The Stackable Operator for Apache ZooKeeper creates a number of discovery profiles, which are client configuration bundles that allow access to the Apache ZooKeeper cluster. These are published into the Kubernetes cluster as ConfigMap objects.
Discovery profiles are generated for each ZookeeperCluster and ZookeeperZnode object, the name of which is the "base name" of the profile.
This profile allows access to the Apache ZooKeeper cluster from inside the Kubernetes cluster, and connects directly to the Pod identity.
The name of the ConfigMap created for this discovery profile is $BASENAME
Each discovery profile contains the following fields:
A connection string, as accepted by the official Java client, e.g.
A comma-separated list of
, e.g.test-zk-server-default-0.test-zk-server-default.kuttl-test-proper-spaniel.svc.cluster.local:2282,test-zk-server-default-1.test-zk-server-default.kuttl-test-proper-spaniel.svc.cluster.local:2282
The name of the root ZNode associated with the discovery profile, should be used if (and only if) connecting using
(rather thanZOOKEEPER
), e.g./znode-4e169890-d2eb-4d62-9515-e4786f0ac58e
in case of a ZNode discovery or/
in case of a ZookeeperServer discovery ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT
The port clients should use when connecting, e.g.