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877 lines (747 loc) · 32.9 KB

File metadata and controls

877 lines (747 loc) · 32.9 KB

VI.C.3 Complete grammar

This grammar provides a number of ease-of-use features not provided in the grammar of Partition II, as well as supporting some features which are not portable across implementations and hence are not part of this standard. Unlike the grammar of Partition II, this one is designed for ease of programming rather than ease of reading; it can be converted directly into a YACC grammar.

Lexical tokens

  • ID – C style alphaNumeric identifier (e.g., Hello_There2)
  • QSTRING – C style quoted string (e.g., "hi\n")
  • SQSTRING – C style singlely quoted string (e.g., 'hi')
  • INT32 – C style 32-bit integer (e.g., 235, 03423, 0x34FFF)
  • INT64 – C style 64-bit integer (e.g., -2353453636235234, 0x34FFFFFFFFFF)
  • FLOAT64 – C style floating point number (e.g., -0.2323, 354.3423, 3435.34E-5)
  • INSTR*_ – IL instructions of a particular class (see opcode.def).
START                   : decls

decls                   : /* EMPTY */
                        | decls decl

decl                    : classHead '{' classDecls '}'
                        | nameSpaceHead '{' decls '}'
                        | methodHead  methodDecls '}'
                        | fieldDecl
                        | dataDecl
                        | vtableDecl
                        | vtfixupDecl
                        | extSourceSpec
                        | fileDecl
                        | assemblyHead '{' assemblyDecls '}'
                        | assemblyRefHead '{' assemblyRefDecls '}'
                        | comtypeHead '{' comtypeDecls '}'
                        | manifestResHead '{' manifestResDecls '}'
                        | moduleHead
                        | secDecl
                        | customAttrDecl
                        | '.subsystem' int32
                        | '.corflags' int32
                        | '.file' 'alignment' int32
                        | '.imagebase' int64
                        | languageDecl

compQstring             : QSTRING
                        | compQstring '+' QSTRING

languageDecl            : '.language' SQSTRING
                        | '.language' SQSTRING ',' SQSTRING
                        | '.language' SQSTRING ',' SQSTRING ',' SQSTRING

customAttrDecl          : '.custom' customType
                        | '.custom' customType '=' compQstring
                        | customHead bytes ')'
                        | '.custom' '(' ownerType ')' customType
                        | '.custom' '(' ownerType ')' customType '=' compQstring
                        | customHeadWithOwner bytes ')'

moduleHead              : '.module'
                        | '.module' name1
                        | '.module' 'extern' name1

vtfixupDecl             : '.vtfixup' '[' int32 ']' vtfixupAttr 'at' id

vtfixupAttr             : /* EMPTY */
                        | vtfixupAttr 'int32'
                        | vtfixupAttr 'int64'
                        | vtfixupAttr 'fromunmanaged'
                        | vtfixupAttr 'callmostderived'

vtableDecl              : vtableHead bytes ')'

vtableHead              : '.vtable' '=' '('

nameSpaceHead           : '.namespace' name1

classHead               : '.class' classAttr id extendsClause implClause

classAttr               : /* EMPTY */
                        | classAttr 'public'
                        | classAttr 'private'
                        | classAttr 'value'
                        | classAttr 'enum'
                        | classAttr 'interface'
                        | classAttr 'sealed'
                        | classAttr 'abstract'
                        | classAttr 'auto'
                        | classAttr 'sequential'
                        | classAttr 'explicit'
                        | classAttr 'ansi'
                        | classAttr 'unicode'
                        | classAttr 'autochar'
                        | classAttr 'import'
                        | classAttr 'serializable'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'public'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'private'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'family'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'assembly'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'famandassem'
                        | classAttr 'nested' 'famorassem'
                        | classAttr 'beforefieldinit'
                        | classAttr 'specialname'
                        | classAttr 'rtspecialname'

extendsClause           : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'extends' className

implClause              : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'implements' classNames

classNames              : classNames ',' className
                        | className

classDecls              : /* EMPTY */
                        | classDecls classDecl

classDecl               : methodHead  methodDecls '}'
                        | classHead '{' classDecls '}'
                        | eventHead '{' eventDecls '}'
                        | propHead '{' propDecls '}'
                        | fieldDecl
                        | dataDecl
                        | secDecl
                        | extSourceSpec
                        | customAttrDecl
                        | '.size' int32
                        | '.pack' int32
                        | exportHead '{' comtypeDecls '}'
                        | '.override' typeSpec '::' methodName 'with' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | languageDecl

