$ docker-compose up -d
10:35:13.093 INFO (Graph.java:980) Summary (number of each type of annotation):
10:35:13.136 INFO (Graph.java:988) BogusShapeDistanceTraveled - 866
10:35:13.137 INFO (Graph.java:988) BogusShapeGeometryCaught - 99
10:35:13.138 INFO (Graph.java:988) GraphConnectivity - 7037
10:35:13.138 INFO (Graph.java:988) Graphwide - 1
10:35:13.139 INFO (Graph.java:988) HopSpeedFast - 23461
10:35:13.139 INFO (Graph.java:988) HopSpeedSlow - 39
10:35:13.139 INFO (Graph.java:988) HopZeroTime - 33549
10:35:13.139 INFO (Graph.java:988) LevelAmbiguous - 753
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) ParkAndRideUnlinked - 12
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) StopLinkedTooFar - 191
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) StopNotLinkedForTransfers - 643
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) StopUnlinked - 573
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) TurnRestrictionBad - 496
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) TurnRestrictionException - 106
10:35:13.140 INFO (Graph.java:988) TurnRestrictionUnknown - 59
10:35:13.362 INFO (Graph.java:826) Main graph size: |V|=1113693 |E|=2926193
10:35:13.362 INFO (Graph.java:827) Writing graph /opt/opentripplanner/build/default/Graph.obj ...
Successfully built cf2ff3e4936f
Successfully tagged 02-otp-and-graph-building_graph:latest
WARNING: Image for service graph was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating 02-otp-and-graph-building_graph_1 ... done
Creating 02-otp-and-graph-building_opentripplanner_1 ... done
To verify that the OpenTripPlanner started successfully, you may check for the following lines in the logs:
$ docker logs 02-otp-and-graph-building_opentripplanner_1
12:14:53.850 INFO (NetworkListener.java:755) Started listener bound to []
12:14:53.863 INFO (NetworkListener.java:755) Started listener bound to []
12:14:53.865 INFO (HttpServer.java:300) [HttpServer] Started.
12:14:53.865 INFO (GrizzlyServer.java:154) Grizzly server running.
Now OpenTripPlanner is ready and you may access the internal OTP front end via http://localhost:8090 (Note the port is 8090 as 8080 is mapped to 8090 in the docker-compose.yml).
If that worked, you may adapt the config to supply your proper data.
If you want to build and run OpenTripPlanner with your own GTFS/OSM data, copy .env
to e.g. .env.mycity
, edit especially the GTFS_URL and OSM_URL variables to point to your data:
# URL to the GTFS feed used for routing
# URL to the OSM region used for routing.
# Memory allocated to OpenTripPlanner when building the Graph
# Port to access OpenTripPlanner on the host machine
# Image used to build (and run) OpenTripPlanner
# Image tag used to build (and run) OpenTripPlanner
Finally run docker-compose specifying your adapted config file (be sure to pass the --build flag, so containers are rebuilt):
Note: Please make sure that you have at least docker-compose
$ docker-compose --env-file=.env.mycity up --build -d