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Releases: soto-project/soto

v6.0.0 Alpha 2

08 Jan 14:07
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v6.0.0 Alpha 2 Pre-release

Minor version changes

  • Set Swift Concurrency API availability to macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, and watch 6.0
  • Lambda: Use SotoCore.Region for ListFunctionsRequest.masterRegion as is the case in v5.x.x


07 Jan 08:09
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Using v5.9.1 of soto-core.
Sync'ed service models to v1.42.27 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • AmplifyUIBuilder
  • BackupGateway
  • CloudWatchEvidently
  • CloudWatchRUM
  • Inspector2
  • MigrationHubRefactorSpaces
  • RecycleBin
  • WorkSpacesWeb

Minor Release Changes

  • Swift concurrency APIs are now available for macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 12 and watchOS 6

Patch Release Changes

  • Create new version of CloudFront.HttpVersion which uses uppercase strings.
  • Remove ComprehendMedical. EntitySubType patch as the models have been fixed.
  • Remove SQS.QueueAttributeName patch as the models have been fixed.


17 Dec 17:45
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v6.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This is the first alpha release of v6.0.0 of Soto

Major release changes

  • The major change in v6 is in actual an internal change, but it affects everything. We have moved from generating the AWS Service files from the json model files to the new Smithy format model files. There is a formal spec for the Smithy format unlike the original json files. AWS are moving to using Smithy for all of their SDKs.
  • The Soto service code generator is now a separate project, instead of being in the same repo as Soto, and can be found here.
  • In theory the above changes shouldn't affect anything but with this move some service names have changed and some APIs have changed name. Because of this I have decided to do a major release for this change. It also allows me to clean up some other APIs I was unhappy about.
  • It is now required you use AsyncHTTPClient with Soto. Previously a protocol was available which you could conform to. This change has been implemented to reduce the API surface of Soto and to allow us more flexibility in how we integrate with the HTTP client.
  • There have been a number of fixes to enum and variable names. Enums are now camel cased, previously they were all lowercased. Variable names that started with an uppercase acronym now capitalise correctly. Previously the first letter of the name was lowercased, ignoring the rest of the acronym. This gave us eC2InstanceDetails instead of ec2InstanceDetails. This is now fixed.

New services

AmplifyUIBuilder, BackupGateway, Evidently, Inspector2, IoTTwinMaker, MigrationHubRefactorSpaces, RUM, Rbin, WorkSpacesWeb

Services removed

SimpleDB, ImportExport, MobileAnalytics

Service name changes

AppIntegrationsService -> AppIntegrations
AppRegistry -> ServiceCatalogAppRegistry
AugmentedAIRuntime -> SageMakerA2IRuntime
CloudControlApi -> CloudControl
CodeStarconnections -> CodeStarConnections
ConnectWisdomService -> Wisdom
CostandUsageReportService -> CostAndUsageReportService
ElasticLoadBalancingv2 -> ElasticLoadBalancingV2
FinSpaceData -> FinspaceData
ForecastService -> Forecast
ForecastQueryService -> Forecastquery
GlueDataBrew -> DataBrew
KinesisVideoSignalingChannels -> KinesisVideoSignaling
LocationService -> Location
LookoutforVision -> LookoutVision
ManagedGrafana -> Grafana
MigrationHubStrategyRecommendations -> MigrationHubStrategy
NimbleStudio -> Nimble
OpenSearchService -> OpenSearch
PrometheusService -> Amp
RDSDataService -> RDSData
RedshiftDataAPIService -> RedshiftData
ResilienceHub -> Resiliencehub
SESV2 -> SESv2
SagemakerEdgeManager -> SagemakerEdge
TranscribeService -> Transcribe
TranscribeStreamingService -> TranscribeStreaming

Minor release changes

  • Where operation input struct has deprecated members add an additional init which doesn't include deprecated members and deprecate old init.
  • S3: MD5 checksums are no longer automatically calculated (unless required). You can re-enable the automatic calculation of MD5 checksums using the S3 service option .calculateMD5.
  • S3: Added async versions of Multipart Upload/download functions
  • S3: Send Expect: 100-continue header to cancel large uploads early if AWS know they are going to fail.


