- Auto ending groups;
- Organize source files into include;
- sliderBox (derived from slider);
- Vertical sliderBox;
- offsetGroup;
- Scrollable;
- Template WrapperGroup;
- ScrollablePanel;
- Make Scrollable and Panel fill all available space
- Window;
- Group element spacing should be customizable;
- Generate doxygen
- Allow some sort of cache on State
- textArea;
- generic numberField;
- Sized Buttons;
- Test for numberFields and boxes
- Test for sliders
- Allow using the SDL_gfx font
- TTF Fonts
- section
- checkBox
- radioBox
- selectable
- treeNode
- vector numeric input
- listBox
- dropdown
- modal
- comboBox
- menus
- Keyboard navigation
- Joystick navigation
- Explicit activation
- dialog
- messageBox
- inputBox
- fileDialog
- colorInput
- colorDialog
- graphs
- drag & drop
- multiple mouse buttons