🔗 A list of articles I have ever read or want to read.
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- Career
- Management
- Interview/Hiring
- Web Performance Optimization
- Web Accessibility
- JavaScript
- React/Redux
- Frameworks/Libraries/Widgets
- User Experience/Interaction Design/Usability
- Product Design
- Art/Design
- Building/Depolying
- Development Philosophy
- Algorithms
- AI
- Databases
- Marketing/Sales/Negotiation
- On Thinking
- Startups/Businesses
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- Personalities/Life Stories
- Comics/Casual Reads
- Novels
- 🌟 The best career advice I’ve received
- 🌕 How to Become a Great Front-End Engineer
- 🌟 How to Become a Great JavaScript Developer
- 🌕 How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016
- 🌟 How to Level up as a Developer
- 🌑 Leveling Up Your JavaScript
- 🌟 The Difference Between Excellent, Good and Bad JavaScript Developers>
- 🌕 为什么整个互联网行业都缺前端工程师?
- 🌕 caoz 谈能力成长系列 - 机会来自于担当 机会总是来自于“让我来”,“我可以”
- 🌕 Five Key Mindsets that Separate Successful Programmers from Everyone Else
- 🌟 21 management things I learned at Imgur
- 🌕 The Secret to Growing Your Engineering Career If You Don't Want to Manage
- 🌑 We need to rethink employee compensation
- 🌕 7 Tips for Aspiring Managers in Engineering
- 🌕 Ask HN: How to prepare for an Engineering Manager interview?: How could I make a good impression despite the lack of management experience? I did mentor engineers, etc. in the past. Happy to hear about things I should be expecting.
- :full_moonb: 想从技术转管理?这些坑你可要注意了!: 大部分技术管理者都是从普通工程师而来,虽然从事的业务林林总总,但坑的类型却几乎屈指可数。如果你想从技术转管理,这些坑你可要多加注意。
- 🌟 How to Run a Front-End Infrastructure Team: Building a solid infrastructure for user interface development and the human aspects of front-end project.
- 🌟 Ten things we believe about hiring The best advices about hiring
- 🌑 Interview Guide Explains best how to prepare for your interviews
- 🌟 How I Hire Programmers by Aaron Swartz
- 🌑 The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing (version 3.0)
- 🌑 The Hiring Post
- 🌑 How to pass a programming interview
- 🌟 Web Fundamentals - Performance Best practices from Google
- 🌟 Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site The Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast.
- 🌒 Performance Posts from Yahoo Research conducted by the Exceptional Performance team
- 🌟 Making Netflix.com Faster Best practices come from Netflix UI Engineering team on WPO
- 🌕 Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
- 🌓 How to lost weight The definitive front-end performance guide
- 🌕 Loading Scripts Without Blocking
- 🌟 Response Times: The 3 Important Limits There are 3 main time limits (which are determined by human perceptual abilities) to keep in mind when optimizing web and application performance.
- 🌟 ES proposal: import() – dynamically importing ES modules: The ECMAScript proposal
by Domenic Denicola is currently at stage 3. It enables dynamic loading of ECMAScript modules and is explained in this blog post. - 🌟 The State of the Web
- 🌕 Links, Buttons, Submits, and Divs, Oh Hell: The struggle to help developers how to understand the right HTML to use for visual buttons has been written about over and over. Yet libraries, frameworks, templates, and by extension, sites & applications still continue to get it wrong.
- 🌕 React.js Frequently Faced Problems: We receive some interesting problems every now and then but most of the asked questions are for common problems. I am creating this resource to write detailed instructions for the common problems beginner React.js learners usually face so that I can refer them to here instead of typing it over and over
- 🌟 Smart and Dumb Components
- 🌟 Make Your React Components Pretty 💅
- 🌟 Function as Child Components
- 🌟 Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition
- 🌕 Thinking in Redux (when all you’ve known is MVC)
- 🌕 How to Use jQuery Libraries in the React Ecosystem
- 🌕 Integrating React and Datatables — not as hard as advertised integrate React with Datatables as long as you keep React out of the Datatables DOM
- 🌕 Reusable State with Higher Order Components
- 🌕 When Does a Project Need React?
- 🌟 Idiomatic Redux: The Tao of Redux, Part 1 - Implementation and Intent: Thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
- 🌟 Idiomatic Redux: The Tao of Redux, Part 2 - Practice and Philosophy: More thoughts on what Redux requires, how Redux is intended to be used, and what is possible with Redux
- 🌕 All About React Router 4: Cover the most common API concepts, but the real focus is on patterns and strategies that I've found to be successful for react-router@4
- 🌟 A Guide to Writing Backbone Apps at Coursera A set of best practices for how Coursera uses Backbone.
- 🌕 Debounce and Throttle a visual explanation
- 🌒 HOW TO DEPLOY SOFTWARE Make your team’s deploys as boring as hell and stop stressing about it.
- 🌕 Checklist: Node.JS production best practices
- 🌑 How We Build Code at Netflix Introducing the tools and techniques used to go from source code to a deployed service serving movies and TV shows to more than 75 million global Netflix members.
- 🌕 Establishing Web Standards Aaron Gustafson explains how an idea becomes a specification at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- 🌕 Server-side HTML vs. JS Widgets vs. Single-Page Web Apps Picking your architecture = Picking your battles.
- 🌕 Why Curry Helps Curry gives you a tantalising amount of expressive power.
- 🌕 Hype Driven Development
- 🌕 Ask HN: What habits make a programmer great?: So what are the habits I should cultivate to be a great programmer or even a good one? What are the bad habits that I should drop?