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May Burgos edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 11 revisions

Systers, along with other sub-groups, have several channels where information is disseminated. A portal for Systers and sub-groups to share information to perspective communities, lists events and by geography. Before rebranding and new website, had a section/pages for Systers and each subgroup (Latinas, LGBT, Black Women in Computing, TurkishWiC and ArabWiC). This allowed for subgroup members to find information specific to their groups. See screen shots below.

Screen shots of community pages on old website.

Important links

Application advice

If you want to become a GSoC student, do the following:

  • Read Systers Portal documentation
  • Deploy the project on your local machine
  • Make a contributions to Systers Portal or provide proof that you have enough experience with Python and Django. You can find easy TODO tasks on our GitHub issues page.
  • Make a rough timeline and split up the idea into tasks. If possible create a prototype, identify possible issues early.
  • Talk to a mentor.
  • Start your GSoC application today. FYI no late submissions will be accepted.

Project ideas

  • Create an API to use with VOLA mobile app
  • Create a backend to store all the meetup data
  • Coordinate with VMS student to use the same login information for both
  • Upgrade the UI to match the new branding
  • Goal is to have Locals and Systers in 1 Location (Portal)
  • Work on the Meetup Features
  • Issues tagged as enhancements
  • We would be happy to have your suggestions to enhance Systers Portal

Your idea here

If you have an idea of your how to improve Systers Portal, drop us a message in #portal to discuss it :)

Development Environment

  • Language: Python
  • Framework: Django
  • Difficulty: Intermediate to Advanced