- Borg server (self-hosted or cloud-based such as BorgBase or rsync.net)
- Computer running macOS Catalina or Big Sur
- When copy/pasting commands that start with
, strip out$
as this character is not part of the command - When copy/pasting commands that start with
cat << "EOF"
, select all lines at once (fromcat << "EOF"
inclusively) as they are part of the same (single) command
Heads-up: steps 1 to 4 are only required if using BorgBase or rsync.net (don’t forget to enable 2FA).
When asked for file in which to save key, enter borg
When asked for passphrase, use output from openssl rand -base64 24
(and store passphrase in password manager).
Use borg.pub
public key when configuring Borg server.
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "borg"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/sunknudsen/.ssh/id_rsa): borg
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in borg.
Your public key has been saved in borg.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:9DzU/jDPyR/vGe8k2Yn1p31wF8UxLzCmYEj//D6+oYk borg
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
| ...o + +.|
| .o . + o =|
| o o . . o|
| . * . o |
| S * + ..|
| o B++=|
| o.O**|
| . +.. *O|
| E o.+o.+O|
$ cat borg.pub
ssh-rsa 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 borg
When asked for file in which to save key, enter borg-append-only
When asked for passphrase, leave field empty for no passphrase (this public key will be used for append-only operations).
Use borg-append-only.pub
public key when configuring Borg server.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "borg-append-only"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/sunknudsen/.ssh/id_rsa): borg-append-only
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in borg-append-only.
Your public key has been saved in borg-append-only.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:Se6MQbWpFg0lWI2+fJ1IVPtUCs/ZRYrgtpz4F3hi2ow borg-append-only
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
| o++o.+ ..o|
| . .=o+ * * o |
| .o.= + B o |
| ..=.= * |
| .+oSoB.+ |
| .o=oBoo . |
| ..E + . |
| . |
| |
$ cat borg-append-only.pub
ssh-rsa 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 borg-append-only
Go to SSH Keys and add borg.pub
and borg-append-only.pub
Go to Repositories and add repository.
cat << EOF > ~/Desktop/authorized_keys
command="borg1 serve --restrict-to-repository /data1/home/$BORG_USERNAME/backup --storage-quota $BORG_STORAGE_QUOTA",restrict $(cat ~/.ssh/borg.pub)
command="borg1 serve --append-only --restrict-to-repository /data1/home/$BORG_USERNAME/backup --storage-quota $BORG_STORAGE_QUOTA",restrict $(cat ~/.ssh/borg-append-only.pub)
scp ~/Desktop/authorized_keys $BORG_USERNAME@$BORG_HOSTNAME:.ssh/authorized_keys
Step 5: install Homebrew
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
$ uname -m | grep arm64 && echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin' >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc
brew analytics off
Step 7: install FUSE for macOS, Borg and Borg Wrapper
Heads-up: when installing Borg using
brew install borgbackup
, one can no longer runbrew mount
(see issue) so I created a tap that includes a patched version of borgbackup called borgbackup-fuse.
Heads-up: if
brew install --cask macfuse
fails, trybrew cask install macfuse
(see issue).
brew install --cask macfuse
brew install borgbackup/tap/borgbackup-fuse
brew install --cask sunknudsen/tap/borg-wrapper
security add-generic-password -D secret -U -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w $(openssl rand -base64 24)
Heads-up: replace
[email protected]:backup
with self-hosted or cloud-based repo.
$ export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
$ export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg"
$ borg init --encryption=keyfile-blake2 "[email protected]:backup"
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/sunknudsen/.ssh/borg':
By default repositories initialized with this version will produce security
errors if written to with an older version (up to and including Borg 1.0.8).
If you want to use these older versions, you can disable the check by running:
borg upgrade --disable-tam ssh://[email protected]/./backup
See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changes.html#pre-1-0-9-manifest-spoofing-vulnerability for details about the security implications.
IMPORTANT: you will need both KEY AND PASSPHRASE to access this repo!
Use "borg key export" to export the key, optionally in printable format.
Write down the passphrase. Store both at safe place(s).
Back up ~/.config/borg
and ~/Library/Keychains
folders (learn how here)
Heads-up: both key (stored in
) and passphrase (stored in~/Library/Keychains
) are required to decrypt backup.
Heads-up: replace
[email protected]:backup
with self-hosted or cloud-based repo and set backup name.
