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178 lines (123 loc) · 5.42 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (123 loc) · 5.42 KB

How To Contribute


Feel free to ask your questions in any of these places:



  • pnpm test:workspace:lint
  • pnpm test:workspace:lint --fix

Running demos

At the root of this monorepo, the pnpm demo script can be used to start the various demos.

  • pnpm demo react
  • pnpm demo react-jsnation
  • pnpm demo react-store

Running tests

  • pnpm test -- Runs cli-based node tests
  • pnpm test:prod -- Runs cli-based node tests in production mode

Checking correctness

  • pnpm test:workspace:types
  • pnpm test:workspace:lint

Checking for unused dependencies

  • pnpm check:unused

Building the packages

  • pnpm build -- uses rollup to build out every package

Workspace Packages

The packages in <repo-root>/workspace are workspace-private packages that are used to facilitate testing and building. They are not published to npm.

Development utilities

These are aliased via pnpm dev at the monorepo root and is an alias for the scripts located at <repo-root>/workspace/scripts/*.

Common monorepo tasks can be added to <repo-root>/workspace/scripts/* and then invoke with pnpm dev <command name>

Using turborepo

If you're ever unsure about the cache status of each package, you can inspect what turbo thinks is going to happen with

pnpm turbo run list of tasks --dry-run=json \
| jq 'reduce .tasks[] as {$package,$task,$cache} ({};
        .[$package][$task] |= $cache

For example

pnpm turbo run test:lint test:types --dry-run=json \
| jq 'reduce .tasks[] as {$package,$task,$cache} ({};
        .[$package][$task] |= $cache

To use this information with other scripts, pipe it to jq -c

To see what inputs turbo is expecting for a package, use:

pnpm turbo run test:lint --dry-run=json \
| jq 'reduce .tasks[] as {$package,$task,$inputs} ({};
      .[$package][$task] |= $inputs
     )' \
| jq '."@starbeam/universal"'

This can be useful when debugging either unexpected cache misses, or unexpected cache hits.

The starbeam key in package.json

The tooling in this repository is driven by a number of keys in package.json under the starbeam namespace.

Keys can be nested inside of the starbeam key, or they can be at the top level of the package.json as "starbeam:<key>".


The type field is used to determine which type of package this is. Among other things, it is used to drive the templating facility (pnpm dev template) The following types are supported:

  • library - A library package
  • demo:react - A demo package
  • interfaces - A package containing interfaces that are shared between packages but don't contain any code that would need to be imported at runtime.
  • support:build - A package that contains build support code. It should only be used as a dev dependency of packages in the workspace.
  • support:tests - A package that contains test support code. It should only be used as a dev dependency of test packages in the workspace.
  • draft - A package that doesn't "work" yet and therefore shouldn't have any transformations, tests or checks applied to it. It should also not be cleaned up.
  • root - The root of the workspace.
  • unknown - The default type. This is used for packages that don't have a starbeam:type field in their package.json file. This is purely for completeness. Do not check in packages with this type.
  • none - This is used to indicate that a package should not be processed by the monorepo tooling.


The source field is used to determine which files in the directory should be treated as input files.

When a file is treated as an input file:

  • the pnpm dev unused facility searches them for dependency uses

When a file is not treated as an input file:

  • the pnpm dev clean facility might delete it if it matches an output pattern (such as .d.ts, see below)

The following table shows the files that are treated as input files for each type of package:

Source type .ts .tsx .js .jsx .d.ts


A list of packages that should be inlined into this package when built.


The jsx field is used to determine which JSX factory should be used when building this package.

The tooling only supports the automatic runtime, so only a single value is necessary.


A list of packages that are used by this package, but not otherwise identified by the pnpm dev unused tooling.

Each entry in the list should be in the format:

  "reason": "The reason why this package is used",
  "packages": ["<name>"]

For example:

  "starbeam:unused": [{ "reason": "tests", "packages": ["vitest"] }]