Releases: squidfunk/mkdocs-material
Releases · squidfunk/mkdocs-material
- Added support for page-specific title and description using metadata
- Added support for linking source files to documentation
- Fixed jitter and offset of sidebar when zooming browser
- Fixed incorrectly initialized tablet sidebar height
- Fixed regression for #1: GitHub stars break if
ends with a/
- Fixed undesired white line below copyright footer due to base font scaling
- Fixed issue with whitespace in path for scripts
- Fixed #205: support non-fixed (static) header
- Refactored footnote references for better visibility
- Reduced repaints to a minimum for non-tabs configuration
- Reduced contrast of edit button (slightly)
- Added
) style for Admonition - Added help message to build pipeline
- Fixed wrong navigation link colors when applying palette
- Fixed #197: Link missing in tabs navigation on deeply nested items
- Removed unnecessary dev dependencies
- Fixed incorrectly displayed nested lists when using tabs
- Added tabs navigation feature (optional)
- Added Disqus integration (optional)
- Added a high resolution Favicon with the new logo
- Added static type checking using Facebook's Flow
- Fixed #173: Dictionary elements have no bottom spacing
- Fixed #175: Tables cannot be set to 100% width
- Fixed race conditions in build related to asset revisioning
- Fixed accidentally re-introduced Permalink on top-level headline
- Fixed alignment of logo in drawer on IE11
- Refactored styles related to tables
- Refactored and automated Docker build and PyPI release
- Refactored build scripts
- Fixed #117: Table of contents items don't blur on fast scrolling
- Refactored sidebar positioning logic
- Further reduction of repaints
- Fixed #108: Horizontal scrollbar in content area
- Fixed massive repaints happening when scrolling
- Fixed footer back reference positions in case of overflow
- Fixed header logo from showing when the menu icon is rendered
- Changed scrollbar behavior to only show when content overflows
- Introduced Webpack for more sophisticated JavaScript bundling
- Introduced ESLint and Stylelint for code style checks
- Introduced more accurate Material Design colors and shadows
- Introduced modular scales for harmonic font sizing
- Introduced git-hooks for better development workflow
- Rewrite of CSS using the BEM methodology and SassDoc guidelines
- Rewrite of JavaScript using ES6 and Babel as a transpiler
- Rewrite of Admonition, Permalinks and CodeHilite integration
- Rewrite of the complete typographical system
- Rewrite of Gulp asset pipeline in ES6 and separation of tasks
- Removed Bower as a dependency in favor of NPM
- Removed custom icon build in favor of the Material Design iconset
- Removed _blank targets on links due to vulnerability:
- Removed unversioned assets from build directory
- Restructured templates into base templates and partials
- Added build and watch scripts in package.json
- Added support for Metadata and Footnotes Markdown extensions
- Added support for pymdownx.* Markdown extensions
- Added support for collapsible sections in navigation
- Added support for separate table of contents
- Added support for better accessibility through REM-based layout
- Added icons for GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations
- Added more detailed documentation on specimen, extensions etc.
- Added a 404.html error page for deployment on GitHub Pages
- Fixed live reload chain in watch mode when saving a template
- Fixed variable references to work with MkDocs 0.16