BORG_REPO="[email protected]:backup"
cat << EOF > /usr/local/bin/borg-backup.sh
#! /bin/sh
set -e
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg-append-only"
borg create \\
--filter "AME" \\
--list \\
--stats \\
--verbose \\
"\$repo::\$prefix{now:%F-%H%M%S}" \\
"$HOME/.ssh" \\
printf "%s\n" "Done"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/borg-backup.sh
vi /usr/local/bin/borg-backup.sh
cat << EOF > /usr/local/bin/borg-list.sh
#! /bin/sh
set -e
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg-append-only"
borg list --prefix "\$prefix" "\$repo"
printf "%s\n" "Done"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/borg-list.sh
cat << EOF > /usr/local/bin/borg-check.sh
#! /bin/sh
set -e
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg-append-only"
borg check --prefix "\$prefix" "\$repo"
printf "%s\n" "Done"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/borg-check.sh
cat << EOF > /usr/local/bin/borg-restore.sh
#! /bin/sh
set -e
function umount()
if [ -d "\$mount_point" ]; then
borg umount \$mount_point
trap umount ERR INT
mkdir -p \$mount_point
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg-append-only"
borg mount --prefix "\$prefix" "\$repo" "\$mount_point"
open \$mount_point
printf "Restore data and press enter"
read -r answer
printf "%s\n" "Done"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/borg-restore.sh
cat << EOF > /usr/local/bin/borg-prune.sh
#! /bin/sh
set -e
export BORG_PASSCOMMAND="security find-generic-password -a $USER -s borg-passphrase -w"
export BORG_RSH="ssh -i ~/.ssh/borg"
borg prune --keep-hourly 24 --keep-daily 31 --keep-weekly 52 --keep-monthly -1 --list --prefix "\$prefix" --stats "\$repo"
printf "%s\n" "Done"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/borg-prune.sh
mkdir -p /usr/local/var/log
open /Applications/Borg\ Wrapper.app
Heads-up: given “Borg Wrapper” is developed outside the Apple Developer Program, macOS prevents opening the app without explicit user consent (granted by clicking “Open Anyway” in “System Preferences” / “Privacy & Security”).
Backup completed
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cat << "EOF" > ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.borg-wrapper.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>/Applications/Borg Wrapper.app</string>
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/local.borg-wrapper.plist
$ borg-backup.sh
Creating archive at "[email protected]:backup::sunknudsen-macbook-pro-{now:%F-%H%M%S}"
A /Users/sunknudsen/Library/Keychains/4FD89B1C-70AF-58EC-8026-35E97A08F9FE/keychain-2.db-wal
Remote: Storage quota: 314.36 kB out of 10.00 GB used.
Remote: Storage quota: 318.04 kB out of 10.00 GB used.
Archive name: sunknudsen-macbook-pro-2020-12-02-081439
Archive fingerprint: 781c5ca9dac166264250bdbe2c87aa1f9fb5f817cafd66d1e720dfdaa443f625
Time (start): Wed, 2020-12-02 08:14:41
Time (end): Wed, 2020-12-02 08:14:42
Duration: 0.29 seconds
Number of files: 28
Utilization of max. archive size: 0%
Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size
This archive: 6.81 MB 312.77 kB 3.54 kB
All archives: 13.62 MB 625.53 kB 316.18 kB
Unique chunks Total chunks
Chunk index: 29 56
$ borg-list.sh
sunknudsen-macbook-pro-2020-12-02-081338 Wed, 2020-12-02 08:13:41 [c01b3400ec076adb993a2c268cd48810da9acc122614cdc4c87e00075464c1ee]
sunknudsen-macbook-pro-2020-12-02-081439 Wed, 2020-12-02 08:14:41 [781c5ca9dac166264250bdbe2c87aa1f9fb5f817cafd66d1e720dfdaa443f625]
$ borg-check.sh
$ borg-restore.sh
mount_macfuse: the file system is not available (1)
umount: /var/folders/dl/mbmsd2m51nb8dvhmtz114j8w0000gn/T/borg: not currently mounted
Heads-up: given “FUSE for macOS” is a third-party extension, macOS prevents using the extension without explicit user consent (granted by clicking “Allow” in “System Preferences” / “Privacy & Security”).
$ borg-restore.sh
Restore data and press enter
$ borg-prune.sh
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/sunknudsen/.ssh/borg':
Keeping archive: sunknudsen-macbook-pro-2020-12-02-081439 Wed, 2020-12-02 08:14:41 [781c5ca9dac166264250bdbe2c87aa1f9fb5f817cafd66d1e720dfdaa443f625]
Pruning archive: sunknudsen-macbook-pro-2020-12-02-081338 Wed, 2020-12-02 08:13:41 [c01b3400ec076adb993a2c268cd48810da9acc122614cdc4c87e00075464c1ee] (1/1)
Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size
Deleted data: -6.81 MB -312.76 kB -3.52 kB
All archives: 6.81 MB 312.77 kB 312.65 kB
Unique chunks Total chunks
Chunk index: 27 28