A port of Gephi's Force Atlas 2 layout algorithm to Julia(Graph).
in Julia REPL, Pkg mode
add https://github.com/sudame/ForceAtlas2.jl
- JuliaGraph
- GraphPlot (only for examples)
See examples
using Graphs, GraphPlot, ForceAtlas2
g = random_regular_graph(100, 2)
locs_x, locs_y = forceatlas2_layout(g, 1000)
gplot(g, locs_x, locs_y)
If you prefer the default number of iterations (100 iterations), you can do as follow:
using Graphs, GraphPlot, ForceAtlas2
g = random_regular_graph(100, 2)
gplot(g, layout=forceatlas2_layout)
This version works very slow. This is only a port of python package and is not optimize for Julia.
Copyright (C) 2022 SUDA Mikihiro [email protected]
Licensed under the GNU GPLv3.
The programs are heavily based on the Python implementation of Force Atlas 2, by Bhargav Chippada.
You can get the python version from GitHub: bhargavchippada/forceatlas2
The original version of Force Atlas 2 is Gephi's version. You can also find original paper.