By default games have to be placed into the external storage device. This is usually the SD-card, but this can vary.
Place the game into the directory
is what will be displayed in the game list.
Global options can be configured by pressing the MENU button on the game list and choosing the "Preferences" item. These settings apply to all games unless they have their own custom preferences set.
By performing a longclick on a game entry in the list, a menu opens that lets you choose custom preferences specifically for that game.
In the same menu you can also choose "Continue" to resume the game from your last savegame.
- Finger movement: Moving the mouse cursor
- Single finger tap: Perform a left click
- Tap with two fingers: Perform a right click
- Longclick: Hold down the left mouse button until tapping the screen again
- MENU button: Opens a menu for key input and quitting the game
- MENU button longpress: Opens and closes the onscreen keyboard
- BACK button: Sends ESC key command to the game
- BACK button longpress: Opens a menu for key input and quitting the game
Unsigned APKs suitable for running any compatible AGS game may be found linked in the corresponding release posts on AGS forum board.
For midi music playback, you have to download GUS patches. We recommend "Richard Sanders's GUS patches" from this address:
A direct link is here:
This 'digmid.dat' is, in fact, a bzip2 archive, containing actual data file, which should be about 25 MB large. Extract that file, rename it to patches.dat and place it into the ags directory alongside your games.
The Android app consists of three parts, each with different requirements:
- Java app: needs the Android SDK for Windows, Linux or Mac. If you build from command-line as opposed to Android Studio you also need Apache Ant. Requires built native engine library.
- Native engine library: needs the Android NDK for Windows, Linux or Mac. Requires built native 3rd party libraries.
- Native 3rd party libraries: need the Android NDK for Linux and number of tools (see full list in the corresponding section below).
For example, if you have got prebuilt native engine library (e.g. provided as a part of AGS release), you may follow instructions for "Java app" straight away. If you are building from scratch, then first follow "Native 3rd party libraries", then "Native engine library", and "Java app" only then.
These are backend and utility libraries necessary for the AGS engine. Building them currently is only possible on Linux.
- Android NDK r16b (not later). This is the preferred NDK which is still able to build all the libraries and produce output compatible with older devices that we still support. Download link:
- Following tools must be installed on your Linux system as they are used for downloading library sources and during build process: autoconf, automake, cmake, curl, libtool.
After you have installed Android NDK you have to prepare three standalone toolchains for the android-14 platform, for "arm", "x86" and "mips" processors. (See for general reference.)
Set NDK_HOME variable, pointing to the location of Android NDK at your system, e.g. assuming the ndk is installed in '/opt/android-ndk-r16b':
$ export NDK_HOME=/opt/android-ndk-r16b
then generate toolchains:
$ $NDK_HOME/build/tools/ --arch arm --api 14 --install-dir $NDK_HOME/platforms/android-14/arm
$ $NDK_HOME/build/tools/ --arch x86 --api 14 --install-dir $NDK_HOME/platforms/android-14/x86
$ $NDK_HOME/build/tools/ --arch mips --api 14 --install-dir $NDK_HOME/platforms/android-14/mips
If you don't specify "--install-dir" this will create an archive in a working directory, in which case you should manually unpack it to the respective place.
Now, assuming <SOURCE>
is AGS source location,
$ cd <SOURCE>/Android/buildlibs
$ ./
This will download, patch, build and properly install the required libraries.
Library sources must be available in <SOURCE>/libsrc
. Compiled libraries will be put in <SOURCE>/Android/nativelibs
This is the main AGS engine code. Before building it you must have native 3rd party libraries ready.
IMPORTANT: Android port integrates number of plugins as a part of the engine. Some of the plugin sources
may be included as submodules, so make sure to initialize submodules before compiling it, e.g. from the
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
It must be compiled using the Android NDK. This can
simply be done by running ndk-build within the
e.g. (assuming the NDK is installed in /opt)
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-ndk-r16b
$ cd <SOURCE>/Android/library
$ ndk-build
The native code is built for all current Android architecture, that is armv6, armv7-a, x86 and mips.
There are two parts to the Java app, one is the engine library in <SOURCE>/Android/library
and the other one is the launcher app. The default launcher which displays a list of games from the SD-card is in <SOURCE>/Android/launcher_list
You must have installed Android SDK with platform support for Android 4.1 (api level 16); this may be done through Android Studio's SDK manager.
Alternatively, if you do not want to install full Android Studio IDE, you may download only command-line SDK tools. In that case you will have to use following command to download and install necessary components:
$ cd <SDK>/tools/bin
$ ./sdkmanager "build-tools;x.x.x" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-16"
In the above <SDK>
is where you've unpacked SDK "tools", and x.x.x
in build-tools;x.x.x
is the version of build tools you'd prefer, commonly the latest one. To see the list of available components do e.g. -
$ ./sdkmanager --list | grep build-tools
The easiest way to build the app is to create an Android project in Eclipse. Choose the "create from existing source" option and point Eclipse to the launcher directory.
To build from the command line, you can use Apache Ant (should have it installed first). If you go this way you also have to download an older version of Android SDK tools folder because ant's scripts were removed from the newer SDKs. See this question for the reference. The download link for Linux:
This archive contains "tools" directory which should be merged with the directory of same name inside SDK, skipping existing files.
Now you are ready to run the ant script, e.g. (assuming the SDK is installed in /opt):
$ export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk-linux
$ cd <SOURCE>/Android/launcher_list
$ ant debug
$ ant release # for release build
Android SDK:
Android NDK:
Android thread on the AGS forum: