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Release log for the Libbulletjme project

Version 21.3.1 released on 12 September 2024

  • Bugfix: copyPcoProperties() doesn't copy user indices
  • Bugfix: logic error in CollisionShape.nativeMargin()
  • Publicized the CollisionSpace.setLocalThreadPhysicsSpace() method so per-thread physics spaces can nulled and garbage collected.
  • Added public method Quaternion.isValidQuaternion().

Version 21.2.1 released on 9 May 2024

  • Changed the default setting for collision-shape contact filtering (from enabled to disabled) to address Minie issue 40. This change may cause unwanted behavior for rigid bodies in contact with a gimpact, heightfield, or mesh; see Minie issue 18 for details.
  • Added the ConicalFrustum collision shape.
  • Implemented actual-margin debug meshes for concave shapes with meshResolution == 2.
  • Added 14 accessors for the native user indices of CollisionShape, MultiBody, and PhysicsCollisionObject.
  • Added 5 other public methods:
    • Heightfield.countColumns()
    • Heightfield.countRows()
    • Heightfield.upAxis()
    • IndexedMesh.surfaceArea()
    • MyMath.area(Triangle)

Version 21.1.0 released on 28 April 2024

  • Bugfix: crash in processAllTriangles() when m_bvh==NULL (Minie issue 43)
  • Bugfix: wrong inertia for a CustomConvexShape when mass != 1
  • Added the SphericalSegment collision shape.
  • Added the TestApp application for manual testing.
  • Added 11 public methods:
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.copyAabb()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.copyQuantization()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countLeafNodes()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countNodes()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countSubtreeHeaders()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.escapeIndex()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.isLeafNode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.partId()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.setTraversalMode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.traversalMode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.triangleIndex()

Version 21.0.0 released on 22 April 2024

  • Made numerous breaking changes to the native API.
  • Deleted the (deprecated) DebugMeshCallback class. (API change)
  • Bugfix: JVM crash while serializing BoundingValueHierarchy (Minie issue 41)
  • Added the new CollisionConfiguration class and related methods:
    • CollisionSpace.getConfiguration()
    • PhysicsDescriber.describe(CollisionConfiguration)
    • a 5-argument CollisionSpace constructor
    • a 4-argument PhysicsSoftSpace constructor
    • a pair of 5-argument PhysicsSpace constructors
  • Added 2 other public methods:
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.isCompressed()
    • MeshCollisionShape.getBvh()
  • Improved the performance of contact filtering by adding an early return from FilteredInteriorCountCallback.
  • Began building Android binaries using OpenJDK 11 (with Android Gradle plugin v7.4.0 and NDK v23.1.7779620) instead of JDK 8 (with Android Gradle plugin v4.2.2 and NDK v21.3.6528147).
  • Began using htons() to configure byte swapping when serializing and deserializing a BoundingValueHierarchy. (This would be a breaking change for big-endian platforms, if any were supported!)
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=e9c461b0 of the bullet3 project, to add a test for constraint pass in btMultiBody.cpp. (Thanks to Ian Chen)

Version 20.2.0 released on 18 March 2024

  • Deprecated the DebugMeshCallback class.
  • Deleted the (unused) native portion of the DebugShapeFactory class.
  • Added 7 new public methods:
    • FastMath.clamp()
    • GImpactCollisionShape.countSubmeshes()
    • GImpactCollisionShape.getSubmesh()
    • MeshCollisionShape.countSubmeshes()
    • MeshCollisionShape.getSubmesh()
  • Updated VHACD v4 to version 4.1 .
  • Added more detail to descriptions of GImpact and mesh shapes.
  • Began building Android binaries on a xenial distro, since trusty is nearing its end of life.

Version 20.1.0 released on 9 February 2024

  • Bugfix: CharacterController.onGround() returns false positives after stepping (not jumping) off a cliff
  • Added an IndexMesh constructor to efficiently generate visualization meshes for collision shapes; replaced DebugMeshCallback with IndexedMesh in DebugShapeFactory.
  • Added 3 public methods to the IndexedMesh class:
    • copyTriangles()
    • maxDistance()
    • volumeConvex()
  • Improved validation of method arguments.

Version 20.0.0 released on 22 January 2024

  • Changed both APIs (both Java and native) of the CustomConvexShape class to better support scaling of custom shapes.
  • Added a 3-argument constructor to the CustomConvexShape class.

Version 19.0.0 released on 19 January 2024

  • Changed the Java API:

    • Privatized the PhysicsCollisionObject.setIgnoreCollisionCheck() method.
    • Simplified the signature of VectorSet.addAll().
    • Deleted 14 previously deprecated methods:
      • MyMath.isFinite(Vec3d)
      • PhysicsCollisionObject.listIgnoredIds()
      • PhysicsCollisionObject.setIgnoreList()
      • PhysicsSpace.addCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.addOngoingCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.countCollisionListeners()
      • PhysicsSpace.distributeEvents()
      • PhysicsSpace.removeCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.removeOngoingCollisionListener()
      • Quaternion.mult(Vector3f, Vector3f)
      • Quaternion.multLocal(Vector3f)
      • Transform.combineWithParent()
      • Transform.transformInverseVector()
      • Transform.transformVector()
  • Added return values to 2 native methods:

    • DebugShapeFactory.getTriangles()
    • DebugShapeFactory.getVertices()
  • Added the CustomConvexShape class.

  • Added 2 methods to the pre-existing CompoundMesh class:

    • CompoundMesh.countSubmeshes()
    • CompoundMesh.getSubmesh()
  • Added runtime checks:

    • in the MeshCollisionShape class, for meshes that are too complex
    • in the DebugShapeFactory class, for buildHull() failures
  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.11.0 .

Version 18.6.1 released on 4 December 2023

Bugfix: BVH algorithm fails

Version 18.6.0 released on 30 November 2023

  • Bugfix: PhysicsCharacter disregards ignore lists
  • Deprecated the PhysicsSpace.countCollisionListeners() method.
  • Optimized PhysicsSpace.onContactProcessed() and onContactStarted() to create event objects only when listeners are registered.
  • Added 3 math methods:
    • FastMath.atan()
    • MyMath.log2()
    • MyMath.maxInt()
  • Updated the Bullet source code to match SHA1 ID=6bb8d112 of the bullet3 project.
  • Build MacOSX_ARM64 natives for release using Xcode 14.2 .
  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.10.0

Version 18.5.2 released on 24 July 2023

  • Added a MyMath.clamp() method with int arguments.
  • Exposed the IndexBuffer wrap constructor to subclasses.
  • Modified MinkowskiSum.createShape() to avoid generating a warning message.

Version 18.4.0 released on 11 June 2023

  • Added support for btMinkowskiSumShape via new class MinkowskiSum.
  • Added the protected nativeMargin() method to the CollisionShape class.
  • Changed the return type of the getBaseShape() method in the Convex2dShape class.

Version 18.3.0 released on 3 June 2023

  • Bugfix: MyQuaternion.isRotationIdentity() accepts NaNs
  • New capability to dump physics objects for debug purposes, which entailed addition of the following classes/methods from Heart/Minie:
    • Describer
    • Dumper
    • DumpFlags
    • MyBuffer.frequency()
    • MyPco
    • MyQuaternion.describe()
    • MyString.axisName()
    • MyString.describe()
    • MyString.describeFraction()
    • MyString.describeMatrix()
    • MyVector3f.describe()
    • MyVector3f.describeDirection()
    • PhysicsDescriber
    • PhysicsDumper
  • Better 3-D rotations and transformations by adding 5 methods from Heart:
    • MyQuaternion.rotate()
    • MyQuaternion.rotateInverse()
    • MyMath.combine()
    • MyMath.transform()
    • MyMath.transformInverse()
  • Deprecated the corresponding math methods:
    • Quaternion.multLocal(Vector3f)
    • Quaternion.mult(Vector3f, Vector3f)
    • Transform.combineWithParent()
    • Transform.transformInverseVector()
    • Transform.transformVector()
  • Other methods added:
    • GImpactCollisionShape.countMeshTriangles()
    • Transform.setScale(Vector3f)
    • Validate.standardAngle()

Version 18.2.1 released on 17 May 2023

Version 18.1.0 released on 15 February 2023

  • Bugfix: ignored collision objects get garbage-collected prematurely
  • Added the isForceUpdateAllAabbs() and setForceUpdateAllAabbs() methods to the CollisionSpace class, to provide an (optional) optimization.
  • Added the listIgnoredPcos() and setIgnoreList(PhysicsCollisionObject[]) methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class and deprecated the listIgnoredIds() and setIgnoreList(long[]) methods.
  • Deprecated the isFinite(Vec3d) method in the MyMath class.
  • Added various checks, including a few for the threading model.

