All notable changes to the "sqlfluff" extension will be documented in this file.
- Update the dialects to add
. Thanks to PaulRBerg's Pull Request
- Update the scope of the settings to 'resource' for more granular settings. Issue
- Silence notification when file/path is in
. Issue
- Update to rule permalinks. Thanks to alanmcruickshank's Pull Request
- Fix bug with ignoring diagnostics
- Correctly parse the sqlfluff version number. Issue
- Improved Handling for Problems in Closed/Deleted files. Thanks to jackfrey13's Pull Request
- Attempt to fix "File path not found" Issue
- Datacoves' dbt-core-interface improvements + new response. Thanks to BAntonellini's Pull Request
- Prevent "Specified path does not exist" error for empty untitled files. Thanks to jackfrey13's Pull Request
- Show the rule name in the problems tab Issue
- Allow the extension to accept warnings from the underlying linter. Thanks to TheCleric's Pull Request
- Add support for --stdin-filename for nested config. Thanks to keraion's Pull Request
- Add support for ${userHome}. Thanks to keraion's Pull Request
- Update changelog
- Add a status bar button that runs "Format document with sqlfluff"
- If dbt-core-interface is enabled in the extension
- The "fix" command should use dbt-core-interface /format endpoint
- The "format selection" action should also use dbt-core-interface /format endpoint
- Update for sqlfluff version 3.0.0.
- Add Vertica dialect.
- Removed
as it is the default for >= 3.0.0.
- Switch DBT Osmosis to DBT Core Interface. Thanks to BAntonellini's Pull Request
- Use uppercase drive letters on Windows. Thanks to mhahn-ts's Pull Request
- Show context menu items by default.
- Always allow for commands to show on enabled languages.
- Fix bugs with
SQLFluff Format Selection
- Fix bug with
SQLFluff Format Selection
now can be placed in the context menu.
- Update the
to accept objects containing formatting settings for the languages to address this Feature Request - Format selection now can format while preserving the whitespace (based on first line)
SQLFluff Format Selection
now can be placed in the context menu.
- Fix - Stop SQLFluff output channel from showing twice
- Update the
enum - Update the
defaults to the sqlfluff 2.0 rule values
- Add the
setting to allow for users to determine which languages the formatting activates for - Add the
setting to allow for users to determine which languages the linting activates for
- Add the ability to
Format Selection
- Add the command
to reveal the SQLFluff Output Channel - Display error for ignored parsing issues when attempting a format
- Add the option
- Add the command
to help users with debugging the extension when they run into issues.
- Add the options
to address this Feature Request - Deprecate
in favor ofsqlfluff.env.environmentVariables
- Fix typo in the word "executable"
- Update description for workingDirectory setting. Thanks to qbatten's Pull Request
- Add
variable thanks to pdecat's Pull Request
- Update README Pull Request
- Add snowflake-sql support. Thanks to rubensa's Pull Request
- Update URL for sqlfluff rules documentation on hover.
- Update README to note rules documentation only works with SQLFluff v2.0.0 or greater
- Update URL for sqlfluff rules documentation. Thanks to yaegassy's Pull Request
- Add duckdb to the dialect options. Thanks to rene-haskia's Pull Request
- Fix Issue #88
- Change the linting to match files exactly when possible
- Do not attempt to lint diff files
- Add snowflake-sql support. Thanks to fdrijver's Pull Request
- Allow for variables in the working directory setting.
- Allow for variables in the configuration setting.
- Do not show error if ignored file does not lint.
- Add postgres as a language option. Thanks to frederikaalund's Pull Request
- Fix linting not clearing diagnostics when there are no linting problems.
- Improve the
to lint the entire workspace at once.
- Add a
configuration setting to allow users to set their own environment variables. - Improve the
setup to limit the amount of files that are linted at any one time to 5 files.
- Allow the extension to work while not in a workspace.
- Improve the
View Documentation
hover to more often show when any part of the word is hovered over.
- Re-order the quick fix options.
- Implement
options to disable code actions.
- Implement quick fix options to add the
or--noqa: <rule>
to the linter.
- Add
configuration option that defaults tofalse
- Add
configuration option. - SQLFluff now lints all files when VSCode is loaded or a config is changed.
- Add
SQLFluff Lint
andSQLFluff Fix
- Add
configuration option.
- Add
configuration options..
- Add to the new Sponsors section.
- Add
setting to hide notification messages. - Solve issue #54 thanks to XiChu2333's Pull Request
- Add quickfix option to exclude the rule from the workspace settings instead of the global settings.
- Add a hover provider to view the documentation from the SQLFluff site.
- #60 New JSON escaping normalization.
- Add the quick fix option to view the SQLFluff documention on the SQLFluff website.
- Fix the diagnostics so the quick fix can be triggered by any location on the problem word.
- This release rewrites some of the extension code, but should leave the functionality the same.
- There is now an output channel (SQLFluff) that contains additional information about the commands and can help with debugging.
- The
settings can now make use of configuration variables. - (#59) Fix issues with spawned procs, stdin use, env, and output.
- Takes inspiration from (#56) Fix issues with spawned procs, stdin use, env, and output.
- #57 Fix automated tests and JSON parsing errors.
- #9 adds VS Code "format" capability to run "fix" in SQLFLuff
- #31 updates CLI args and adds ignoreParsing option
- #26 remove obsolete "--no-safety" flag
- #8 fixes line number mismatch
- Bumps lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
- #2 support for jinja-sql
- #1 default switched to onType