Rehype plugin to generate penrose diagrams in place of code fences. This
```penrose style="" domain="euclidean.domain" width=800 height=800
Plane P
Point p, q, r, s
In(p, P)
In(q, P)
In(r, P)
In(s, P)
Let a := Segment(p, q)
Let b := Segment(p, r)
Point m := Midpoint(a)
In(m, P)
Angle theta := InteriorAngle(q, p, r)
Let t := Triangle(p, r, s)
Ray w := Bisector(theta)
Segment h := PerpendicularBisector(a, m)
AutoLabel p, q, r, s, m
Label P $E^2$
will be converted to
<figure class="beoe penrose">
which looks like this:
You need to add domain and style files to shared
folder, for example:
import rehypePenrose from "@beoe/rehype-penrose";
const html = await unified()
.use(rehypePenrose, { shared: "shared" })
Online documentation provides more details.
- fix SVGO issue