An assembly is a collection of resources that are built to work together to deliver a cohesive set of functionality. An assembly carries all of the rules necessary to ensure that cohesion. It is the unit of access to resources in the CLI.
Externally, an assembly is a collection of exported resources, including types. Resources are exported by name. Internally, an assembly is a collection of public (exported) and private (internal to the assembly) resources. It is the assembly that determines which resources are to be exported outside of the assembly and which resources are accessible only within the current assembly scope. It is the assembly that controls how a reference to a resource, public or private, is mapped onto the bits that implement the resource. For types in particular, the assembly can also supply runtime configuration information. A CLI module can be thought of as a packaging of type declarations and implementations, where the packaging decisions can change under the covers without affecting clients of the assembly.
The identity of a type is its assembly scope and its declared name. A type defined identically in two different assemblies is considered two different types.
Assembly Dependencies: An assembly can depend on other assemblies. This happens when implementations in the scope of one assembly reference resources that are scoped in or owned by another assembly.
All references to other assemblies are resolved under the control of the current assembly scope. This gives an assembly an opportunity to control how a reference to another assembly is mapped onto a particular version (or other characteristic) of that referenced assembly (although that target assembly has sole control over how the referenced resource is resolved to an implementation).
It is always possible to determine which assembly scope a particular implementation is running in. All requests originating from that assembly scope are resolved relative to that scope.
From a deployment perspective, an assembly can be deployed by itself, with the assumption that any other referenced assemblies will be available in the deployed environment. Or, it can be deployed with its dependent assemblies.
Manifests: Every assembly has a manifest that declares which files make up the assembly, what types are exported, and what other assemblies are required to resolve type references within the assembly. Just as CLI components are self-describing via metadata in the CLI component, so are assemblies self-describing via their manifests. When a single file makes up an assembly it contains both the metadata describing the types defined in the assembly and the metadata describing the assembly itself. When an assembly contains more than one file with metadata, each of the files describes the types defined in the file, if any, and one of these files also contains the metadata describing the assembly (including the names of the other files, their cryptographic hashes, and the types they export outside of the assembly).
Applications: Assemblies introduce isolation semantics for applications. An application is simply an assembly that has an external entry point that triggers (or causes a hosting environment such as a browser to trigger) the creation of a new application domain. This entry point is effectively the root of a tree of request invocations and resolutions. Some applications are a single, self-contained assembly. Others require the availability of other assemblies to provide needed resources. In either case, when a request is resolved to a module to load, the module is loaded into the same application domain from which the request originated. It is possible to monitor or stop an application via the application domain.
References: A reference to a type always qualifies a type name with the assembly scope within which the reference is to be resolved; that is, an assembly establishes the name scope of available resources. However, rather than establishing relationships between individual modules and referenced assemblies, every reference is resolved through the current assembly. This allows each assembly to have absolute control over how references are resolved. See Partition II.