Version 18.0.0 released on 11 February 2023

  • Renamed 6 methods in the Java-native interface, to avoid underscores:
    • CollisionSpace.notifyCollisionGroupListeners_native()
    • CollisionSpace.rayTest_native()
    • CollisionSpace.sweepTest_native()
    • PhysicsGhostObject.addOverlappingObject_native()
    • PhysicsSpace.postTick_native()
    • PhysicsSpace.preTick_native()
  • Changed the Java API:
    • Added a static qualifier to the listPointIds() method in the PersistentManifolds class.
    • Privatized the getCollisionFlags() method in the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Bugfix: jmeCollisionSpace::m_pEnv gets modified during callbacks
  • Publicized another constructor of the IndexedMesh class.

Version 17.5.4 released on 24 January 2023

  • Build MacOSX_ARM64 natives for release using Xcode 12.3 .
  • Build MacOSX64 natives for release using Xcode 9.4.1 .

Version 17.5.2 released on 23 January 2023

  • Bugfix: PhysicsCollisionObject.findInstance() creates a weak global reference that's never deleted.
  • Bugfix: weak global references in PhysicsCollisionObject and MultiBody are never deleted.
  • Bugfix: assertion failure when toString() is invoked on an unassigned joint
  • Added 5 new methods:
    • CollisionSpace.jniEnvId()
    • CompoundCollisionShape.connectivityMatrix()
    • CompoundCollisionShape.countGroups()
    • NativeLibrary.jniEnvId()
    • New6Dof.getRotationMatrix()
  • Build Windows natives for release using Visual Studio 2022 .
  • Build 64-bit MacOSX natives for release using Xcode 14.2 .
  • Throw Java exceptions (instead of crashing the JVM with btAssert()) in the JNI glue code.
  • Improved handling of Java exceptions in the JNI glue code.

Version 17.4.0 released on 23 December 2022

  • Bugfix: transforms not updated for the getCalculatedOriginA() and getCalculatedOriginB() methods in the New6Dof class
  • Bugfix: Quatd.isRotationIdentity() accepts NaNs
  • Bugfix: toString() fails for an unassigned PhysicsCollisionObject
  • Bugfix: PhysicsCollisionObject.copyPcoProperties() results in different collision flags
  • Added 4 new methods:
    • New6Dof.calculatedBasisA()
    • New6Dof.calculatedBasisB()
    • PhysicsCollisionObject.collisionFlags()
    • Vec3d.isFinite()
  • Reduced the likelihood of hash collisions in Matrix3d.
  • Made the result of PhysicsCollisionObject.toString() more concise.

Version 17.3.0 released on 15 December 2022

  • Bugfix: getPhysicsRotationDp() returns wrong rotation for a soft body
  • Overrode the equals() and hashCode() methods of the Matrix3d class.
  • Added 6 double-precision accessors for physics objects:
    • MultiBodyCollider.setPhysicsRotationDp()
    • PhysicsCollisionObject.getPhysicsRotationMatrixDp()
    • PhysicsGhostObject.setPhysicsRotationDp(Matrix3d)
    • PhysicsRigidBody.setPhysicsRotationDp(Matrix3d)
    • RigidBodyMotionState.getOrientationMatrixDp()
    • RigidBodyMotionState.getOrientationQuaternionDp()
  • Added 4 new math methods:
    • Matrix3d.isIdentity()
    • Quatd.isRotationIdentity()
    • Quatd.isZero()
    • Validate.nonZero(Quatd)
  • Dramatically simplified the jmeBulletUtil native class.
  • Integrated bulletphysics/bullet3#4284

Version 17.2.0 released on 27 November 2022

  • Added 4 double-precision accessors for physics objects:
    • CollisionSpace.rayTestDp()
    • ManifoldPoints.getPositionWorldOnADp()
    • ManifoldPoints.getPositionWorldOnBDp()
    • PhysicsGhostObject.setPhysicsRotationDp()
  • Added the Matrix3d math class.
  • Added the mult(Quatd, Quatd) and toRotationMatrix() methods to the Quatd class.
  • Added the combineWithParent() and transformInverseVector() methods to the TransformDp class.
  • Added the divideLocal() method to the Vec3d class.

Version 17.1.0 released on 23 November 2022

  • Bugfix: getPhysicsLocationDp() returns wrong location for a soft body
  • Added 8 double-precision accessors for physics objects:
    • CharacterController.warpDp()
    • CollisionShape.getScaleDp()
    • MultiBodyCollider.setPhysicsLocationDp()
    • PhysicsCharacter.setPhysicsLocationDp()
    • PhysicsCollisionObject.getTransformDp()
    • PhysicsGhostObject.setPhysicsLocationDp()
    • PhysicsSoftBody.setPhysicsLocationDp()
    • RigidBodyMotionState.getLocationDp()
  • Added the TransformDp math class.
  • Added the isFiniteDouble() and isFinite(Vec3d) methods to the MyMath class.
  • Added the finite(Vec3d, String) method to the Validate class.

Version 17.0.0 released on 12 November 2022

  • Renamed the public logger in ConvexShape. (API change)
  • Renamed 2 protected fields in RigidBodySnapshot. (API change)
  • Protected 5 no-arg constructors. (API changes)
  • Qualified 6 public classes as final. (API changes)
  • Privatized 27 protected fields in RigidBodySnapshot.
  • Added 3 new methods:
    • NativeLibrary.countClampedMotions()
    • PhysicsSpace.isCcdWithStaticOnly()
    • PhysicsSpace.setCcdWithStaticOnly()
  • Upgraded Node.js to v18.12.1

Version 16.3.0 released on 25 September 2022

  • Bugfix: shape's scale isn't copied in HullCollisionShape.split()
  • Bugfix: shape's scale is ignored by ChildCollisionShape.split()
  • Bugfix: MeshCollisionShape.split() doesn't preserve scaling
  • Bugfix: GImpactCollisionShape.split() doesn't preserve scaling
  • Added the Generator class for randomization.
  • Added a 4-sphere constructor to the MultiSphere class.
  • Added 4 more math methods:
    • MyMath.fromAngles()
    • MyMath.isBetween()
    • MyMath.max()
    • RectangularSolid.halfExtents()
  • Added the root2 constant to the MyMath class.

Version 16.2.1 released on 22 September 2022

  • Bugfix: assertion failure in VHACDHull after a failed decomposition

  • Added the pairTest() method to the CollisionSpace class.

  • Implemented collision-shape splitting:

    • Added split() methods to 7 classes:
      • ChildCollisionShape
      • CompoundCollisionShape
      • CompoundMesh
      • GImpactCollisionShape
      • HullCollisionShape
      • IndexedMesh
      • MeshCollisionShape
    • Added the canSplit() and toSplittableShape() methods to the CollisionShape class.
    • Added some constructors to 5 classes:
      • CompoundMesh
      • GImpactCollisionShape
      • HullCollisionShape
      • IndexedMesh
      • MeshCollisionShape
    • Added the toHullShape() method to the ConvexShape class.
  • Implemented center/volume estimation for collision shapes:

    • Added the aabbCenter() and scaledVolume() methods to the CollisionShape class.
    • Added the maxMin() method to the CompoundMesh class.
    • Added volumeConvex() methods to the DebugMeshCallback and DebugShapeFactory classes.
    • Added the copyTriangle() and maxMin() methods to the IndexedMesh class.
  • Added math classes:

    • DistinctVectorValues
    • MyVolume
    • RectangularSolid
    • Triangle
    • VectorSetUsingBuffer
  • Added math methods:

    • MyBuffer.covariance()
    • MyBuffer.maxMin()
    • MyBuffer.mean()
    • MyMath.cube()
    • MyMath.mid(float, float, float)
    • MyMath.min(float...)
    • MyMath.modulo(int, int)
    • MyMath.transformInverse() for a Triangle
    • the normal-and-displacement constructor for a Plane
    • Plane.pseudoDistance()
    • Vector3f.crossLocal()
    • Vector3f.distance()
    • Vector3f.mult(float, Vector3f)
    • Vector3f.mult(Vector3f)
  • Added the FastMath.QUARTER_PI constant.

  • Added the VectorSet interface.

