- Implement ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces in Router
- Allow to load multiple models
- Support Composer
- View methods should be accessible without class instantiation
- Verify Dependency unmet condition
- Make Dependency loader a class so that activator, deactivator & uninstaller can load classes available inside
directory - Verify get all controllers and get models return all running controllers and models
- Change paths in dependency loader from self::plugin_path to Plugin_Name::get_plugin_path()
- Tool to replace plugin name with developers plugin name
- Add information about how to access saved settings
- Get settings from settings model
- @ support in the controller name & model name
- Proper place for activator, deactivator & uninstaller
- Separate branch for airbnb js style support
- Writing Unit Tests
- replacements.json - Json file that holds what is replaced with what
- Tool to generate Model, View & Controller