Template is a feature that support custom rendering. When creating a calendar instance, custom rendering can be done with template options, and template options can be changed with setOptions
const calendar = new Calendar('#container', {
template: {
milestone(event) {
return `<span style="color: red;">${event.title}</span>`;
template: {
milestone(event) {
return `<span style="color: blue;">${event.title}</span>`;
Each property of the template is a function that returns a VNode of preact
or a string, and the parameters vary depending on the type of template. Below is the full list of templates.
Template name | Parameters | Description |
milestone | EventObject | Milestone events in weekly/daily view |
milestoneTitle | None | The left area of the milestone panel in the weekly/daily view |
task | EventObject | Task events in weekly/daily view |
taskTitle | None | The left area of the task panel in the weekly/daily view |
allday | EventObject | All day events in weekly/daily view |
alldayTitle | None | The left area of the allday panel in the weekly/daily view |
time | EventObject | Timed events in weekly/daily view |
goingDuration | EventObject | Travel time to a certain location of timed event in weekly/daily view |
comingDuration | EventObject | Return time of timed event of weekly/daily view |
monthMoreTitleDate | TemplateMoreTitleDate | Title date of the ‘more events’ popup of monthly view |
monthMoreClose | None | Close button of the ‘more events’ popup of monthly view |
monthGridHeader | TemplateMonthGrid | Header area of cell in monthly view |
monthGridHeaderExceed | number |
A component that displays the number of exceeding events in the header area of a cell of the monthly view. |
monthGridFooter | TemplateMonthGrid | Footer area of cell in monthly view |
monthGridFooterExceed | number |
A component that displays the number of exceeding events in the footer area of a cell of the monthly view. |
monthDayName | TemplateMonthDayName | Day of the week names in the monthly view |
weekDayName | TemplateWeekDayName | Day of the week names in the weekly view |
weekGridFooterExceed | number |
A component displaying exceeded events in allday panel in weekly/daily view |
collapseBtnTitle | None | Collapse button component of allday panel in weekly/daily view |
timezoneDisplayLabel | TemplateTimezone | Label of time zones in weekly/daily view |
timegridDisplayPrimaryTime | TemplateNow | Hours of primary time zone in weekly/daily view |
timegridDisplayTime | TemplateNow | Hours of time zones other than the primary time zone of the weekly/daily view |
timegridNowIndicatorLabel | TemplateNow | Current time in weekly/daily view |
popupIsAllday | None | Text of ‘All day’ in event form popup |
popupStateFree | None | Text of ‘Free’ status in event form popup |
popupStateBusy | None | Text of ‘Busy’ status in event form popup |
titlePlaceholder | None | Event name placeholder in event form popup |
locationPlaceholder | None | Event location placeholder in event form popup |
startDatePlaceholder | None | Event start date placeholder in event form popup |
endDatePlaceholder | None | Event end date placeholder in event form popup |
popupSave | None | Text of the save button in event form popup |
popupUpdate | None | Text of the update button in event form popup |
popupEdit | None | Text of the edit button in event details popup |
popupDelete | None | Text of the delete button in event details popup |
popupDetailTitle | EventObject | Event title in the event details popup |
popupDetailDate | EventObject | Duration of the event in the event details popup |
popupDetailLocation | EventObject | Location of the event in the event details popup |
popupDetailAttendees | EventObject | Attendees of the event in the event details popup |
popupDetailState | EventObject | State of the event in the event details popup |
popupDetailRecurrenceRule | EventObject | Recurrence rule of the event in the event details popup |
popupDetailBody | EventObject | Event details of the event in the event details popup |
You can customize the milestone event of the weekly/daily view by using the EventObject
template: {
milestone(event) {
return `<span style:"color: blue;">${event.title}</span>`;
You can customize the area on the left side of the milestone panel in the weekly/daily view.
template: {
milestoneTitle() {
return `<span>Milestone events</span>`;
You can customize the task events of the weekly/daily view using the EventObject
template: {
task(event) {
return `<span style="color: red;">${event.title}</span>`;
You can customize the area on the left side of the task panel in the weekly/daily view.
template: {
taskTitle() {
return `<span>Task events</span>`;
You can customize the allday event of the weekly/daily view by using the EventObject
template: {
allday(event) {
return `<span style="color: green;">${event.title}</span>`;
You can customize the area on the left side of the allday panel in the weekly/daily view.
template: {
allday() {
return `<span>Allday events</span>`;
You can customize the timed event of the weekly/daily view by using the EventObject
parameter. This part excludes travel time and return time.
template: {
time(event) {
return `<span style="color: black;">${event.title}</span>`;
By using the EventObject
parameter, you can customize the travel time from the weekly/daily view to a certain location of the timed event.
template: {
goingDuration(event) {
return `<span>${event.goingDuration}</span>`;
By using the EventObject
parameter, you can customize the travel time from the weekly/daily view to a certain location of the timed event.
template: {
comingDuration(event) {
return `<span>${event.comingDuration}</span>`;
interface TemplateMoreTitleDate {
ymd: string; // `YYYY-MM-DD` string format data of the date
date: number; // Date number of the date
day: number; // Day of the week for the date
You can customize the date of the Show More popup.