fieldDecl               : '.field' repeatOpt fieldAttr type id atOpt initOpt

atOpt                   : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'at' id

initOpt                 : /* EMPTY */
                        | '=' fieldInit

repeatOpt                : /* EMPTY */
                        | '[' int32 ']'

customHead              : '.custom' customType '=' '('

customHeadWithOwner     : '.custom' '(' ownerType ')' customType '=' '('

memberRef               : methodSpec callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | methodSpec callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | 'field' type typeSpec '::' id
                        | 'field' type id

customType              : callConv type typeSpec '::' '.ctor' '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | callConv type '.ctor' '(' sigArgs0 ')'

ownerType               : typeSpec
                        | memberRef

eventHead               : '.event' eventAttr typeSpec id
                        | '.event' eventAttr id

eventAttr               : /* EMPTY */
                        | eventAttr 'rtspecialname' /**/
                        | eventAttr 'specialname'

eventDecls              : /* EMPTY */
                        | eventDecls eventDecl

eventDecl               : '.addon' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.addon' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.removeon' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.removeon' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.fire' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.fire' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.other' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.other' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | extSourceSpec
                        | customAttrDecl
                        | languageDecl

propHead                : '.property' propAttr callConv type id '(' sigArgs0 ')' initOpt

propAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | propAttr 'rtspecialname' /**/
                        | propAttr 'specialname'

propDecls               : /* EMPTY */
                        | propDecls propDecl

propDecl                : '.set' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.set' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.get' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.get' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.other' callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.other' callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | customAttrDecl
                        | extSourceSpec
                        | languageDecl

methodHeadPart1         : '.method'

methodHead              : methodHeadPart1 methAttr callConv paramAttr type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')' implAttr '{'
                        | methodHeadPart1 methAttr callConv paramAttr type 'marshal' '(' nativeType ')' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')' implAttr '{'

methAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | methAttr 'static'
                        | methAttr 'public'
                        | methAttr 'private'
                        | methAttr 'family'
                        | methAttr 'final'
                        | methAttr 'specialname'
                        | methAttr 'virtual'
                        | methAttr 'abstract'
                        | methAttr 'assembly'
                        | methAttr 'famandassem'
                        | methAttr 'famorassem'
                        | methAttr 'privatescope'
                        | methAttr 'hidebysig'
                        | methAttr 'newslot'
                        | methAttr 'rtspecialname' /**/
                        | methAttr 'unmanagedexp'
                        | methAttr 'reqsecobj'
                        | methAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' compQstring 'as' compQstring pinvAttr ')'
                        | methAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' compQstring  pinvAttr ')'
                        | methAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' pinvAttr ')'

pinvAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | pinvAttr 'nomangle'
                        | pinvAttr 'ansi'
                        | pinvAttr 'unicode'
                        | pinvAttr 'autochar'
                        | pinvAttr 'lasterr'
                        | pinvAttr 'winapi'
                        | pinvAttr 'cdecl'
                        | pinvAttr 'stdcall'
                        | pinvAttr 'thiscall'
                        | pinvAttr 'fastcall'

methodName              : '.ctor'
                        | '.cctor'
                        | name1

paramAttr               : /* EMPTY */
                        | paramAttr '[' 'in' ']'
                        | paramAttr '[' 'out' ']'
                        | paramAttr '[' 'opt' ']'
                        | paramAttr '[' int32 ']'

fieldAttr               : /* EMPTY */
                        | fieldAttr 'static'
                        | fieldAttr 'public'
                        | fieldAttr 'private'
                        | fieldAttr 'family'
                        | fieldAttr 'initonly'
                        | fieldAttr 'rtspecialname' /**/
                        | fieldAttr 'specialname' /* commented out because PInvoke for fields is not supported by EE
                        | fieldAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' compQstring 'as' compQstring pinvAttr ')'
                        | fieldAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' compQstring  pinvAttr ')'
                        | fieldAttr 'pinvokeimpl' '(' pinvAttr ')' */
                        | fieldAttr 'marshal' '(' nativeType ')'
                        | fieldAttr 'assembly'
                        | fieldAttr 'famandassem'
                        | fieldAttr 'famorassem'
                        | fieldAttr 'privatescope'
                        | fieldAttr 'literal'
                        | fieldAttr 'notserialized'

implAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | implAttr 'native'
                        | implAttr 'cil'
                        | implAttr 'optil'
                        | implAttr 'managed'
                        | implAttr 'unmanaged'
                        | implAttr 'forwardref'
                        | implAttr 'preservesig'
                        | implAttr 'runtime'
                        | implAttr 'internalcall'
                        | implAttr 'synchronized'
                        | implAttr 'noinlining'

localsHead              : '.locals'

methodDecl              : '.emitbyte' int32
                        | sehBlock
                        | '.maxstack' int32
                        | localsHead '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | localsHead 'init' '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | '.entrypoint'
                        | '.zeroinit'
                        | dataDecl
                        | instr
                        | id ':'
                        | secDecl
                        | extSourceSpec
                        | languageDecl
                        | customAttrDecl
                        | '.export' '[' int32 ']'
                        | '.export' '[' int32 ']' 'as' id
                        | '.vtentry' int32 ':' int32
                        | '.override' typeSpec '::' methodName
                        | scopeBlock
                        | '.param' '[' int32 ']' initOpt

scopeBlock              : scopeOpen methodDecls '}'

scopeOpen               : '{'

sehBlock                : tryBlock sehClauses

sehClauses              : sehClause sehClauses
                        | sehClause

tryBlock                : tryHead scopeBlock
                        | tryHead id 'to' id
                        | tryHead int32 'to' int32

tryHead                 : '.try'

sehClause               : catchClause handlerBlock
                        | filterClause handlerBlock
                        | finallyClause handlerBlock
                        | faultClause handlerBlock

filterClause            : filterHead scopeBlock
                        | filterHead id
                        | filterHead int32

filterHead              : 'filter'

catchClause             : 'catch' className

finallyClause           : 'finally'

faultClause             : 'fault'

handlerBlock            : scopeBlock
                        | 'handler' id 'to' id
                        | 'handler' int32 'to' int32

methodDecls             : /* EMPTY */
                        | methodDecls methodDecl

dataDecl                : ddHead ddBody

ddHead                  : '.data' tls id '='
                        | '.data' tls

tls                     : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'tls'

ddBody                  : '{' ddItemList '}'
                        | ddItem

ddItemList              : ddItem ',' ddItemList
                        | ddItem

ddItemCount             : /* EMPTY */
                        | '[' int32 ']'

ddItem                  : 'char' '*' '(' compQstring ')'
                        | '&' '(' id ')'
                        | bytearrayhead bytes ')'
                        | 'float32' '(' float64 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'float64' '(' float64 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'int64' '(' int64 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'int32' '(' int32 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'int16' '(' int32 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'int8' '(' int32 ')' ddItemCount
                        | 'float32' ddItemCount
                        | 'float64' ddItemCount
                        | 'int64' ddItemCount
                        | 'int32' ddItemCount
                        | 'int16' ddItemCount
                        | 'int8' ddItemCount

fieldInit               : 'float32' '(' float64 ')'
                        | 'float64' '(' float64 ')'
                        | 'float32' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'float64' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'int64' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'int32' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'int16' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'char' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'int8' '(' int64 ')'
                        | 'bool' '(' truefalse ')'
                        | compQstring
                        | bytearrayhead bytes ')'
                        | 'nullref'

bytearrayhead           : 'bytearray' '('

bytes                   : /* EMPTY */
                        | hexbytes

hexbytes                : HEXBYTE
                        | hexbytes HEXBYTE

instr_r_head            : INSTR_R '('

instr_tok_head          : INSTR_TOK

methodSpec              : 'method'

instr                   : INSTR_NONE
                        | INSTR_VAR int32
                        | INSTR_VAR id
                        | INSTR_I int32
                        | INSTR_I8 int64
                        | INSTR_R float64
                        | INSTR_R int64
                        | instr_r_head bytes ')'
                        | INSTR_BRTARGET int32
                        | INSTR_BRTARGET id
                        | INSTR_METHOD callConv type typeSpec '::' methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | INSTR_METHOD callConv type methodName '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | INSTR_FIELD type typeSpec '::' id
                        | INSTR_FIELD type id
                        | INSTR_TYPE typeSpec
                        | INSTR_STRING compQstring
                        | INSTR_STRING bytearrayhead bytes ')'
                        | INSTR_SIG callConv type '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | INSTR_RVA id
                        | INSTR_RVA int32
                        | instr_tok_head ownerType /* ownerType ::= memberRef
                         typeSpec */
                        | INSTR_SWITCH '(' labels ')'
                        | INSTR_PHI int16s

sigArgs0                : /* EMPTY */
                        | sigArgs1

sigArgs1                : sigArg
                        | sigArgs1 ',' sigArg

sigArg                  : '...'
                        | paramAttr type
                        | paramAttr type id
                        | paramAttr type 'marshal' '(' nativeType ')'
                        | paramAttr type 'marshal' '(' nativeType ')' id

name1                   : id
                        | DOTTEDNAME
                        | name1 '.' name1

className               : '[' name1 ']' slashedName
                        | '[' '.module' name1 ']' slashedName
                        | slashedName

slashedName             : name1
                        | slashedName '/' name1

typeSpec                : className
                        | '[' name1 ']'
                        | '[' '.module' name1 ']'
                        | type

callConv                : 'instance' callConv
                        | 'explicit' callConv
                        | callKind

callKind                : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'default'
                        | 'vararg'
                        | 'unmanaged' 'cdecl'
                        | 'unmanaged' 'stdcall'
                        | 'unmanaged' 'thiscall'
                        | 'unmanaged' 'fastcall'

nativeType              : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'custom' '(' compQstring ',' compQstring ',' compQstring ',' compQstring ')'
                        | 'custom' '(' compQstring ',' compQstring ')'
                        | 'fixed' 'sysstring' '[' int32 ']'
                        | 'fixed' 'array' '[' int32 ']'
                        | 'variant'
                        | 'currency'
                        | 'syschar'
                        | 'void'
                        | 'bool'
                        | 'int8'
                        | 'int16'
                        | 'int32'
                        | 'int64'
                        | 'float32'
                        | 'float64'
                        | 'error'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int8'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int16'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int32'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int64'
                        | nativeType '*'
                        | nativeType '[' ']'
                        | nativeType '[' int32 ']'
                        | nativeType '[' int32 '+' int32 ']'
                        | nativeType '[' '+' int32 ']'
                        | 'decimal'
                        | 'date'
                        | 'bstr'
                        | 'lpstr'
                        | 'lpwstr'
                        | 'lptstr'
                        | 'objectref'
                        | 'iunknown'
                        | 'idispatch'
                        | 'struct'
                        | 'interface'
                        | 'safearray' variantType
                        | 'safearray' variantType ',' compQstring
                        | 'int'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int'
                        | 'nested' 'struct'
                        | 'byvalstr'
                        | 'ansi' 'bstr'
                        | 'tbstr'
                        | 'variant' 'bool'
                        | methodSpec
                        | 'as' 'any'
                        | 'lpstruct'

variantType             : /* EMPTY */
                        | 'null'
                        | 'variant'
                        | 'currency'
                        | 'void'
                        | 'bool'
                        | 'int8'
                        | 'int16'
                        | 'int32'
                        | 'int64'
                        | 'float32'
                        | 'float64'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int8'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int16'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int32'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int64'
                        | '*'
                        | variantType '[' ']'
                        | variantType 'vector'
                        | variantType '&'
                        | 'decimal'
                        | 'date'
                        | 'bstr'
                        | 'lpstr'
                        | 'lpwstr'
                        | 'iunknown'
                        | 'idispatch'
                        | 'safearray'
                        | 'int'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int'
                        | 'error'
                        | 'hresult'
                        | 'carray'
                        | 'userdefined'
                        | 'record'
                        | 'filetime'
                        | 'blob'
                        | 'stream'
                        | 'storage'
                        | 'streamed_object'
                        | 'stored_object'
                        | 'blob_object'
                        | 'cf'
                        | 'clsid'

type                    : 'class' className
                        | 'object'
                        | 'string'
                        | 'value' 'class' className
                        | 'valuetype' className
                        | type '[' ']'
                        | type '[' bounds1 ']'
                        /* uncomment when and if this type is supported by the Runtime
                        | type 'value' '[' int32 ']' */
                        | type '&'
                        | type '*'
                        | type 'pinned'
                        | type 'modreq' '(' className ')'
                        | type 'modopt' '(' className ')'
                        | '!' int32
                        | methodSpec callConv type '*' '(' sigArgs0 ')'
                        | 'typedref'
                        | 'char'
                        | 'void'
                        | 'bool'
                        | 'int8'
                        | 'int16'
                        | 'int32'
                        | 'int64'
                        | 'float32'
                        | 'float64'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int8'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int16'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int32'
                        | 'unsigned' 'int64'
                        | 'native' 'int'
                        | 'native' 'unsigned' 'int'
                        | 'native' 'float'

bounds1                 : bound
                        | bounds1 ',' bound

bound                   : /* EMPTY */
                        | '...'
                        | int32
                        | int32 '...' int32
                        | int32 '...'

