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Stackable Docker Images

This repository contains Dockerfiles and scripts to build base images for use within Stackable.

Build Airflow Build Druid Build Hadoop Build HBase
Build Hello-World Build Hive Build Java Base Build Java Development
Build Kafka Testing Tools Build Kafka Build kcat Build Krb5
Build NiFi Build Omid Build OPA Build Spark K8s
Build Stackable Base Build Superset Build Testing Tools Build Tools
Build Trino CLI Build Trino Build Vector Build ZooKeeper


Build Product Images

Product images are published to the registry under the sdp organization by default.

Build single products locally

To build and push product images to the default repository use this command:

bake --product zookeeper --image 0.0.0-dev --push

This will build images for Apache ZooKeeper versions as defined in the file, tag them with the image-version 0.0.0-dev and push them to the registry.

You can select a specific version of a product to build using the syntax product=version e.g. to build Hive 3.1.3 you can use this command:

bake --product hive=3.1.3 -i 0.0.0-dev


-i is the shorthand for --image (i.e. the resulting image tag)

Build all products locally

To build all products in all versions locally you can use this command

bake --image-version 0.0.0-dev

Build everything in GitHub

The GitHub action called Build (and optionally publish) 0.0.0-dev images can be triggered manually to do build all images in all versions. When triggered manually it will not push the images to the registry.


Many products apply Stackable-specific patches, managed by Patchable.

Patchable doesn't edit anything by itself. Instead, it's a uniform way to apply a set of patches to an upstream Git repository, and then export your local changes back into patch files.

It doesn't care about how you make your local changes - you can edit the branch created by patchable using any Git frontend, such as the git CLI or jj.

This way, the patch files are the global source of truth and track the history of our patch series, while you can still use the same familiar Git tools to manipulate them.

Check out patched sources locally


This is not required for building images, but is used for when hacking on or debugging patch series.

# Fetches the upstream repository (if required), and creates a git worktree to work with it
# It also creates two branches:
# - patchable/{version} (HEAD, has all patches applied)
# - patchable/base/{version} (the upstream)
pushd $(cargo patchable checkout druid 26.0.0)

# Commit to add new patches
# NOTE: the commit message will be used to construct the patch filename. Spaces
# will be converted to hyphens automatically.
git commit

# Rebase against the base commit to edit or remove patches
git rebase --interactive patchable/base/26.0.0
# jj edit also works, but make sure to go back to the tip before exporting

# When done, export your patches and commit them (to docker-images)
cargo patchable export druid 26.0.0
git status

![CAUTION] cargo patchable export exports whatever is currently checked out (HEAD) in the worktree. If you use jj edit (or git switch) then you must go back to the tip before exporting, or any patches after that point will be omitted from the export.

Initialize a new patch series

Patchable stores metadata about each patch series in its patchable.toml, and will not be able to check out a patch series that lacks one. It can be generated using cargo patchable init:

cargo patchable init druid 28.0.0 --upstream --base druid-28.0.0
cargo patchable checkout druid 28.0.0

Importing patch series into Patchable

Patchable is stricter about applying invalid patches (both metadata and patches themselves) than Git is.

If an initial cargo patchable checkout fails then git am can be useful for the initial migration:

# Create Patchable configuration for the new version, if it doesn't already exist
cargo patchable init druid 30.0.0 --upstream --base druid-30.0.0
# Check out the upstream base commit, without trying to apply the patches
pushd $(cargo patchable checkout druid 30.0.0 --base-only)

# Apply the patch series
git am ../../../stackable/patches/30.0.0/*.patch
# Resolve any conflicts that arise, and `git am --continue` until done

# Leave and export the new patch series!
cargo patchable export druid 30.0.0

Porting patch series to a new version

Patchable doesn't support restoring a patch series that doesn't apply cleanly. Instead, use git cherry-pick to rebase the patch series.

For example, let's try rebasing our patch series from Druid 26.0.0 to Druid 28.0.0 (which is not packaged by SDP):

# Restore the old version
# In addition to creating the version worktree, this also creates the branches patchable/26.0.0 (26.0.0 with our patches applied) and
# patchable/base/26.0.0 (upstream 26.0.0 with no patches).
cargo patchable checkout druid 26.0.0
# Tell Patchable about the new version 28.0.0, which can be fetched from, and has the tag druid-28.0.0
cargo patchable init druid 28.0.0 --upstream --base druid-28.0.0
# Create and go to the worktree for the new version
pushd $(cargo patchable checkout druid 28.0.0)

# Cherry pick the old patch series
git cherry-pick patchable/base/26.0.0..patchable/26.0.0
# Solve conflicts and `git cherry-pick --continue` until done
# You can also use `git cherry-pick --skip` to skip resolving conflicts for patches that are no longer required

# If some patches are no longer required, use an interactive rebase to remove them (or do other cleanup)
git rebase --interactive patchable/base/28.0.0

# Leave and export the new patch series!
cargo patchable export druid 28.0.0
git status

Porting patches between versions

Individual patches can also be cherry-picked across versions.

For example, assuming we are in the Druid 28.0.0 workspace and want to port the last patch of the Druid 26.0.0 series:

# git cherry-pick <hash> is also fine for grabbing arbitrary patches
git cherry-pick patchable/26.0.0

Verify Product Images

To verify if Apache Zookeeper validate against OpenShift preflight, run:

check-container --product zookeeper --image 0.0.0-dev

ubi8-rust-builder / ubi9-rust-builder

These images are meant to be used in multi-stage builds as a base image for projects building Rust projects. They are automatically rebuilt and pushed every night and also on every push to the main branch, in addition a build can be triggered using GitHub Actions.

The image will run cargo build --release in the current context and copy all binaries to an /app directory.

This will bake in the current stable Rust version at the time this image was built, which means it should be rebuilt (and tagged) for every release of Rust.

Example usage

FROM AS builder

FROM AS operator
LABEL maintainer="Stackable GmbH"

# Update image
RUN microdnf update \
  && microdnf install \
    shadow-utils \
  && rm -rf /var/cache/yum

COPY --from=builder /app/stackable-zookeeper-operator /

RUN groupadd -g 1000 stackable && adduser -u 1000 -g stackable -c 'Stackable Operator' stackable

USER 1000:1000

ENTRYPOINT ["/stackable-zookeeper-operator"]