  • Added supplemental V-HACD methods:

    • VHACDParameters.toMap()
    • Vhacd4Parameters.nextFillMode()
    • Vhacd4Parameters.toMap()
  • Updated the Bullet sourcecode to match SHA1 ID=dad061fc1 of the bullet3 project.

  • Upgraded Node.js to v16.17.0

Version 16.1.0 released on 12 August 2022

  • Bugfix: I/O resources not safely closed in VHACDParameters.
  • Added V-HACD v4 without removing the classic version:
    • Added the Vhacd4, Vhacd4Hull, and Vhacd4Parameters classes.
    • Added the FillMode enum.
    • Added a new constructor for HullCollisionShape.
  • Added the setIgnoreList() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added a simpler constructor to PhysicsSoftSpace.
  • Overrode the toString() method of VHACDParameters.
  • Publicized the rebuildRigidBody() method of the PhysicsRigidBody class.
  • Created per-class loggers for SoftBodyMaterial and SoftBodyWorldInfo.
  • Upgraded the GCC compilers used to build Linux natives:
    • Linux32 and Linux64 non-multithreaded, from v4.7.3 to v7.5.0
    • Linux_ARM32hf and Linux_ARM64, from v5.4.0 to v6.5.0
    • Linux64 multithreaded and Linux_ARM32 with software floating-point, from v5.4.0 to v7.5.0

Version 16.0.0 released on 4 August 2022

  • Qualified 13 utility classes as final. (API changes)
  • Protected 2 constructors of SoftPhysicsJoint. (API changes)
  • Bugfix: PhysicsRigidBody.setInverseInertiaLocal() and PhysicsRigidBody.updateMassProps() don't update the world inertia tensor
  • Bugfix: static rigid body isn't rebuilt when assigned a positive mass
  • Bugfix: when rebuilding a rigid body, its ignore list is lost
  • De-privatized the setIgnoreCollisionCheck() method in PhysicsCollisionObject.

Version 15.2.1 released on 6 July 2022

  • Bugfix: values of 3 ConfigFlag constants are out-of-date
  • Bugfix: Android native libraries are missing an object file
  • Bugfix: ConfigFlag.describe() ignores 3 flags
  • Added the DeformableSpace, MyShape, and ReducedDeformableBody classes.
  • Added constants SDF_MDF and SDF_RDN to the ConfigFlag class.
  • Added the tan() method to the FastMath class.
  • Added the isOdd() method to the MyMath class.
  • Added the removeSuffix() method to the MyString class.
  • Added a warning when the native library version is unexpected.
  • Updated the Bullet sourcecode to match SHA1 ID=a1d96646 of the bullet3 project.
  • Added the "checkstyle" plugin to the build.

Version 15.1.0 released on 6 June 2022

  • Added accessors for global deactivation settings:
    • PhysicsBody.getDeactivationDeadline()
    • PhysicsBody.isDeactivationEnabled()
    • PhysicsBody.setDeactivationDeadline()
    • PhysicsBody.setDeactivationEnabled()
  • Added public setters for constraint pivots:
    • New6Dof.setPivotInA()
    • New6Dof.setPivotInB()

Version 15.0.0 released on 3 June 2022

  • Changed the arguments of PhysicsSoftBody.appendFaces() and PhysicsSoftBody.appendLinks(). (API change)
  • Added the Mesh interface and IndexBuffer class to simplify the interface between soft bodies and the SPORT graphics engine.
  • Added soft-body methods from Minie:
    • PhysicsSoftBody.appendTetras()
    • PhysicsSoftBody.boundingBox()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.appendFromLineMesh()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.appendFromTriMesh()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.appendTetras()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.mapIndices()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.updateClusterMesh()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.updateMesh()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtils.updatePinMesh()
  • Added math methods from Heart:
    • MyMath.isIdentity(Transform)
    • MyBuffer.rotate()
    • MyBuffer.translate()
  • Added the phi constant to the MyMath class

Version 14.5.0 released on 29 May 2022

  • Bugfix: PhysicsCharacter.onGround() is unreliable (issue #18)
  • Added math methods:
    • BoundingBox.getCenter()
    • MyVector3f.midpoint()

Version 14.4.0 released on 20 May 2022

  • When allocating direct buffers, specify native byte order.
  • Added math methods:
    • FastMath.pow(float, float)
    • MyMath.modulo(float, float)
    • MyMath.standardizeAngle(float)
    • MyMath.toDegrees(float)
    • MyMath.toRadians(float)
    • MyVector3f.accumulateScaled(Vector3f, Vector3f, float)
    • Transform.loadIdentity()
    • Vector3f.divide(Vector3f)
    • Vector3f.mult(float)
  • Added math constants:
    • FastMath.TWO_PI
    • MyMath.DEG_TO_RAD
    • MyMath.RAD_TO_DEG
    • MyMath.rootHalf
    • MyVector3f.firstAxis
    • MyVector3f.lastAxis
  • Added string methods:
    • MyString.escape(CharSequence)
    • MyString.quote(CharSequence)
  • Added validation methods:
    • Validate.axisIndex(int, String)
    • Validate.finite(float, String)
    • Validate.nonEmpty(String, String)
  • Log the filename passed to System.load() in order to simplify debugging.

Version 14.3.0 released on 11 April 2022

Added the GearJoint class.

Version 14.2.0 released on 28 March 2022

  • Bugfix: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on Windows (Minie issue #23)
  • Added add(), negate(), negateLocal(), and subtractLocal() methods to the Vector3f class.

Version 14.1.0 released on 13 March 2022

  • Added accessors for m_erp and m_erp2 to the SolverInfo class.
  • Explicitly required Java v8 or higher.

Version 14.0.0 released on 2 March 2022

  • Redesigned the ContactListener interface for utility and efficiency. (API changes)
  • Added the PersistentManifolds utility class.
  • Added the countManifolds() and listManifolds() methods to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added a script to build native libraries for/on Apple Silicon.
  • Handle missing platform subdirectories in NativeLibraryLoader.

Version 13.0.0 released on 26 February 2022

  • Added the ManifoldPoints utility class, which provides getters and setters for btManifoldPoint without the need to instantiate a PhysicsCollisionEvent.
  • The PhysicsCollisionEvent.setContactCalcArea3Points() method was moved to the ManifoldPoints class. (API change)
  • The 4 setters added to PhysicsCollisionEvent in v12.8.0 were deleted. (API change)
  • The PhysicsSpace.onContactProcessed() method (added in v12.8.0) was deleted. (API change)
  • Defined the ContactListener interface for immediate processing of rigid-body contacts. Overriding this interface of PhysicsSpace is now the recommended way to process rigid-body contacts.
  • Added a new update() method to PhysicsSpace to enable callbacks to specific ContactListener methods.
  • Deprecated 5 PhysicsSpace methods associated with event queueing:
    • addCollisionListener()
    • addOngoingCollisionListener()
    • distributeEvents()
    • removeCollisionListener()
    • removeOngoingCollisionListener()

Version 12.8.0 released on 25 February 2022

  • Bugfix: btAssert from HingeJoint.setAngularOnly(true) (Minie issue 20)
  • Added a dynamic collision-filtering hook to the CollisionSpace class.
  • Added an immediate ongoing-contact handler to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added 4 native setters to the PhysicsCollisionEvent class.
  • Changed PrimitiveAllocator to throw an exception on any destruction attempt.
  • Added a Platform mechanism to determine the generic name of the operating system.
  • Built using Gradle v7.4 .

Version 12.7.1 released on 24 January 2022

  • Bugfix: continuous collision detection causes memory corruption in a multithreaded world (bullet3 issue 4117)
  • Restored support for the MacOSX32 platform.
  • Added divide(float, float, float), divideLocal(float, float, float), and mult(float, float, float) methods to the Vector3f class.
  • Updated the Bullet sourcecode.

Version 12.6.0 released on 4 December 2021

  • Bugfix: btTriangleShape::isInside() relies on the plane normal, which is invalid for a degenerate triangle
  • Bugfix: unsafe normalize() is used in btTriangleShape
  • Bugfix: typo in btTriangleShape::isInside() ("distance" for "distance2")
  • Pending resolution of Travis CI ticket #34567:
    • Upgraded MacOS64 build tools from Xcode 9.3 to Xcode 12.4 .
    • Dropped support for the MacOSX32 platform.
  • Added the isInsideTriangle() method to the NativeLibrary class.
  • Updated the Bullet sourcecode to match SHA1 ID=10f72b9b5 of the bullet3 project.

Version 12.5.0 released on 8 November 2021

  • Cached the methods that free native objects, to improve performance.
  • Implemented contact filtering for GImpact collision shapes.
  • Added the setPivotInB() method to the Anchor class.
  • Overrode the toString() method in the IntPair class.

