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VI.C.1 ILAsm keywords

This subclause provides a complete list of the keywords used by ilasm. If users wish to use any of these as simple identifiers within programs they just make use of the appropriate escape notation (single or double quotation marks as specified in the grammar). This assembler is casesensitive.

| | ---- | #line | .addon | .assembly | .cctor | .class | .corflags | .ctor | .custom | .data | .emitbyte | .entrypoint | .event | .export | .field | .file | .fire | .get | .hash | .imagebase | .import | .language | .line | .locale | .localized | .locals | .manifestres | .maxstack | .method | .module | .mresource | .namespace | .other | .override | .pack | .param | .pdirect | .permission | .permissionset | .property | .publickey | .publickeytoken | .removeon | .set | .size | .subsystem | .try | .ver | .vtable | .vtentry | .vtfixup | .zeroinit | ^THE_END^ | abstract | add | add.ovf | add.ovf.un | algorithm | alignment | and | ansi | any | arglist | array | as | assembly | assert | at | auto | autochar | beforefieldinit | beq | beq.s | bge | bge.s | bge.un | bge.un.s | bgt | bgt.s | bgt.un | bgt.un.s | ble | ble.s | ble.un | ble.un.s | blob | blob_object | blt | blt.s | blt.un | blt.un.s | bne.un | bne.un.s | bool | box | br | br.s | break | brfalse | brfalse.s | brinst | brinst.s | brnull | brnull.s | brtrue | brtrue.s | brzero | brzero.s | bstr | bytearray | byvalstr | call | calli | callmostderived | callvirt | carray | castclass | catch | cdecl | ceq | cf | cgt | cgt.un | char | cil | ckfinite | class | clsid | clt | clt.un | const | constrained. | conv.i | conv.i1 | conv.i2 | conv.i4 | conv.i8 | conv.ovf.i | conv.ovf.i.un | conv.ovf.i1 | conv.ovf.i1.un | conv.ovf.i2 | conv.ovf.i2.un | conv.ovf.i4 | conv.ovf.i4.un | conv.ovf.i8 | conv.ovf.i8.un | conv.ovf.u | conv.ovf.u.un | conv.ovf.u1 | conv.ovf.u1.un | conv.ovf.u2 | conv.ovf.u2.un | conv.ovf.u4 | conv.ovf.u4.un | conv.ovf.u8 | conv.ovf.u8.un | conv.r.un | conv.r4 | conv.r8 | conv.u | conv.u1 | conv.u2 | conv.u4 | conv.u8 | cpblk | cpobj | currency | custom | date | decimal | default | default | demand | deny | div | div.un | dup | endfault | endfilter | endfinally | endmac | enum | error | explicit | extends | extern | false | famandassem | family | famorassem | fastcall | fastcall | fault | field | filetime | filter | final | finally | fixed | float | float32 | float64 | forwardref | fromunmanaged | handler | hidebysig | hresult | idispatch | il | illegal | implements | implicitcom | implicitres | import | in | inheritcheck | init | initblk | initobj | initonly | instance | int | int16 | int32 | int64 | int8 | interface | internalcall | isinst | iunknown | jmp | lasterr | lcid | ldarg | ldarg.0 | ldarg.1 | ldarg.2 | ldarg.3 | ldarg.s | ldarga | ldarga.s | ldc.i4 | ldc.i4.0 | ldc.i4.1 | ldc.i4.2 | ldc.i4.3 | ldc.i4.4 | ldc.i4.5 | ldc.i4.6 | ldc.i4.7 | ldc.i4.8 | ldc.i4.M1 | ldc.i4.m1 | ldc.i4.s | ldc.i8 | ldc.r4 | ldc.r8 | ldelem | ldelem.i | ldelem.i1 | ldelem.i2 | ldelem.i4 | ldelem.i8 | ldelem.r4 | ldelem.r8 | ldelem.ref | ldelem.u1 | ldelem.u2 | ldelem.u4 | ldelem.u8 | ldelema | ldfld | ldflda | ldftn | ldind.i | ldind.i1 | ldind.i2 | ldind.i4 | ldind.i8 | ldind.r4 | ldind.r8 | ldind.ref | ldind.u1 | ldind.u2 | ldind.u4 | ldind.u8 | ldlen | ldloc | ldloc.0 | ldloc.1 | ldloc.2 | ldloc.3 | ldloc.s | ldloca | ldloca.s | ldnull | ldobj | ldsfld | ldsflda | ldstr | ldtoken | ldvirtftn | leave | leave.s | linkcheck | literal | localloc | lpstr | lpstruct | lptstr | lpvoid | lpwstr | managed | marshal | method | mkrefany | modopt | modreq | mul | mul.ovf | mul.ovf.un | native | neg | nested | newarr | newobj | newslot | noappdomain | no. | noinlining | nomachine | nomangle | nometadata | noncasdemand | noncasinheritance | noncaslinkdemand | nop | noprocess | not | not_in_gc_heap | notremotable | notserialized | null | nullref | object | objectref | opt | optil | or | out | permitonly | pinned | pinvokeimpl | pop | prefix1 | prefix2 | prefix3 | prefix4 | prefix5 | prefix6 | prefix7 | prefixref | prejitdeny | prejitgrant | preservesig | private | privatescope | protected | public | readonly. | record | refany | refanytype | refanyval | rem | rem.un | reqmin | reqopt | reqrefuse | reqsecobj | request | ret | rethrow | retval | rtspecialname | runtime | safearray | sealed | sequential | serializable | shl | shr | shr.un | sizeof | special | specialname | starg | starg.s | static | stdcall | stdcall | stelem | stelem.i | stelem.i1 | stelem.i2 | stelem.i4 | stelem.i8 | stelem.r4 | stelem.r8 | stelem.ref | stfld | stind.i | stind.i1 | stind.i2 | stind.i4 | stind.i8 | stind.r4 | stind.r8 | stind.ref | stloc | stloc.0 | stloc.1 | stloc.2 | stloc.3 | stloc.s | stobj | storage | stored_object | stream | streamed_object | string | struct | stsfld | sub | sub.ovf | sub.ovf.un | switch | synchronized | syschar | sysstring | tail. | tbstr | thiscall | thiscall | throw | tls | to | true | typedref | unaligned. | unbox | unbox.any | unicode | unmanaged | unmanagedexp | unsigned | unused | userdefined | value | valuetype | vararg | variant | vector | virtual | void | volatile. | wchar | winapi | with | wrapper | xor