template: {
monthMoreTitleDate(moreTitle) {
const { date } = moreTitle;
return `<span>${date}</span>`;
You can customize the close button for the Show More popup. By default, the close button is not displayed.
template: {
monthMoreClose() {
return '';
interface TemplateMonthGrid {
date: string; // day of the date
day: number; // day of the week on that date
hiddenEventCount: number; // number of events not displayed
isOtherMonth: boolean; // Whether the date is in a different month from the current month view
isToday: boolean; // Whether it is today's date
month: number; // the month number
ymd: string; // `YYYY-MM-DD` string format data of the date
The header area of the monthly view cell can be customized. It receives the TemplateMonthGrid
object as a parameter.
template: {
monthGridHeader(model) {
const date = parseInt(model.date.split('-')[2], 10);
return `<span>${date}</span>`;
You can customize the component that displays the number of events exceeding in the header area of the monthly view cell. Receives the number of events exceeded as a parameter.
template: {
monthGridHeaderExceed(hiddenEvents) {
return `<span>${hiddenEvents} more</span>`;
The footer area of the monthly view cell can be customized. It receives the TemplateMonthGrid
object as a parameter. By default, nothing is displayed.
template: {
monthGridFooter() {
return '';
You can customize the component that displays the number of events exceeding in the footer area of the monthly view cell. Receives the number of events exceeded as a parameter. By default, nothing is displayed.
template: {
monthGridFooterExceed() {
return '';
interface TemplateMonthDayName {
day: number; // The day of the week for that date
label: string; // Basic English abbreviation string for the day of the week
You can customize the day name of the week in the monthly view.
template: {
monthDayName(model) {
return model.label;
interface TemplateWeekDayName {
date: number; // day of the week
day: number; // The day of the week
dayName: string; // Basic English abbreviation string for the day of the week
isToday: boolean; // Whether the day of the week is today
renderDate: string; // Base date of weekly/daily view rendering
dateInstance: TZDate; // `Date` object for the day of the week
You can customize the day name of the week in the weekly/daily view.
template: {
weekDayName(model) {
return `<span>${model.date}</span> <span>${model.dayName}</span>`;
You can customize the component that displays exceeding events in the allday panel of the weekly/daily view. Receives the number of events exceeded as a parameter.
template: {
weekGridFooterExceed(hiddenEvents) {
return `+${hiddenEvents}`;
You can customize the collapse button component of the weekly/daily view.
template: {
collapseBtnTitle() {
return `<span>↑</span>`;
You can customize the label of the time zone in the weekly/daily view that uses two or more time zones.
template: {
timezoneDisplayLabel({ timezoneOffset }) {
const sign = timezoneOffset < 0 ? '-' : '+';
const hours = Math.abs(timezoneOffset / 60);
const minutes = Math.abs(timezoneOffset % 60);
return `GMT${sign}${hours}:${minutes}`;
type TimeUnit = 'second' | 'minute' | 'hour' | 'date' | 'month' | 'year';
interface TemplateNow {
unit: TimeUnit; // Unit of time
time: TZDate; // the time
format: string; // format of the time
You can customize the displayed time of the primary time zone.
template: {
timegridDisplayPrimaryTime({ time }) {
return `primary timezone: ${time}`;
You can customize the displayed time of time zones, except for the primary time zone.
template: {
timegridDisplayTime({ time }) {
return `sub timezone: ${time}`;
You can customize the current time text displayed on the current time indicator.
template: {
timegridNowIndicatorLabel({ time }) {
return `current time: ${time}`;
You can customize the ‘All day’ text in the event form popup.
template: {
popupIsAllday() {
return 'All day';
You can customize the ‘Free’ state of the event in the event form popup.
template: {
popupStateFree() {
return 'Free';
You can customize the ‘Busy’ state of the event in the event form popup.
template: {
popupStateBusy() {
return 'Busy';
You can customize the placeholder for the event title in the event form popup. It must return a string.
template: {
titlePlaceholder() {
return 'Title';
You can customize the placeholder for the event location in the event form popup. It must return a string.
template: {
locationPlaceholder() {
return 'Location';
You can customize the start date placeholder for the event in the event form popup. It must return a string.
template: {
startDatePlaceholder() {
return 'Start date';
You can customize the end date placeholder for the event in the event form popup. It must return a string.
template: {
endDatePlaceholder() {
return 'End date';
You can customize the text of the save button in the event form popup.
template: {
popupSave() {
return 'Add';
You can customize the text of the update button in the event form popup.
template: {
popupUpdate() {
return 'Update';
You can customize the text of the edit button in the event details popup.
template: {
popupEdit() {
return 'Edit';
You can customize the text of the delete button in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDelete() {
return 'Delete';
You can customize the event title in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailTitle({ title }) {
return title;
You can customize the duration of the event in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailDate({ start, end }) {
return `${start.toString()} - ${end.toString()}`;
You can customize the location of the event in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailLocation({ location }) {
return location;
You can customize the attendees of the event in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailAttendees({ attendees = [] }) {
return attendees.join(', ');
You can customize the state of the event in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailState({ state }) {
return state || 'Busy';
You can customize the event recurrence rule in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailRecurrenceRule({ recurrenceRule }) {
return recurrenceRule;
You can customize the contents of the event in the event details popup.
template: {
popupDetailBody({ body }) {
return body;