Version 12.4.1 released on 25 October 2021

  • Bugfix: SphereTriangleDetector doesn't account for the triangle's margin
  • NativePhysicsObject: make all NPOs comparable (for use in collections)

Version 12.3.1 released on 23 October 2021

Bugfix: contact filtering is too aggressive

Version 12.3.0 released on 22 October 2021

  • Bugfix: invalid contact points for heightfield/mesh shapes (Minie issue #18)
  • Bugfix: unsafe normalize() is used in btRaycastVehicle
  • Bugfix: logic errors in btTriangleShape::isInside()
  • Added a flag to the CollisionShape class to disable contact filtering.
  • Identified native libraries built with DEBUG_PERSISTENCY defined.
  • Added accessors to the CollisionSpace class for the "deterministic overlapping pairs" mode bit.

Version 12.2.2 released on 30 September 2021

Bugfix: vehicle wheels don't rotate in v12.2.1

Version 12.2.1 released on 30 September 2021

  • Bugfix: the velocities used to calculate deltaRotation are inaccurate
  • Bugfix: wheel rotation grows without bound, leading to roundoff errors
  • Bugfix: damping is applied incorrectly to deltaRotation
  • Increased customization of the right/forward/up axes of a vehicle chassis.
  • Added double-precision accessors for the gravity vectors of rigid bodies.
  • Added the Comparable interface to the IntPair class.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=ce2627192 of the bullet3 project.

Version 12.1.1 released on 25 September 2021

  • Added double-precision getters for the locations and orientations of collision objects.
  • Added double-precision accessors for the locations, orientations, and velocities of rigid bodies.
  • Added the Quatd and Vec3d classes from SimMath.
  • Added the isFinite() method to the MyMath class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.9.1 .

Version 12.0.0 released on 20 August 2021

  • Removed the getX() method from the Vector3f class. (API change)
  • Removed the deprecated getAngularFactor() method from the PhysicsRigidBody class. (API change)
  • Renamed the addContraintTorque() native method in the MultiBodyLink class. (API change)
  • Bugfix: "SpQuickprof" not recognized as a valid build flavor
  • Disabled contact callbacks when the space has no listeners. (API change)
  • In Mt builds, allocated 2 worker threads instead of the maximum number.
  • Added profiling points to the jmePhysicsSpace class.

Version 11.2.1 released on 14 August 2021

Optimized Release-type builds that use Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler.

Version 11.2.0 released on 13 August 2021

  • Bugfix: pure virtual call by btGImpactMeshShape destructor (Minie issue #17)
  • Bugfix: Quickprof reset at the start of every simulation step
  • Bugfix: BT_PROFILE() macro never invokes CProfileManager
  • Added access to Quickprof profiling.

Version 11.1.0 released on 9 August 2021

  • Bugfix: missing the cppCompiler arguments to activate OpenMP extensions
  • Added the copy constructor and multLocal(x,y,z,w) method to the Quaternion class.
  • Added the copy constructor and multLocal(x,y,z) method to the Vector3f class.
  • Deprecated the Vector3f.getX() and PhysicsRigidBody.getAngularFactor() methods.

Version 11.0.0 released on 8 August 2021

  • Bugfix: contact tests report events with positive separation distance
  • Tweaked the behavior of PhysicsRigidBody.setKinematic().
  • Added OpenMP-based multithreading for Linux64 and Windows64 platforms:
    • Added the countThreads() and isThreadSafe() methods to the NativeLibrary class.
    • Added 2 build flavors: "SpMt" and "DpMt".
    • In Mt builds, added a pool of contact-and-constraint solvers to every PhysicsSpace.
  • Added the destroy() method to all physics spaces.
  • Added the add(float, float, float) and subtract(float, float, float) methods to the Vector3f class.
  • Added the MyString utility class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.9 .

Version 10.5.0 released on 23 June 2021

  • Bugfix: GImpact contact tests always fail (issue #7)
  • Added hasClosest() and hasContact() methods to the CollisionSpace class.
  • Added a public getShapeType() method to the CollisionShape class.

Version 10.4.0 released on 9 June 2021

  • Implemented tick listeners for the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Distinguished ARM macOS/Windows from other platforms.
  • Eliminated all build dependencies on JCenter.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=0e124cb2 of the bullet3 project.

Version 10.3.1 released on 21 April 2021

  • Bugfix: NullPointerException in Point2PointJoint.setPivotInB()
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=00dcc7788 of the bullet3 project.

Version 10.3.0 released on 24 February 2021

  • Bugfix: Java copies of Point2PointJoint pivot locations not updated by setters
  • Bugfix: overflow/underflow in Vector3f.length()
  • Added the setRotation() method to the Transform class.
  • Added the set(int, int, float) method to the Matrix3f class.
  • Added lerp() methods to the MyMath and MyVector3f classes.
  • Increased use of double-precision arithmetic in the MyMath class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.8.3 .

Version 10.2.0 released on 20 February 2021

  • Added getters and setters for the pivot locations of a Point2PointJoint.
  • Tested using JUnit v4.13.2 .

Version 10.1.0 released on 10 February 2021

  • Bugfix: suspension lengths of a PhysicsVehicle are not initialized.
  • Eliminated all finalize() methods by implementing a cleaner thread and adding an NpoTracker class.
  • Published to MavenCentral instead of JCenter.
  • Built using Gradle v6.8.2 .

Version 10.0.0 released on 24 January 2021

  • Removed the angularMomentum() and kineticEnergy() methods from the MultiBody class. (API change)
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=537ccb220 of the bullet3 project.
  • Added a return value to MyQuaternion.validateUnit().
  • Reduced argument validation when assertions are disabled.
  • Added an option to Validate to configure the type of exception thrown for a null argument.
  • Publicized some loggers.
  • Built using Gradle v6.8.1 .

Version 9.3.2 released on 8 January 2021

  • Bugfix: a vehicle's acceleration depends on its location (Minie issue #13).
  • Cleared the user pointer of each PhysicsCollisionObject removed during jmeCollisionSpace destruction.
  • Reverted the null check added to btAlignedObjectArray::findLinearSearch().
  • Built using Gradle v6.8 .

Version 9.3.1 released on 6 January 2021

  • Build Linux_ARM32hf libraries at Travis-CI.
  • Added a NULL check to btAlignedObjectArray::findLinearSearch().

Version 9.3.0 released on 5 January 2021

  • Build Linux_ARM32 libraries at Travis-CI.
  • Publicized 2 methods in MultiBodySpace.
  • Bugfix: off-by-one in validation of wheel indices
  • Built using Gradle v6.7.1 .

Version 9.2.4 released on 14 November 2020

  • Built using NDK v21.3.6528147 and Gradle plugin v4.1.1, with minSdkVersion=22.
  • Test using JUnit v4.13.1 .

Version 9.2.3 released on 13 November 2020

Built using Gradle v6.7 and Android SDK v30.

Version 9.2.2 released on 31 August 2020

Bugfix: collision-group checks are ineffective due to missing parentheses

Version 9.2.1 released on 31 August 2020

Bugfix: logic error in NewHinge.setLowerLimit()

Version 9.2.0 released on 30 August 2020

  • Bugfix: RotationOrder.cpp missing from the Android builds
  • Bugfix: JVM crash while reading collision flags of a static rigid body
  • Added the NewHinge class.
  • Added methods to the New6Dof class:
    • calculatedOriginA()
    • calculatedOriginB()
  • Added 8 methods to the com.jme3.math package.
  • Built using Gradle v6.6.1 .

Version 9.1.1 released on 18 August 2020

  • Added the matrixToEuler() method to the RotationOrder class.
  • Added the newInstance() method to the New6Dof class.
  • Added the validateNonZero(Quaternion) method to the Validate class.
  • Added the fromAngles() and normalizeLocal() methods to the Quaternion class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.6 .

Version 9.0.0 released on 8 August 2020

  • Changed the return type of rayTestRaw() in the CollisionSpace class. (API change)
  • Changed the semantics of the countJoints() and listJoints() methods in the PhysicsBody class. (API change)
  • Deleted the getIndices() and getNumInts() methods in the VHACDHull class. (API change)
  • Delete the deprecated constructor in the VHACDHull class. (API change)
  • Privatized and renamed the physicsJoints field in the PhysicsSpace class. (API change)
  • Privatized the physicsSpaceTL field in the CollisionSpace class. (API change)
  • Bugfix: characters and ghosts ignore their own ignore lists!
  • Added a clearIgnoreList() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added findEnd() and findOtherBody() methods to the PhysicsJoint class.
  • Built using Gradle Android tools v4.0.1 .