labels                  : /* empty */
                        | id ',' labels
                        | int32 ',' labels
                        | id
                        | int32

id                      : ID
                        | SQSTRING

int16s                  : /* EMPTY */
                        | int16s int32

int32                   : INT64

int64                   : INT64

float64                 : FLOAT64
                        | 'float32' '(' int32 ')'
                        | 'float64' '(' int64 ')'

secDecl                 : '.permission' secAction typeSpec '(' nameValPairs ')'
                        | '.permission' secAction typeSpec
                        | psetHead bytes ')'

psetHead                : '.permissionset' secAction '=' '('

nameValPairs            : nameValPair
                        | nameValPair ',' nameValPairs

nameValPair             : compQstring '=' caValue

truefalse               : 'true'
                        | 'false'

caValue                 : truefalse
                        | int32
                        | 'int32' '(' int32 ')'
                        | compQstring
                        | className '(' 'int8' ':' int32 ')'
                        | className '(' 'int16' ':' int32 ')'
                        | className '(' 'int32' ':' int32 ')'
                        | className '(' int32 ')'

secAction               : 'request'
                        | 'demand'
                        | 'assert'
                        | 'deny'
                        | 'permitonly'
                        | 'linkcheck'
                        | 'inheritcheck'
                        | 'reqmin'
                        | 'reqopt'
                        | 'reqrefuse'
                        | 'prejitgrant'
                        | 'prejitdeny'
                        | 'noncasdemand'
                        | 'noncaslinkdemand'
                        | 'noncasinheritance'

extSourceSpec           : '.line' int32 SQSTRING
                        | '.line' int32
                        | '.line' int32 ':' int32 SQSTRING
                        | '.line' int32 ':' int32
                        | P_LINE int32 QSTRING

fileDecl                : '.file' fileAttr name1 fileEntry hashHead bytes ')' fileEntry
                        | '.file' fileAttr name1 fileEntry

fileAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | fileAttr 'nometadata'

fileEntry               : /* EMPTY */
                        | '.entrypoint'

hashHead                : '.hash' '=' '('

assemblyHead            : '.assembly' asmAttr name1

asmAttr                 : /* EMPTY */
                        | asmAttr 'noappdomain'
                        | asmAttr 'noprocess'
                        | asmAttr 'nomachine'

assemblyDecls           : /* EMPTY */
                        | assemblyDecls assemblyDecl

assemblyDecl            : '.hash' 'algorithm' int32
                        | secDecl
                        | asmOrRefDecl

asmOrRefDecl            : publicKeyHead bytes ')'
                        | '.ver' int32 ':' int32 ':' int32 ':' int32
                        | '.locale' compQstring
                        | localeHead bytes ')'
                        | customAttrDecl

publicKeyHead           : '.publickey' '=' '('

publicKeyTokenHead      : '.publickeytoken' '=' '('

localeHead              : '.locale' '=' '('

assemblyRefHead         : '.assembly' 'extern' name1
                        | '.assembly' 'extern' name1 'as' name1

assemblyRefDecls        : /* EMPTY */
                        | assemblyRefDecls assemblyRefDecl

assemblyRefDecl         : hashHead bytes ')'
                        | asmOrRefDecl
                        | publicKeyTokenHead bytes ')'

comtypeHead             : '.class' 'extern' comtAttr name1

exportHead              : '.export' comtAttr name1

comtAttr                : /* EMPTY */
                        | comtAttr 'private'
                        | comtAttr 'public'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'public'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'private'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'family'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'assembly'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'famandassem'
                        | comtAttr 'nested' 'famorassem'

comtypeDecls            : /* EMPTY */
                        | comtypeDecls comtypeDecl

comtypeDecl             : '.file' name1
                        | '.class' 'extern' name1
                        | '.class'  int32
                        | customAttrDecl

manifestResHead         : '.mresource' manresAttr name1

manresAttr              : /* EMPTY */
                        | manresAttr 'public'
                        | manresAttr 'private'

manifestResDecls        : /* EMPTY */
                        | manifestResDecls manifestResDecl

manifestResDecl         : '.file' name1 'at' int32
                        | '.assembly' 'extern' name1
                        | customAttrDecl