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Linking external libraries

Stefano Zaghi edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

To link external libraries two main approach can be used

  • directly link libraries with their full path;
  • relative link libraries extending the linker search-paths.

Direct linking of libraries with full path

The linking of external libraries directly using their full path is simply accomplished by build -libs /strange_path_to/foo.a

Relative linking of libraries extending linker search paths

The linking of external libraries extending the linker search paths is simply accomplished by build -ext_libs foo -lib_dir /strange_path_to/my_libraries/

Note on the linking libraries that include Fortran modules

When the external libraries contain one or more Fortran modules the module files .mod must be passed to the compiler during the compile phase. To this aim the directories where the module files are contained must added to the included directories list by build -inlcude  /stange_path_to/my_libraries/mod/

Note on the fobos options and examples

All the above CLA switch are available as fobos options (as well as all other CLA). Presently, the two approaches above described are implemented into the two examples relative to the cumbersome program.

Direct linking Relative linking
direct linkin of cumbersome dependency program relative linkin of cumbersome dependency program
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