ClassAttr ::= … |
| interface |
The type semantic attributes specify whether an interface, class, or value type shall be defined. The interface attribute specifies an interface. If this attribute is not present and the definition extends (directly or indirectly) System.ValueType
, and the definition is not for System.Enum
, a value type shall be defined (§II.13). Otherwise, a class shall be defined (§II.11).
.class interface public abstract auto ansi 'System.IComparable' { … }
is an interface because the interface attribute is present.
.class public sequential ansi serializable sealed beforefieldinit
'System.Double' extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable,
… { … }
directly extends System.ValueType
; System.Double
is not the type System.Enum
; so System.Double
is a value type.
.class public abstract auto ansi serializable beforefieldinit 'System.Enum'
extends System.ValueType implements System.IComparable, … { … }
Although System.Enum
directly extends System.ValueType
, System.Enum
is not a value type, so it is a class.
.class public auto ansi serializable beforefieldinit 'System.Random'
extends System.Object { … }
is a class because it is not an interface or a value type. end example]
Note that the runtime size of a value type shall not exceed 1 MByte (0x100000 bytes).