Version 8.5.0 released on 28 July 2020

  • Added the MyQuaternion class from the Heart library.
  • Added set(), addLocal(), mult(), and multLocal() methods to the Quaternion class.
  • Added a clamp() method for doubles to the MyMath class.

Version 8.4.0 released on 8 July 2020

  • Bugfix: PhysicsCharacter behaves strangely until its location is set.
  • Added 4 methods to the NativeLibrary class:
    • crash()
    • fail()
    • reinitialization()
    • setReinitializationCallbackEnabled()

Version 8.3.0 released on 3 July 2020

  • Added collision listeners for ongoing contacts in a PhysicsSpace.
  • Added a setter for gContactCalcArea3Points.
  • Built using Gradle v6.5.1 .

Version 8.2.0 released on 25 June 2020

Added getters for the total force and torque on a rigid body.

Version 8.1.0 released on 18 June 2020

  • Added accessors for the speculative contact restitution flag of a PhysicsSpace.
  • Deprecated one of the VHACDHull constructors.
  • Tested using JUnit v4.13 .

Version 8.0.0 released on 10 June 2020

  • Added the static qualifier to 816 native methods. (API changes)
  • Finalized 2 methods in the NativePhysicsObject class. (API changes)
  • Split off BoundingValueHierarchy from the MeshCollisionShape class. (API change)
  • Split off CharacterController from the PhysicsCharacter class. (API change)
  • Split off VehicleController from the PhysicsVehicle class. (API change)
  • Privatized the finalizeNative() method in the Constraint class. (API change)
  • Privatized 2 protected fields in the PhysicsVehicle class.
  • Removed 4 unused methods from "PhysicsRigidBody.cpp". (API changes)
  • Removed 2 unused methods from "MultiBody.cpp". (API changes)
  • Added a native-code fix for JME issue #1351.
  • Added postInitialization() and versionNumber() native methods to the NativeLibrary class.
  • Added getIndex() to the VehicleWheel class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.5 .

Version 7.0.1 released on 5 June 2020

  • Replaced inner class PhysicsSoftBody.Material with SoftBodyMaterial. (API changes)
  • Deleted the PhysicsCollisionObject.getObjectId() method. (API change)
  • Deleted the isUseSpaceGravity() and setUseSpaceGravity() methods from the PhysicsRigidBody class. (API changes)
  • Deleted the createEmptySoftBody() native method. (API change)

Version 6.4.0 released on 26 May 2020

  • Added a copyClusterVelocities() method to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Added an updatePinMesh() native method to the NativeSoftBodyUtil class.

Version 6.3.0 released on 24 May 2020

  • Added a contactTest() method to the CollisionSpace class.
  • Added a CompoundCollisionShape constructor to specify initial capacity.

Version 6.2.0 released on 21 May 2020

  • Added countIgnored(), findInstance(), and ignores() methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added isWorldInfoProtected() and setWorldInfoProtected() methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Used ignore lists to implement the collisionBetweenLinkedBodies feature of the Constraint class.

Version 6.1.0 released on 18 May 2020

  • Bugfix: crash caused by ShortBuffer containing index > 32767
  • Bugfix: CompoundCollisionShape.correctAxes() gave incorrect results for some shapes
  • Plugged native memory leaks found in:
    • Java_vhacd_VHACD_compute()
    • jmeCollisionSpace
    • jmePhysicsSpace
    • SoftBodyWorldInfo
    • VehicleTuning
  • In the PhysicsRigidBody class, replaced isUseSpaceGravity() with isGravityProtected() and setUseSpaceGravity() with setProtectGravity().
  • Deprecated the getObjectId() method in PhysicsCollisionObject.
  • Provided Java access to the ignore list of a PhysicsCollisionObject. Formerly these lists were used only to implement setCollisionBetweenLinkedBodies() for constraints.
  • Added a dumpMemoryLeaks() method to the NativeLibrary class. This feature requires a native library built with -DBT_DEBUG_MEMORY_ALLOCATIONS.
  • Added the toRotationMatrix() method to the Matrix4f class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.4.1 .

Version 6.0.0 released on 13 May 2020

  • Removed 18 deprecated methods. (API changes)
  • Added arguments for proxyGroup and proxyMask to the Java_com_jme3_bullet_PhysicsSpace_addRigidBody() method. (API change)
  • Changed PhysicsCollisionObject and PhysicsCollisionEvent to be subclasses of NativePhysicsObject. (API changes)
  • Added a no-arg constructor to the VHACD class. (API change)
  • Changed 7 PhysicsSpace methods to return unmodifiable collections instead of copies:
    • getCharacterList()
    • getGhostObjectList()
    • getJointList()
    • getMultiBodyList()
    • getRigidBodyList()
    • getSoftBodyList()
    • getVehicleList()
  • Added isUseSpaceGravity() and setUseSpaceGravity() methods to the PhysicsRigidBody class.
  • Added rotate() and translate() methods to the CompoundCollisionShape class.
  • Publicized the addJoint() and removeJoint() methods in the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added 2 mult() methods to the Matrix3f class.
  • Updated the V-HACD sources to match SHA1 ID=2731201 of the v-hacd project.
  • Built using Gradle v6.4 .

Version 5.8.0 released on 6 May 2020

  • bugfix: FINE logging of collision spaces reports nativeId=0 in create()
  • Implemented collision listeners in PhysicsSpace.
  • Added tracking of the PhysicsSpace where each PhysicsJoint is added.
  • Added an activateAll() method to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added proxyGroup() and proxyMask() methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Check the m_objectType field of every btTypedConstraint.
  • Build for Java 7 compatibility.

Version 5.7.0 released on 1 May 2020

  • bugfix: native crash while finalizing a non-empty CollisionSpace (JME issue #1351).
  • Added a NativePhysicsObject class and refactored 16 classes to become its subclasses.
  • Added a constructor for MeshCollisionShape that takes a Collection of native meshes.
  • Added 3 methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class:
    • getProxyFilterGroup()
    • getProxyFilterMask()
    • hasBroadphaseProxy()
  • Deprecated many redundant methods.

Version 5.6.0 released on 14 April 2020

  • Added 8 methods:
    • PhysicsCollisionEvent.getCombinedRollingFriction()
    • PhysicsCollisionEvent.getCombinedSpinningFriction()
    • SolverInfo.isSplitImpulseEnabled()
    • SolverInfo.setSplitImpulseEnabled()
    • SolverInfo.setSplitImpulseErp()
    • SolverInfo.setSplitImpulseThreshold()
    • SolverInfo.splitImpulseErp()
    • SolverInfo.splitImpulseThreshold()

Version 5.5.7 released on 11 April 2020

bugfix: the btBvhTriangleMeshShape, btGImpactShape, and btOptimizedBvh classes don't support PHY_UCHAR mesh indices.

Version 5.5.6 released on 9 April 2020

Specify the c++_static STL for Android builds.

Version 5.5.4 released on 5 April 2020

bugfix: specify the Android STL in, not

Version 5.5.3 released on 4 April 2020

Build native libraries for Android (Sp flavor only).

Version 5.5.1 released on 30 March 2020

Use GCC 4.7 for Linux-on-AMD builds, to support Centos 7.

Version 5.5.0 released on 30 March 2020

  • Bugfix: Minie issue #2 (access violations with Java 9+ on Windows).
  • Added 5 methods needed for soft-body construction:
    • IndexedMesh.copyIndices()
    • IndexedMesh.copyVertexPositions()
    • NativeSoftBodyUtil.appendFromNativeMesh()
    • PhysicsSoftBody.appendFaces()
    • PhysicsSoftBody.appendLinks()
  • Added IntPair class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.3.

Version 5.4.2 released on 25 March 2020

Bugfix: wrong indexType passed to addIndexedMesh().

Version 5.4.1 released on 24 March 2020

Built on trusty (for AMD) and xenial (for ARM).

Version 5.4.0 released on 24 March 2020

  • Added getCollisionSpace() and spaceId() methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added boundingBox() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added the PcoType class.
  • Built on bionic.

Version 5.3.0 released on 22 March 2020

  • Added the ContactPointFlag class and also a getFlags() method for the PhysicsCollisionEvent class.
  • Added a serializeBvh() method and BVH-based constructor to the MeshCollisionShape class.
  • Added a get() method to the Matrix3f class.
  • Added a setSuspensionLength() method to the VehicleWheel class.

