagnostic messages are printed to stderr.
  • Print tarantool stdout/stderr and watchdog logs to the same log file - tt.log.


  • tt completion: added luarocks completions.
  • tarantool-ee: search and install development builds.
  • tt play: ability to pass username and password via flags and environment variables.
  • tt cluster: credentials could be passed via environment variables and command flags.


  • tt rocks: broken --verbose option.
  • tt binaries: tarantool-ee binaries not shown.
  • tt cluster: recognize app:instance as a etcd URL.

[1.3.0] - 2023-09-28


  • Use CLI arg connect string for the prompt line and the title to avoid too long prompt line when using 'app:instance' target format.
  • tt rocks: luarocks version has been updated to 3.9.2.


  • tt install tarantool/tt: ability to install tarantool and tt from an arbitrary commit. The binary has the name tt/tarantool_ + seven-digit hash.
  • New tt pack flag --tarantool-version is added to specify tarantool version for pack in docker. It is supported only with --use-docker enabled.
  • Module tt cluster, to show or publish a cluster or an instance configuration.
  • tt connect: added command \help to show the help with a list of available commands.
  • tt connect: added command \quit to quit from the console.
  • tt connect: expanded formatting modes for the interactive console.
  • tt rocks: added admin commands tree. tt rocks admin implements luarocks-admin commands tree.


  • Installation failure from a commit hash.
  • Crash on tt install <tool> master.
  • --with-binaries flag for tt pack not working while packing with --cartridge-compat.
  • tarantool binary after pack now always named "tarantool".

[1.2.0] - 2023-08-18


  • tt pack now skips all .git files in packed environment, not only in main directory.
  • tt connect: the reverse search function to work consistently with tarantool.


  • tt install tarantool-dev: ability to install tarantool from the local build directory.
  • tt uninstall: smart auto-completion. It shows installed versions of programs.
  • tt uninstall: when removing symlinks and an existing installed version, the symlink will be switched to the latest installed version, so that tt can continue working with the program.
  • tt connect: support for multi-line commands in the history.
  • New tt pack flag --cartridge-compat is added to maintain backward compatibility with the cartridge-cli. It is supported only by tgz type packing.
  • tt pack: added option --without-modules allowing not to take external modules into the pack bundle.
  • tt connect: added command \shortcuts listing all available shortcuts and hotkeys in go-prompt.
  • initial support for Tarantool 3.0 instances running using cluster config.


  • tt install tarantool: symlink to the directory with tarantool headers is now updated when installing an existing version.
  • tt connect: terminal failure after throwing an error.

[1.1.2] - 2023-06-16


  • Set compat.fiber_slice_default to new by default in cartridge application template.
  • Treat the directory containing the instances file (instances.y[a]ml) as an application.


  • tt connect: support for the ../ and ~/ at the beginning of the URI, when using unix sockets.


  • Panic in tarantool 1.10.15 static build by tt.
  • Removed --use-docker flag from tt uninstall tarantool since it was added by mistake.

[1.1.1] - 2023-06-08


  • tt build now hides building output if -V is not provided.


  • tt start now does not start an instance if it is already running.
  • tt rocks uses rocks repo path relative to tt environment config location.
  • tt connect now does not crash on \q input.


  • smart auto-completion for tt start, tt stop, tt restart, tt connect, tt build, tt clean, tt logrotate, tt status. It shows suitable apps, in case of the pattern doesn't contain delimiter :, and suitable instances otherwise.
  • support tt environment directories overriding using environment variables:
    • TT_CLI_REPO_ROCKS environment variable value is used as rocks repository path if it is set and there is no in tt configuration file or directory does not include repository manifest file.
    • TT_CLI_TARANTOOL_PREFIX environment variable value is used for as tarantool installation prefix directory for rocks commands if it is set and tarantool executable is found in PATH.
  • smart auto-completion for tt create. It shows a list of built-in templates and templates from the config.
  • tt connect: support for the timestamp format in the history file.

[1.1.0] - 2023-05-02


  • tt install tarantool without version specification now installs the latest release.
  • tt install/search tarantool-ee now uses credentials from customer zone. Also, installation now requires specifying the version.
  • tt search tarantool-ee options changed. A new --version flag has been added to allow search for a specific release. The --dev and --dbg options have been merged into a single --debug option.
  • tt search now uses subcommands for searching tarantool/tarantool-ee/tt binaries


  • --dynamic option for tt install tarantool command to build non-static tarantool executable.


  • tt connect command does not break a console after executing os.exit() command anymore.

