In Symbiotic, networks are represented through a network address (either an EOA or a contract) and a middleware contract, which can incorporate custom logic and is required to include slashing logic. The core protocol's fundamental functionalities encompass slashing operators and rewarding both stakers and operators.
A network epoch (let's name it
The vault allocates stakes by setting limits for networks and operators.
Let the vault be
Given the current
The limits are set in the vault, and the network cannot control this process (unless the vault is managed by the network). However, the implementation prevents the vault from removing the previously given slashing guarantees.
Moreover, the network can limit the maximum amount of stake it wants to use via the D.setMaxNetworkLimit()
The network has the flexibility to configure the operator set within the middleware or network contract.
The following functions could be useful:
D.stakeAt(network, operator, timestamp, hints)
: Determines minimum stake eligibility. Note that the sum of operators' stakes may exceed the network's total stake, depending on the network's and operators' limits in the delegator module.OperatorOptInService.isOptedInAt(operator, network, timestamp, hint)
: Checks the opt-in status.
For each operator, the network can obtain its stake which will be valid during
Note that the actual slashed amount may be less than the requested one. This is influenced by the cross-slashing or veto process of the Slasher module.
The network can slash the operator within the vault only if
- The operator is opted into the vault
- The operator is opted into the network
To initiate a slashing process, a network should call:
slash(network, operator, amount, captureTimestamp, hints)
for the Slasher module.requestSlash(network, operator, amount, captureTimestamp, hints)
for the VetoSlasher module.
The module will check the provided guarantees at the
source .env
Deployment script: click
forge script script/deploy/NetworkRegistry.s.sol:NetworkRegistryScript --broadcast --rpc-url=$ETH_RPC_URL
Deployment script: click
forge script script/deploy/MetadataService.s.sol:MetadataServiceScript 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --sig "run(address)" --broadcast --rpc-url=$ETH_RPC_URL
Deployment script: click
forge script script/deploy/NetworkMiddlewareService.s.sol:NetworkMiddlewareServiceScript 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --sig "run(address)" --broadcast --rpc-url=$ETH_RPC_URL
Deployment script: click
forge script script/deploy/OptInService.s.sol:OptInServiceScript 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --sig "run(address,address)" --broadcast --rpc-url=$ETH_RPC_URL