Version 5.2.0 released on 20 March 2020

Added 3 methods to the VehicleWheel class:

  • getRotationAngle()
  • getSuspensionLength()
  • setRotationAngle()

Version 5.1.1 released on 19 March 2020

  • Added boundingBox() methods to the CollisionShape class, along with the BoundingBox class and supporting methods.
  • Added methods createByte() and createShort() to the IndexedMesh class.
  • Specify ABI version 7 for Linux builds.

Version 5.0.0 released on 11 March 2020

  • API changes:
    • renamed MultiBodySolver to SolverType
    • renamed getVertices2() to getTriangles() in the DebugShapeFactory class
    • access the number of solver iterations via SolverInfo instead of PhysicsSpace
    • deleted the configureClonedLink() method from the MultiBody class
    • changed the return types of the addBaseCollider() and listColliders() methods in the MultiBody class
    • changed the return type of the addCollider() method in the MultiBodyLink class
  • Bugfix: wrong JNIEnv used in multithreaded apps.
  • Implemented the Comparable interface in the MultiBody class.
  • Added support for MLCP and NNCG solvers to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added 2 new classes: SolverInfo and SolverMode.
  • Added a getVertices() method to the DebugShapeFactory class.

Version 4.2.0 released on 8 March 2020

  • Bugfix: incorrect filter groups and masks when adding a collider to a MultiBodySpace
  • Bugfix: collider spaces not set when adding to a MultiBodySpace
  • Bugfix: unsatisfied link of MultiBody.getCanSleep()
  • Added capability to specify the constraint solver for a MultiBodySpace.
  • Added 5 methods to the MultiBodyCollider class:
    • getMultiBody()
    • linkIndex()
    • mass()
    • setPhysicsLocation()
    • setPhysicsRotation()
  • Added 2 native methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class:
    • getCollideWithGroups()
    • getCollisionGroup()

Version 4.1.1 released on 5 March 2020

  • Added 10 methods to the MultiBodyLink class:
    • axis()
    • orientation()
    • parent2Link()
    • parent2Pivot()
    • pivot2Link()
    • getAxisBottom()
    • getAxisTop()
    • getDVector()
    • getEVector()
    • getQ0Parent2LinkRotation()
  • Added a configureClonedLink() method to the MultiBody class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.2.2

Version 4.0.0 released on 28 February 2020

  • API changes:
    • Isolated collision detection from dynamics by adding 2 new classes: CollisionSpace and jmeCollisionSpace.
    • Deleted the com.jme3.bullet.debug package, including DebugTools.
    • Deleted the isNormalInWorldSpace() methods from the PhysicsRayTestResult and PhysicsSweepTestResult classes.
    • Privatized the scale field in the CompoundMesh class.
    • Privatized 2 public fields in the VHACDHull class.
    • Changed arguments to ConvexShape in Convex2dShape constructor, PhysicsCharacter constructor, and CollisionSpace.sweepTest().
    • Changed argument to float... in HullCollisionShape constructor.
    • Changed arguments in jmeCollisionShape.createCollisionSpace().
    • Changed arguments in jmePhysicsSpace.createPhysicsSpace().
    • Deleted many fields and methods from the jme3utilities, jme3utilities.math, and com.jme3.math packages.
  • Implemented multibody/Featherstone support by adding 5 new classes: MultiBody, MultiBodyCollider, MultiBodyJointType, MultiBodyLink, and MultiBodySpace.
  • Added new methods:
    • 2 PhysicsSpace constructors
    • VHACDHull.clonePositions()
    • PhysicsSpace.getGlobalCfm()
    • PhysicsSpace.setGlobalCfm()
    • PhysicsSoftSpace.getNumSoftBodies()
  • Added more files.
  • Built using Gradle v6.2.1

Version 3.0.12 released on 18 February 2020

  • Bugfix: btAssert() in btVector3::normalize() (Minie issue #3).
  • Added countCollisionObjects() and getWorldType() methods to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added more automated tests to TestLibbulletjme.
  • Added files.
  • Built using Gradle v6.2

Version 3.0.8 released on 16 February 2020

  • Added an abstract class ConvexShape.
  • Added getStepHeight(), getWalkOffset(), and isUsingGhostSweepTest() methods to the PhysicsCharacter class.

Version 3.0.6 released on 12 February 2020

  • Implemented filtering of predictive contacts (JME issue 1283).
  • Added validation of angular limits to the SixDofJoint class.
  • Added a VF_DD flag to the ConfigFlag class.

Version 3.0.5 released on 11 February 2020

  • Build native libraries for Linux_ARM64 platforms.
  • Added more automated tests to TestLibbulletjme.
  • Added a getDebugTriangles() method to the DebugShapeFactory class.
  • Added a generateBasis() method to the MyVector3f class.
  • Added a hashCode() method to the VHACDParameters class.

Version 3.0.4 released on 6 February 2020

  • Build a class JAR, a javadoc JAR, a sources JAR, and a POM.
  • Added automated testing with Junit.
  • Moved all source files from "src" to "src/main".

Version 3.0.2 released on 3 February 2020

  • Added a getNbPinnedNodes() method to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Built using Gradle v6.1.1

Version 3.0.1 released on 21 January 2020

  • Provided part and triangle indices from ray tests and sweep tests.
  • Cleaned up the handling of results from ray tests and sweep tests.
  • Built using Gradle v6.1

Version 3.0.0 released on 14 January 2020

  • Removed 6 JNI methods:
    • CompoundCollisionShape.createShape()
    • PhysicsCharacter.getCcdMotionThreshold()
    • PhysicsCharacter.getCcdSquareMotionThreshold()
    • PhysicsCharacter.getCcdSweptSphereRadius()
    • PhysicsCharacter.setCcdMotionThreshold()
    • PhysicsCharacter.setCcdSweptSphereRadius()
  • Replaced jobject argument with jlong in PhysicsVehicle.addWheel().
  • Replaced ByteBuffer arguments with FloatBuffer in HullCollisionShape.
  • Removed unused arguments of 2 JNI methods:
    • PhysicsSpace.createPhysicsSpace()
    • PhysicsVehicle.createVehicleRaycaster()
  • Changed the return-type of 4 JNI methods:
    • CompoundCollisionShape.addChildShape()
    • CompoundCollisionShape.removeChildShape()
    • PhysicsRigidBody.updateMassProps()
    • SoftBodyWorldInfo.setSoftBodyWorldInfo()
  • Added a new VehicleTuning class.
  • Added a new PhysicsRigidBody.getMass() method.

Version 2.0.23 released on 13 January 2020

  • Updated the V-HACD sources to match SHA1 ID=b07958e1 of the v-hacd project. This eliminated the depth and gamma properties from VHACDParameters.
  • Began reporting V-HACD progress to a VHACD.update() method.
  • Switched from Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio 2019 for Windows builds.

Version 2.0.22 released on 13 January 2020

Solved a compile-time error on platforms where jint != int.

Version 2.0.21 released on 12 January 2020

Added V-HACD sources from March 2016 (SHA1 ID=ded1fe4) plus new JNI glue code.

Version 2.0.20 released on 10 January 2020

  • Fixed a btAssert() that occurred (in Debug builds) while rescaling a rigid body with a MeshCollisionShape.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match version 2.89 (SHA1 ID=830f0a956) of the bullet3 project.

Version 2.0.19 released on 29 December 2019

  • Added getForwardAxisIndex(), getRightAxisIndex(), getNumWheels(), getUpAxisIndex(), and rayCast() methods to the PhysicsVehicle class.
  • Added getBrake(), getEngineForce(), getRadius(), getRestLength(), getRollInfluence(), getSteerAngle(), and isFront() methods to the VehicleWheel class.
  • Added many assertions to the PhysicsVehicle class.

Version 2.0.18 released on 28 December 2019

Added support for btBox2dShape and btConvex2dShape (new classes Box2dShape and Convex2dShape).

Version 2.0.17 released on 16 December 2019

  • Added getAngles(), getAxis(), getFrameOffsetA(), getFrameOffsetB(), getPivotOffset(), getRotationOrder(), and setRotationOrder() methods to the New6Dof class.
  • Added range checks for axis indices in TranslationMotor.

Version 2.0.16 released on 14 December 2019

Added support for btGeneric6DofSpring2Constrant (new class New6Dof).