[1.0.2] - 2023-04-21


  • tt cartridge command takes into account run dir path from the tt environment. So most of the tt cartridge sub-commands are able to work without specifying --run-dir option.
  • tt install command checks it's write rights to binary and include directories before installing binaries.


  • tt install/uninstall command line interface is updated. Program names have become sub-commands with their own options.

[1.0.1] - 2023-04-04


  • A configurable variable cluster_cookie for tt create cartridge template.
  • tt build accepts application name for building.
  • Creating wal, vinyl and memtx directories for tt pack. If these directories are not located in the same directory in the environment for packing, the result package will contain separate snap/vinyl/wal directories for corresponding artifacts.


  • Packing symlinks into RPM package.


  • tt uninstall does not ask version if only one version of a program is installed.
  • tt rocks init is disabled.

[1.0.0] - 2023-03-23


  • Follow-up message support for application templates.
  • tarantool_layout config option to enable compatibility mode with tarantoolctl artifacts layout. If this option is set to true, tt will not create sub-directories for runtime artifacts such as control socket, pid file and log file. This option affects only single instance applications.
  • An ability to set different directories for WAL, vinyl and snapshots artifacts.
  • tt instances command to print a list of enabled applications.
  • SSL options for tt connect command.
  • An ability to pass arguments to a connect command.
  • tt binaries command. It shows a list of installed binaries and their versions.


  • tt config is renamed to tt.yaml.
  • Do not use make command options for tarantool build if MAKEFLAGS environment variable is set.
  • binaries, build, check, clean, create, install, instances, logrotate, pack, restart, run, start, status, stop, uninstall require environment configuration file.


  • Output of the help with all commands.
  • Allow more characters for URI credentials.

[0.4.0] - 2022-12-31


  • Support of rocks repository specified in tt config.
  • cfg dump module. It prints tt environment configuration.
  • --use-docker option for tt pack for packing environments in docker container.
  • Support of MacOS.


  • Updated cartridge-cli version to 2.12.4.

[0.3.0] - 2022-12-05


  • tt restart confirmation prompt. -y option is added to accept restart without prompting.
  • tt pack will generate systemd unit for rpm and deb packages.
  • --use-docker option for tt install to build Tarantool in Ubuntu 16.04 container.
  • Ability to use the start/stop/restart/status/check commands without arguments to interact with all instances of the environment simultaneously.
  • Starting from version 2.8.1, we can specify configuration parameters of tarantool via special environment variables. Added support for this feature when running older versions of tarantools via tt.


  • tt cartridge sub-commands create, build, pack are removed.
  • remove command is renamed to uninstall.
  • Updated values in system tarantool.yaml for bin_dir, inc_dir and repo: distfiles.


  • Working of the help module with multi-level commands (commands with several subcommands).
  • Using the system tarantool.yaml when installing from the repository.

[0.2.1] - 2022-11-24


  • Fixed building for MacOS.
  • A unified error writing style has been introduced.

[0.2.0] - 2022-11-21


  • Module tt init, to create tt environment configuration file.
  • Module tt daemon, to manage the tt daemon.
  • Built-in application templates support. Cartridge application template is added.
  • Using default_cfg from .tarantoolctl for tarantool.yaml generation in tt init.


  • Modules tt start, tt connect and tt catridge now use relative paths for unix sockets. It allows to use socket paths longer than sun_path limit.(108/106 on linux/macOS) e.g foo/bar.sock -> ./bar.sock

[0.1.0] - 2022-10-12


  • Module tt version, to get information about the version of the CLI.
  • Module tt completion, to generate autocompletion for a specified shell.
  • Module tt help, to get information about the CLI and its modules.
  • Module tt start, responsible for launching the instance according to the application file.
  • Module tt stop, responsible for terminating the instance.
  • Module tt status, to get information about the state of the instance.
  • Module tt restart, responsible for restarting of the instance.
  • Module tt logrotate, to rotate instance logs.
  • Module tt check, to check an application file for syntax errors.
  • Module tt connect, used to connect to a running instance.
  • Module tt rocks, LuaRocks package manager.
  • Module tt cat, to print into stdout the contents of .snap/.xlog files.
  • Module tt play, to play the contents of .snap/.xlog files to another Tarantool instance.
  • Module tt coredump, to pack/unpack/inspect tarantool coredump.
  • Module tt run, to start tarantool instance using tt wrapper.
  • Module tt search, to show available tt/tarantool versions.
  • Module tt create, to create an application from a template.
  • Module tt build, to build an application.
  • Module tt install, to install tarantool/tt.
  • Module tt remove, to remove tarantool/tt.