24 Nov 08:31
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Sync'ed service models to v1.42.10 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • AppConfigData
  • ChimeSDKMeetings
  • DRS
  • MigrationHubStrategyRecommendations
  • Panorama
  • ResilienceHub

Patch version changes

  • SQS: Patch enum SQS.QueueAttributeName to include new entry SqsManagedSseEnabled.


11 Oct 15:51
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Using v5.7.0 of soto-core.
Sync'ed service models to v1.40.59 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • Account: Manage AWS accounts.
  • CloudControlApi: Create, read, update, delete, and list (CRUD-L) your cloud resources that belong to a wide range of services.
  • ConnectWisdomService: A feature of Amazon Connect, delivers agents the information they need, reducing the time spent searching for answers.
  • ManagedGrafana: Fully managed and secure data visualization service.
  • VoiceID: Provides real-time caller authentication and fraud screening.

Minor Version Changes

  • Add IdentityProviderFactory.externalIdentityProvider which allows for a .cognitoIdentity credential provider to ask an external service for an identity.

v5.9.0 (Async/Await)

24 Sep 08:18
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Using v5.7.0 of soto-core.
Sync'ed service models to v1.40.45 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • Kafka Connect:
  • OpenSearchService: Successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Deploy, operate, scale OpenSearch clusters

Minor changes

  • Added support for new Swift 5.5 concurrency features. Support incudes
    • Async/await versions of all service operations
    • AsyncSequence paginators
    • Async/await versions of waiters
    • Async/await versions of signURL/Headers
    • AWSPayload can be created from AsyncSequence of BtteBuffers
    • Async/await versions of DynamoDB Codable API

Patch changes

  • Where applicable replace NIO imports with NIOCore or NIOPosix.


06 Sep 09:27
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  • Fixes issue in v5.8.0 where it was dependent on the main branch of SotoCore and not v5.6.0


06 Sep 09:22
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Using v5.6.0 of soto-core.
Sync'ed service models to v1.40.37 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • ChimeSDKIdentity: Allow you to create and manage unique instances of their messaging applications
  • ChimeSDKMessaging: Allow you to send and receive messages in custom messaging applications
  • MemoryDB: Redis compatible in memory database
  • Route53RecoveryCluster/...ControlConfig/...Readiness: Routing controls that enable you to recover applications by rerouting traffic
  • SnowDeviceManagement: A low-level APIs representing AWS Snow Device Management

Minor changes

  • Add support for endpoint discovery. This is required by TimeStream and is available for use by DynamoDB. PR #517
  • Added AWSServiceConfig.Options.enableEndpointDiscovery to enable endpoint discovery where it is optional, eg DynamoDB.

Patch changes

  • Fixed issue with S3.resumeMultipartUpload not updating completedParts when it failed. PR #515
  • Fixed issue with S3.resumeMultipartUpload causing a stack overflow if too many parts were completed. PR #519


21 Jul 14:57
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Using v5.4.0 of soto-core.
Sync'ed service models to v1.40.2 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • Proton: Fully managed delivery service for container and serverless applications.

Minor changes

  • Swift 5.2 is now the minimum requirement. PR #505
  • Add support for waiters (client-side abstraction used to poll a resource until a desired state is reached). PR #504
  • Add support for services that require a host prefix for certain API calls. Fixes issues with Chime, Location, MWAA. PR #507
  • Remove S3ControlMiddleware as the host prefix code is sufficient to ensure we are sending S3Control requests to the correct host.
  • This release brings in a new dependency: JMESPath.


09 Jun 15:21
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Sync'ed service models to v1.38.55 of aws-sdk-go.

New Services

  • AppRunner: Build and run your containerized web application in AWS.
  • ApplicationCostProfiler: Enables you to view apportioned cost of AWS resources for software applications shared by multiple users.
  • FinSpace/FinSpaceData: Data management and analytics service purpose-built for the financial services industry.
  • SSMContacts: AWS System Manager Incident Manager contacts, responders to incidents
  • SSMIncidents: AWS System Manager Incident Manager