Version 2.0.14 released on 6 December 2019

  • Reverted the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=1981493a of the bullet3 project.
  • Built using Gradle v6.0.1

Version 2.0.12 released on 4 November 2019

Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=aac737017 of the bullet3 project, to resolve soft-body performance issues at id=837e333.

Version 2.0.11 released on 14 October 2019

  • Added getDamping(), getEquilibriumPoint(), getStiffness(), and isSpringEnabled() methods to the SixDofSpringJoint class.
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=837e333 of the bullet3 project.

Version 2.0.10 released on 10 September 2019

  • Added calculatePrincipalAxisTransform(), countChildren(), createShape2(), and setChildTransform() methods to the CompoundCollisionShape class.
  • Disabled NULL_CHECKs except in Debug builds.

Version 2.0.9 released on 6 September 2019

  • Added getActivationState() and setActivationState() methods to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added isConvex(), isInfinite(), isNonMoving(), and isPolyhedral() methods to the CollisionShape class.
  • Added more internal checks.

Version 2.0.8 released on 6 September 2019

  • Added a getSquaredSpeed() method to the PhysicsRigidBody class.
  • Extensive refactoring and reformatting.

Version 2.0.7 released on 13 August 2019

  • Added a getGravity() method to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added more internal type checks.

Version 2.0.5 released on 7 August 2019

  • Added a setAccumulatedImpulse() method to the RotationalLimitMotor class.
  • Added internal type checks to joint constructors.
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=1981493a of the bullet3 project.

Version 2.0.4 released on 3 August 2019

  • Added isEnabled() and setEnabled() methods to the TranslationalLimitMotor class.
  • Added assertions to verify the internal type in HullCollisionShape, PhysicsRigidBody, and PhysicsSoftBody.

Version 2.0.1 released on 25 July 2019

  • Deleted NativeMeshUtil and PhysicsJoint.
  • Deleted 51 JNI methods that Minie no longer uses.

Version 1.0.90 released on 4 July 2019

Fixed 2 bugs:

  • btAssert() while creating a rigid body with a MeshCollisionShape
  • ConeJoint causes rigid bodies to disappear (JME issue 1135)

Version 1.0.89 released on 27 June 2019

Added accessors for 6 cluster parameters.

Version 1.0.88 released on 25 June 2019

Re-try after a partial deployment.

Version 1.0.87 released on 24 June 2019

Solved some compile-time errors reported by GCC.

Version 1.0.86 released on 24 June 2019

  • Added a getShapeType() method to the CollisionShape class.
  • Added getConstraintType(), getOverrideIterations(), and overrideIterations() methods to the Constraint class.
  • Added assertions to verify the internal type in PhysicsGhostObject.

Version 1.0.85 released on 23 June 2019

  • Added new class Anchor.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=681a730e of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.84 released on 22 June 2019

Added 2 new classes: Constraint and NativeLibrary.

Version 1.0.83 released on 21 June 2019

  • Redesigned the create methods for SoftAngularJoint and SoftLinearJoint.
  • Removed the updateBound() call from GImpactCollisionShape.createShape().
  • Added enableFeedback() and needsFeedback() methods to the PhysicsJoint class.
  • Added a getInternalType() method to PhysicsCollisionObject.
  • Added assertions to validate indices in PhysicsSoftBody.

Version 1.0.82 released on 21 June 2019

Added appendCluster() and finishClusters() methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class.

Version 1.0.81 released on 18 June 2019

  • Added recalcAabb() methods to 6 shape classes.
  • Deployed PDB files from AppVeyor.

Version 1.0.80 released on 17 June 2019

  • Bugfix: crash with HeightfieldCollisionShape in DP build (accessing freed array).
  • Added createShape2() and finalizeNative() methods to the HeightfieldCollisionShape class.
  • Deployed debug libraries from AppVeyor.
  • Stopped #undef-ing _FORTIFY_SOURCE.

Version 1.0.79 released on 15 June 2019

  • Added a new mechanism for creating native meshes: uses CompoundMesh and IndexedMesh instead of NativeMeshUtil.
  • Bugfix: btAssert while creating a rigid body with EmptyShape.
  • Implemented Debug builds for the VisualCpp toolchain.
  • Added a finalizeBVH() method to MeshCollisionShape.

Version 1.0.78 released on 12 June 2019

Resolved yet another compile-time error.

Version 1.0.77 released on 12 June 2019

Resolved more compile-time diagnostic messages.

Version 1.0.76 released on 12 June 2019

Resolved some compile-time diagnostic messages.

Version 1.0.75 released on 12 June 2019

  • Renamed the distribution files again.
  • Added double-precision (DP) builds.

Version 1.0.74 released on 12 June 2019

  • Renamed the distribution files.
  • Added debug builds for the gcc toolchain.
  • Added null checks for buffers passed via JNI.

Version 1.0.73 released on 6 June 2019

  • Added count arguments to appendFaces(), appendLinks(), appendNodes(), and appendTetras() methods in the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Added limit checks for the number of nodes when masses, normals, and velocities in the PhysicsSoftBody class.

Version 1.0.72 released on 6 June 2019

Bugfix: scaling ignored in PhysicsSoftBody.applyPhysicsTransform().

Version 1.0.71 released on 31 May 2019

  • Added an updateAnchorMesh() method to the NativeSoftBodyUtils class.
  • Changed the default collision margin for soft bodies from 0 to CONVEX_DISTANCE_MARGIN (which is currently 0.04).

Version 1.0.70 released on 27 May 2019

Added an explicit cast to enum type.

Version 1.0.69 released on 27 May 2019

  • Removed applyAeroToMode() method from the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Added getWindVelocity() and setWindVelocity() methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Added getAeroModel() and setAeroModel() methods to the SoftBodyConfig class.

Version 1.0.68 released on 26 May 2019

Renamed the PhysicsSoftBody.Config class to SoftBodyConfig.

Version 1.0.67 released on 26 May 2019

Corrected the names of 2 methods in SoftBodyWorldInfo.

Version 1.0.66 released on 26 May 2019

Corrected the names of 2 methods in SoftBodyWorldInfo.

Version 1.0.65 released on 26 May 2019

  • Moved the SoftBodyWorldInfo class from com_jme3_bullet_objects_info to com_jme3_bullet.
  • Removed 4 methods from PhysicsSoftBody:
    • getPhysicsRotation
    • getPhysicsTransform
    • setPhysicsRotation
    • setPhysicsTransform

Version 1.0.64 released on 25 May 2019

Added an updateClusterMesh() method to the NativeSoftBodyUtil class.

Version 1.0.63 released on 25 May 2019

  • Added countNodesInCluster() and listNodesInCluster() to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=26486d56 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.62 released on 21 May 2019

  • Changed "and" to "or" in the needBroadphaseCollision() methods.
  • Added a getClustersMasses() method to the PhysicsSoftBody class.

Version 1.0.61 released on 13 May 2019

Added getMargin() and setMargin() methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class.

Version 1.0.60 released on 12 May 2019

  • Initialized the inertia tensor of a PhysicsRigidBody even if it's static, since the tensor is used in btSoftBody::PSolve_RContacts().
  • Registered some soft-body collision algorithms in jmePhysicsSoftSpace.

Version 1.0.59 released on 9 May 2019

Added 8 methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class:

  • cutLink()
  • getAnchorInfluence()
  • getAnchorNodeIndex()
  • getAnchorPivot()
  • getAnchorRigidId()
  • isCollisionAllowed()
  • setNormals()
  • setVelocities()

Version 1.0.57 released on 7 May 2019

Added a getBounds() method to the PhysicsSoftBody class.

Version 1.0.56 released on 6 May 2019

  • Copied the needBroadphaseCollision code from jmePhysicsSpace.cpp to jme3PhysicsSoftSpace.cpp.
  • Added getClusterCenter() and setNodeVelocity() methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Removed all null checks for new operations: not necessary.
  • Implemented the bt32BitAxisSweep3 option in jme3PhysicsSoftSpace.
  • Registered the btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm in jme3PhysicsSoftSpace.

Version 1.0.55 released on 5 May 2019

  • Removed the redundant getBoundingCenter() methods from the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Renamed the setMacDisplacement() method in the SoftBodyWorldInfo class.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=f4f5f708 of the bullet3 project.
  • Added 9 methods to the PhysicsSoftBody class:
    • addVelocity()
    • getAnchorCount()
    • getClustersPositions()
    • getNodeLocation()
    • getNodeNormal()
    • getNodesNormals()
    • getNodesVelocities()
    • getNodeVelocity()
    • setVelocity()

Version 1.0.54 released on 30 April 2019

  • Renamed the getRestLenghtScale() and setRestLenghtScale() methods in the PhysicsSoftBody class.
  • Added an isInWorld() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Changed free() to delete in the jmeMotionState destructor.

Version 1.0.53 released on 29 April 2019

Changed free() to delete in MultiSphere.

Version 1.0.52 released on 29 April 2019

Rolled back half of the recent change to MultiSphere.

Version 1.0.51 released on 29 April 2019

  • Clarified the buffer-reading loops in PhysicsSoftBody.
  • Plugged a memory leak in MultiSphere.

Version 1.0.50 released on 25 April 2019

  • Added getters for frame transforms of cone, hinge, and slider joints.
  • Built using Gradle v5.3.1

Version 1.0.49 released on 14 April 2019

Bugfix: NullPointerException thrown by NULL_CHECK in PhysicsRigidBody.setAngularDamping().

Version 1.0.48 released on 14 April 2019

Forced recalculation of pivot offset in SixDofJoint.getPivotOffset().

Version 1.0.47 released on 14 April 2019

  • Forced recalculation of joint angles in SixDofJoint.getAngles().
  • Deployed a NULL_CHECK macro.

Version 1.0.46 released on 10 April 2019

Bugfix: compile-time errors in SixDofJoint.

Version 1.0.45 released on 10 April 2019

  • Added getAngles() and getPivotOffset() methods to the SixDofJoint class.
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=c6a43e0a5 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.44 released on 2 April 2019

  • Reverted GCC options for debugging.
  • Final fix for JME issue #1058.

Version 1.0.43 released on 2 April 2019

Reordered 2 statements in btSimpleBroadphase::destroyProxy() while trying to fix JME issue #1058.

Version 1.0.42 released on 2 April 2019

GCC options for debugging.

Version 1.0.41 released on 1 April 2019

  • Added a getNumConstaints() method to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Implement AXIS_SWEEP_3_32 broadphase algorithm; was aliased to btAxisSweep3.

Version 1.0.40 released on 23 March 2019

Added getAabb() and getBoundingSphere() methods to the CollisionShape class.

Version 1.0.39 released on 11 March 2019

Try a different method of constructing btVector3.

Version 1.0.38 released on 11 March 2019

  • Added a CollisionShape.setLocalScaling() using scalars.
  • Added a PhysicsRigidBody.setGravity() using scalars.
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=d56b1361 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.37 released on 9 March 2019

Optimize the convex hull when creating a HullCollisionShape.

Version 1.0.36 released on 9 March 2019

  • Added countHullVertices() and getHullVertices() methods to the HullCollisionShape class.
  • Added a getInverseInertiaWorld() method to the PhysicsRigidBody class.

Version 1.0.35 released on 5 March 2019

Added an applyCentralImpulse() method to the PhysicsRigidBody class.

Version 1.0.34 released on 3 March 2019

Remove extra qualification from jmePhysicsSpace.h.

Version 1.0.33 released on 3 March 2019

Try riccardobl's fix for JME issue #1029.

Version 1.0.32 released on 2 March 2019

Use a copy of btSphereSphereCollisionAlgorithm.cpp from Bullet v2.82 in an attempt to work around JME issue #1029.

Version 1.0.31 released on 2 March 2019

  • Added a getOrientation() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • In jmePhysicsSpace::contactProcessedCallback(), check both collision objects for NULL user pointers.
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=1bac759a of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.30 released on 30 January 2019

Added 21 methods to PhysicsCollisionObject:

  • {get/has/set}AnisotropicFriction()
  • getBasis(), getLocation(), and setLocationAndBasis()
  • getContactDamping(), getContactStiffness(), and setContactStiffnessAndDamping()
  • {get/set}ContactProcessingThreshold()
  • {get/set}DeactivationTime
  • {get/set}Friction()
  • {get/set}Restitution()
  • {get/set}RollingFriction()
  • {get/set}SpinningFriction()

Version 1.0.29 released on 25 January 2019

  • Added getFallSpeed(), getJumpSpeed(), getUpDirection(), reset(), and setUseGhostSweepTest() to the PhysicsCharacter class.
  • Added getCcdMotionThreshold(), getCcdSweptSphereRadius(), setCcdMotionThreshold(), and setCcdSweptSphereRadius() to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Verify convex shape in PhysicsCharacter.createCharacterObject().

Version 1.0.28 released on 24 January 2019

Bugfix: setStartupMessageEnabled() should default to TRUE.

Version 1.0.27 released on 23 January 2019

  • Renamed the project from Jme3-bullet-native to Libbulletjme.
  • Added countSpheres(), getSpherePosition(), and getSphereRadius() to the MultiSphere class.
  • Added DebugTools.setStartupMessageEnabled() in order to make the startup message optional.

Version 1.0.26 released on 17 January 2019

Added createShapeB(ByteBuffer, int) methods to the HullCollisionShape and MultiSphere classes.

Version 1.0.24 released on 7 January 2019

Upgraded the Bullet sources to match release 2.88 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.22 released on 30 December 2018

Added diagnostic messages when a contact is ignored by jmePhysicsSpace::contactProcessedCallback.

Version 1.0.21 released on 8 December 2018

  • Print version number during initialization.
  • Added EmptyShape class based on btEmptyShape.
  • Added isActive() method to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=4a66d6c of the bullet3 project.
  • Removed ancient threading support from jmePhysicsSoftSpace.

Version 1.0.20 released on 4 December 2018

  • Added missing source file for PhysicsSoftBody.
  • Removed portions of the Bullet Physics library that are not needed here.

Version 1.0.19 released on 3 December 2018

  • Added soft-body physics support, mostly copied straight from Dokthar's fork.
  • Added getCollisionFlags() and setCollisionFlags() to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.

Version 1.0.18 released on 27 November 2018

  • Added a method to create a single-ended SliderJoint.
  • Added null checks and improved exception messages.

Version 1.0.17 released on 25 November 2018

Added methods to create single-ended ConeJoint, HingeJoint, SixDofJoint, and SixDofSpringJoint.

Version 1.0.16 released on 24 November 2018

  • Added getBreakingImpulseThreshold(), setBreakingImpulseThreshold(), isEnabled(), and setEnabled() to the PhysicsJoint class.
  • Added a method to create a single-ended Point2PointJoint.

Version 1.0.15 released on 19 November 2018

  • Added an option to generate debug meshes with 256 vertices for convex shapes, instead of the usual 42 vertices.
  • Avoid trashing the shape's user pointer in DebugShapeFactory.

Version 1.0.14 released on 18 November 2018

  • Added a multi-sphere collision shape.
  • Added isConcave() to the CollisionShape class.
  • Changed the initialization message.

Version 1.0.13 released on 15 November 2018

Upgraded the Bullet sources to match SHA1 ID=9ad77a2 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.12 released on 27 October 2018

  • Added activate() to the PhysicsCollisionObject class.
  • Added getTargetVelocity() to the TranslationalLimitMotor class.
  • Removed an accidentally committed DLL.
  • Improved argument validation for JNI methods.

Version 1.0.11 released on 27 October 2018

Upgraded the Bullet sources to match release 2.87 of the bullet3 project.

Version 1.0.10 released on 18 October 2018

Use the Force in PhysicsRigidBody.activate().

Version 1.0.9 released on 13 October 2018

  • Added getAccumulatedImpulse() and getCurrentPosition() to the RotationalLimitMotor class.
  • Added getOffset() and setTargetVelocity() to the TranslationalLimitMotor class.

Version 1.0.8 released on 12 October 2018

  • Removed the unused addConstraint() and initNativePhysics() from the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added 4 CFM accessors to the RotationalLimitMotor class.
  • Added 8 accessors to the TranslationalLimitMotor class for CFM, ERP, and max motor force.

Version 1.0.7 released on 8 October 2018

  • Provided access to JME's Transform.getScale() method.
  • Added methods to convert a btQuaternion or btTransform to JME.
  • Added 3 frame accessors to the SixDofJoint class.

Version 1.0.6 released on 8 October 2018

Removed all Bullet3 source files except Bullet3Common.

Version 1.0.5 released on 3 October 2018

Disabled Quickprof to avoid its thread limit.

Version 1.0.4 released on 2 October 2018

  • Fixed JME issues 918 and 919.
  • Added getLocalScaling() method for CollisionShape.
  • Removed 2 files not needed for Gradle build.

Version 1.0.2 released on 30 September 2018

This was the initial baseline release, combining source code from release 2.86.1 of the bullet3 project with glue code from the master branch of the jmonkeyengine project.